Eng 112 - Chapter Two
Terms: ebullience (38), recrimination (43), tumult (43), tirade (45)
1. What does the conch symbolize?
2. Add any new details to your character profiles of: Ralph, Jack, Simon, Piggy
3. Page 33. Ralph asks the boys to put their hands up when they want to talk. How secure is this rule? On what is it based?
4. Page 35-36. One of the littluns claims to have seen something. What is it? What was the reaction of the group?
5. Page 38. Piggy states that the boys are acting ‘Like a crowd of kids-‘ Is Piggy right? What is the evidence?
6. Who is to blame for the child’s death?
Chapter 3
Terms: oppressive (49), inscrutable (49), vicissitudes (49), declivities (54), rapt (54), tacit (55)
1. What do the huts symbolize? Why is their collapsing significant?
2. Page 52 Explain the significance of the following quote:
“If it rains like when we dropped in we’ll need shelters all right. And then another thing. We need shelters because of the--- He paused for a moment and they both pushed their anger away. Then he went on with the safe, changed subject."
3. What are Jack’s feelings on the idea of the beastie? (page 53)
4. Page 53 Explain the significance of the following quote:
"Jack had to think for a moment before he could remember what rescue was."
5. In this chapter, the different attitudes to life on the island for Ralph, Jack, and Simon are clarified much more deeply. Discuss how each boy feels.
6. Add to character profiles.