Posted: November 1, 2019
Science 10
no HW, you will continue designing and planning your roller coaster project on Monday
Human Physiology 110
no HW, reminder Quiz on Wednesday on Blood and Blood Types
Posted: November 1, 2019
Science 10
no HW, you will continue designing and planning your roller coaster project on Monday
Human Physiology 110
no HW, reminder Quiz on Wednesday on Blood and Blood Types
Posted: October 31, 2019
Science 10
no HW, we will continue working on our Roller Coaster Project tomorrow
Human Physiology 110
no HW, notes from today are posted below.
Posted: October 30, 2019
Science 10
no HW, we will continue working on our Roller Coaster Projects tomorrow
Human Physiology 110
no HW, notes from today are posted below.
Posted: October 25, 2019
Science 10
Test Monday on Chp 6, answers to review are posted below
Human Physiology 110
complete Blood Vessel Assignment, notes from today are posted below
Posted: October 24, 2019
Science 10
pg 247 #4,5 and Reaction Review WS, notes from today are posted below.
Test on Monday on Chp 6
Human Physiology 110
complete assignment that was started in class today pg 383 #1,2, Section Review 22-1 and the following quesitons
1. Which two valves prevent blood from flowing backwards?
2. Why do we say that the circulatory system is a closed system?
3. What is the difference between a ventricle and an atrium?
4. Name the three valves contained within the heart.
Posted: October 22, 2019
Science 10
complete pg 235 #1-4, notes from today are posted below
Reminder Test Monday on Chp 6
Human Physiology 110
no HW, notes from today are posted below
Reminder you will be given time tomorrow to work on your wellness portfoilios bring what you need
Posted: October 21, 2019
Science 10
notes from todays class are posted below, HW complete: pg 232 #1,3-5a
Reminder Test Chp 6 next Monday
Human Physiology 110
no HW we had our test today on Digestion
Cross Country
Students are reminded to return Jerseys to me ASAP
Posted: October 17, 2019
Science 10
no HW, we will continue working on our lab reports tomorrow
Human Physiology 110
Test on Monday on Digestive System, answer to review sheets and questions are posted below.
Cross Country
students meet at the front of the school at 7am to depart for Saint John. Make sure you bring clothes appropriate for the weather.
Posted: October 16, 2019
Science 10
we wrote hypothesis statments based on yesterdays lab, reminder you must have your new lab procedure written and checked before you can enter the lab.
Human Physiology 110
no HW, notes from today are posted below
Reminder Digestion Unit Test Monday
Posted: October 11, 2019
Science 10
complete pg 223 #4,5/ Conserving Mass WS
Human Physiology 110
no HW, notes from today are posted below. I will give you some time to work on this again on Tuesday.
Reminder Test Friday on Digestive System
Cross Country
Students are reminded to meet at the school at 8:30am tomorrow morning. Please bring appropriate gear for the weather. Also bring a lunch and snacks. We may stop on the way home if so bring some cash.