Posted: December 5, 2014
Mr. Gopee
Teacher Page
Posted: December 1, 2014
Law 120: The students will begin working on their case study today. Case #1- Two appointed Lawyers will have one day to review the case. Witnesses will read through their statements and spend the research time on a writing assignment: Choose a controverial topic (abortion, capital punshiment, religion in school ect.) And write a persuasive argument to win the reader to yoour side. Include at at least 5 resources to support your answer. Paper should be 2 pages in length double spaced.
court schedule: Monday- outline of court case and witness statements.
Tuesday- Opening statements and court proceedures
Wednesday- Trial begins- Crown calls their 3 witnesses and defense cross examines
Thursday- Defense calls 3 witnesses and Crown cross examines
Friday- Closing statements and jury decides.
History 113: How well do you know Hitler game (15 minutes)- foreign policy. (15 minutes) Look at newspaper that taklks about war. Read one article and summerize it in your books. (20 minutes)
Reading tutor: Canadian students interact with international students to better thier english speaking skills.
History 10- Ancient History: Alexander the Great discussion- who is he and what did he do- Pages 148-151. Prophercy of Alexander the Great,
Posted: November 28, 2014
Law 120- Students will finish working on their How to be a lawyer worksheet. This will give students an idea as to the career path that laws take and investigate their roles and responsibilities.
History 113: Students will finish their WW2 Newspaper. Then students will begin to work on their extra credit work. The students should try to finish this up for next class day.
Reading tutor: Students will present their information on places they would like to visit. This week we worked on descriptive words and how they are used in sentences. Students were engaged in groups to practice english speaking skills and then presented their infromation to their peers.
Ancient History: Students have just completed their newspaper article on one of the Persian wars. The students will now begin background research about Alexander the great. Each students will prepare 1-2 page report explaining the following: Text book pages 148-151 can help you) Have this ready for Monday's class.
Who was king Phillip and what advantages allowed him to conquer the Greek city states?
What are the most significant accomplishments associated with the Hellenstic age?
Why was Alexander called the Great? (what did he do in order to become great?
Bio- His family background?- (where did he come from- talk about his father- King phillip)
Legends or myths about him.(Example Gordian knot- try to find other ideas besides this legend if you can)
Tell me about his war efforts- (where did he go, war fighting techniques, ever defeated?)
How did he die?
Posted: November 25, 2014
I am in my classroom giving First Aid training, so my classroom is off limits today. Students will be booked into different rooms.
Period 2 Law 120- Lab-Industrial 276- Law students are working on computers today. The students have been talking about the jury system. Today we begin working on Lawyers. Please have the students prepare a 1-2 page report on the roles and responsibilities of being a Lawyer. Here are some guided questions for them as they prepare their report.
1. Often times there are certain personalities that help in one’s career choice. What kind of personality type lends itself to the role of a lawyer?
2. Chart the journey to become a lawyer, what degrees, where does one study?
3. Explain the “Bar” exam- what is? It what does it mean?
4. What are the types of Law can one practice?
5. What is the average Lawyer’s wage?
6. Explain the role of lawyers?
7. Discuss the ethical responsibility that comes with being a lawyer.
Period 3:History 113 Lab-Industrial 276. We have been talking about WW2 and yesterday the students we taught about Appeasement and then an introduction to the different wars that happened during this time period. The students will work individually and research and write a front page story about one of the wars.
Period #4-Reading tutor Room 108- International students meet. The lesson is being taught by Jenn McEathron.
Period 5- Study block- Your period 3 will return to Lab 108
Period 6 Ancient History- Room 108- Students will continue working on their newspaper front page or comic project explaining one of the three persia wars.
Posted: November 20, 2014
Period 2- law 120- Students have been learning about the court system and jury duty. The students will begin to watch the movie “12 angry men”- This movie will give them a look at the deliberation that a jury must go through as they decide the fate of a young man.
Period 3- History 113:Discuss the steps/methods Hitler used to come to power. Could a man like Hitler come to power today? Why or why not? (3/4-1page answer)
Period #4- Reading tutor- this class generally takes care of itself.- Liam Elmes has been introducing students to cultural sports. The students did projects on their favourite cultural sport and presented it. So today we are participating in sports. Students are going to the gym to play floor Hockey or soccer. All students need to participate.
Period 6- Ancient History- Students will be working on Greek Virtues. Explain to students that the Greeks were notorious for using morals in their story telling.
Your mission: In pairs choose one of Aesop’s stories and re-create it to fit into today’s culture. Include the following:
1. Design a book cover for your story with title (original and new title) (Author’s names- you would have Aesop’s name and then retold by_(____your names_________)
2. Bio of original author in your own words- (Aesop bio- who was he, time period ect- usually ½ page)
3. Design your story- remember this is a children’s book so words with pictures (Draw, trace)
4. Final page explains the moral of the story- in other words what lesson can we learn from this story.- (About ½ page)
As with all your projects you will have class time but remember that the class time accounts for ½ of your project. If you waste the time it will be reflected in your mark. Due on Tuesday November 25th, 2014 at the end of class.
Posted: November 12, 2014
Law 120- What is the difference between murder in the first or manslaughter? Page 220 in text book- Criminal offences- today students will do some notes on the criminal offences. Teacher will explain how these offences are viewed according to the courts. The students will need to understand these terms as we approach mock trials.
History 113: Students are looking at the fallout of WWI and the treaty of Versailles. The economic state of Germany and other European nations gave rise to dictators. Students will learn about the Fascism, Nazism and communism.
Andcient History- Students are to complete their review on Egypt.
Posted: November 7, 2014
Law120: Debating day. Teacher will talk to students about the art of debate. Students will look at controversial topics and choose a side. We will then debate the issues and determine how they were discussed. A great activity for emerging Lawyers.
History 113: Students have been learning about Canada’s role in the great war.Today we discuss the conclusion of WWI- aftermath and the treaty of Versailles.
Reading tutor: Art
Ancient History: Students are to finish their Tic/tac/toe for Monday. Those who have finished may work on their review for Egypt.
Posted: November 4, 2014
Period 2: Law 120- Students have a quiz today. It will take about 20 minutes. Yesterday we discussed about Steven Truscott and his wrongful conviction. We also discussed the amount of money he received through his injustice. Student should look at another case file- “Erin Walsh”- do 20 minutes of research on the case and discuss it with them. “Should Canada pay out money to these wrongful cases” If so how much? If not why? Are there any cases in the US where the death penalty occurred and they have found the accused innocent after the fact? What penalties did the government face?
Period 3- History 113- or
Period 4- reading tutor- Isaac Henderson is teaching the class-
Period 6- Students will work on their Tick/Tac/Toe about Egypt over the next few days. Due on Monday November 10th, 2014. remember that the 50% of the mark is due to classwork.
Posted: October 21, 2014
Law 120: Law students are workiong on the Forensic projects. Students worked in pairs to look at the science behind law. Can science help solve crime and if so how?
History 113: Students are working on their WW1 projects. Remember that these projects are graded on work ethics in class/ presentation itself and presentation style. If you finish your project please go to the following website and sign in and start completing missions. Each completed mission gives you 5 points.
Reading tutor: Students will observe symbolizm in music.
Ancient History: Students are working on the 5 famous mummies.
Posted: October 14, 2014
Law 120- Introduction to forensics- CSI online forensic science experience. Students will list 20 notes that they have learned about forensics.
History 113: The students will review Propaganda posters with teacher and now look at the reality of war. Teacher will engage with students a discussion on Tench warfare, Tenchfoot, Body Lice and Rats. How does this differ from the news of war on the homefront.
Reading tutor: Tioday we will look at national anthems and translate them into english. How does the Canadian anthem differ from other international anthems. Introduction to figurative language.
Ancient History- student will take their quiz today on Mesopotamia.- Introduction to Egypt- teacher will show pictures of Egypt and show students that the current Egyptian culture still centers around the early Historical teachings. We as Canadians forget our history.