Mr. Gopee

Teacher Page

Posted: February 20, 2015

Law: Students have just finished discussing the Ashley Smith Case. Today we will discuss the Penal system and what suggestions students have for "fixing it" as to not have the Ashley Smith incident repeated. Students will also be asked to study definitions for a quiz next week. Reading tutor: students are preparing for international syudents on Monday. Theatre Arts: Students are song writing. Eacvh group will first of all devise an idea for a musical. What would the top five track titles be and then list words that are common for you the songs. For example if I was writing a show about a boy who was in love with the moon and he wants to go to the moon (His super objective) Then titles of the soundtrack could include: Fly me to the moon, defying gravity, you take my breath away, Floating on Love ECT. So now students will try song writing. A simple excercise, choose an appropriate style, a track and rewrite the words. Presenting is Key. Due on Tuesday of next week. Economics 120-
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Posted: February 12, 2015

Period 1- Law 120- Students are looking at the Ashley Smith Case. Students have a background of the Case. Period 3- Reading tutor- Students are supposed to hand in their lesson plans. Please take lesson plans and exchange it with other students to see if they can read and implement the plan. If they cannot, it means that they did not explain it accurately. Tell students to complete them for Tuesday. Period 4- Theatre Arts- On Thursday we brainstormed ideas about writing a script. We sat around a large table and tried to come up with ideas. The goal this week is to try to get the script written. We looked at several themes and then broke into groups to write 4-5 ideas into a story line. Students are to spend the day writing because they will present their story line on Tuesday. The presentation should include characters and their objectives. Period 6- Economics 120- Students have just finished presenting their ideas about how to address the Miramichi Economic Crisis. Students will research online to find an example of a community in North America that was experiencing an economic crisis. Research and find articles that tell about how these communities solve the problem. Prepare a 1 page response to the article. Here are some points you may want to address: ·         Tell me about the community prior to their economic crisis. (What was it like, how many people lived there, quality of life.) ·         Identify the economic crisis variables- employment, business that closed etc. (in other words what caused it) ·         What was their plan to change things and how did that plan happen? ·         The result in the community after the economic plan. (use statistics to support you information) ·         Finally explain if those ideas could possibly work in Miramichi.    

Posted: February 10, 2015

Law 120: Students will finish their law paper on the Charter of Rights and Freedoms as it is due tomorrow. Reading Tutor 120: Students will work on their lesson plans for international students. Attached is a copy of one day of my lesson plan. prepare for 60 minutes with a mix of activities focused on reading, writing, speaking and listening. Lesson plans will be due on Monday 16th, February 2015. Theatre Arts 120: Students will present their creative projects. Economics 120: Presentations on solving Miramichi on Economic Crisis.

Posted: February 6, 2015

Law: Charter of Rights and Freedom paper id due on Wednesday 11th, February 2015. Reading tutor: Students will start to plan their lessons for their classes and research the best ways to teach ESL to international students. Theatre Arts: Creative presentations on the 5  best and worst movies. The activity is designed to challenge students to beocme creative thinkers. Economics: Students are working on producing an economic plan for Miramichi. Suggest ways in which we can gain more jobs, use or resources better, attract new enterprises and industries. What market can we stand out in... Are their new ideas on the horizon that Miramichi can target? Research to see whether the plan is feasable and be prepared to present on Tuesday February 10th, 2015.

Posted: February 5, 2015

Law 120: Students will finish notes on Historical Roots of Law Reading tutor: Bucket List and comprehension today with visiting Chinese students. Theatre arts: Students will work in pairs to present your top 5 worst and best movies. What makes these great what makes them awful. (use pictures and write up) Economics: Today students and teacher will discuss the economic state of New Brunswick. How can we or should use resources to balance our economic situation. We will debate controversial topic of Fracking. Students will then work in groups to build a proposal for economic growth in Miramichi.  

Posted: February 4, 2015

Law120: Students are looking at the historical roots of law and how our system was developed. Reading tutor: We are hosting the Chinese winter session. 10 students will be coming into our class. Today is about getting to know these students. Theatre Arts: Students will discuss the history of theatre and the types of stages. We will also begin to brainstorm and scaffold our musical for this semester. If time permits we will look at A piece of Shakespeare’s writing. Economics 120: Students will learn about the language of Economics. We will engage in a discussion as to the New Brunswick economic initiate and see if students can offer economic ideas to improve Miramichi.  

Posted: February 1, 2015

Law: Search the Internet to find:The top 10 most unusual laws. Different countries have different laws. Pick out some interesting ones. What countries have the harshest laws? Are they working to produce peace? Are they fair?List 3 countries with the world the lowest crime rates. Try to find out why the crime rate is so low.

Posted: January 12, 2015

Law 120-Search the internet to find information on the House of Shafia Case. The worksheet is attached. History 113- Exam this week. Reading tutor- This week students are working on their original children's story. Ancient History- Students will finish their newspaper for Wednesday and Review will begin.
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Posted: January 7, 2015

Law 120- Civil Law- The powerpoint is attached below. This week we will look at how civil law works. Students will be introduced to Mediation, contract law, and class action lawsuits. History 113:We have just completed oour look at the Holocaust and why we study it. Today the students will start their last worksheet on other "holocausts" that are happening around the world. We will explore how mankind needs to learn this important lesson. The definition of “Holocaust” Define the following: “genocide”, “diaspora”, “pogroms” and other terms, not just “holocaust”. Look up Holocaust or genocides that are currently happening around the world. (Do some research- use at least two resources) Write a summary of at least two that you have found. This should be about ½ page each. Before WWII how did the world view the Jewish people? Research to see if there were any Holocaust type events before Hitler came on the scene.  Give an example of one. Make a list of the events of “the Holocaust” (timeline of events). The aftermath of the Holocaust:                    1. immediate effects- what happened right away.                                                          2. Long  term effects- how it affected us later on. Answer this question: “What lessons has society learned from the events of the Holocaust?”                                          Due at the end of class on Friday January 9th, 2015. Reading tutor: Students are writing a creative story. The students will follow these steps in order to write their story: Day 1- Draft an original story- The canadian students will help with word choice and sentence structure. Day 2- Descriptive wording- Character sketches and setting descriptives. Day 3- storyboarding- Students will draft out what the story should look like. This is not detailed but it should include the conversational aspectsof the story line. Who said what. Day 4- About the author- write a small paragraph about the authors (canadian and international) This is also the day when you will switch with another group so they can proof read your work. Day 5-6 Putting it together. Ancient History- Students are working on their Roman Newspaper. In pairs students will produce a multipage newspaper that include information about acient Rome. Their paper should include the following: 2 articles about ancient Rome 5 other aspects of a newspaper (cartoon, crossword, ads, classified ads, obituaries... ect) 1 article about Modern Rome No more that 2 printed pictures- all others should be traced or drawn.
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Posted: December 16, 2014

Period #2- Law 120-  Runaway Jury wiull feature and discuss jury manipulation in court cases. Period 3 History 113- Schindler’s list- A look at the holocaust during WW2 Period #4- Reading tutor-  creative writing component: (Partner with a buddy- international with Canadian and together write) The Canadian can act as a scribe for the international student. Brainstorm first and then write the story. Please use computers. (use as many descriptive words as possible) Some students have already started this activity. If finished share with class. Choose one from below and write a creative story. This list is on the teacher page. 1.     A stolen ring, fear of spiders, and a sinister stranger. 2.     A taxi, an old enemy, and Valentine's Day. 3.     Identical twins, a party invitation, and a locked closet. 4.     A broken wristwatch, peppermints, and a hug that goes too far. 5.     Aerobics, a secret diary, and something unpleasant under the bed. 6.     An ex-boyfriend, a pair of binoculars, and a good-luck charm. 7.     An annoying boss, a bikini, and a fake illness. 8.     The first day of school, a love note, and a recipe with a significant mistake. 9.     A horoscope, makeup, and a missing tooth. 10.  A campfire, a scream, and a small lie that gets bigger and bigger.


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