Mr. MacDonald

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Posted: November 30, 2010

Physics 112 Lenses questions using focal length and magnification (nov30_examples_lenses.pdf). Another helpful online lenses simulation can be found here: Once loaded, place the mouse over Applet Menu - then Optics - and finally Spherical Mirrors and Lenses - Physics 122 Physics labs using the Wii Remote to collect data. Don't forget that I need a table of data that summarizes each lab and the answers to the analysis questions. We will continue in the labs until Thursday, Dec. 2. Next week we will cover the Atwood machine and get into torque by Friday. Comp Sci 110 Finish Unit 11 assignment and start into Unit 12 notes.

Posted: November 29, 2010

Physics 112 MADD presentation during this period today. Tomorrow is back to lenses! Physics 122 Work period for lab calculations. Don't forget that I need a table of data that summarizes each lab and the answers to the analysis questions. We will continue in the lab Tuesday and Wednesday. Comp Sci 110 Work through unit 11 notes, questions, and assignment. By end of today the first assignment question should be completed (flow chart and commenting too). unit_11_questions.pdf unit_11_assignment.pdf

Posted: November 26, 2010

Physics 112 Work period for working on the Mathematical relationships governing lenses (lenses_math_examples.pdf), (lenses_problems.pdf). Another helpful online lenses simulation can be found here: Once loaded, place the mouse over Applet Menu - then Optics - and finally Spherical Mirrors and Lenses - Physics 122 Physics labs using the Wii Remote to collect data. Don't forget that I need a table of data that summarizes each lab and the answers to the analysis questions. We will continue in the lab for the rest of the week and start our regular classes Monday, Nov. 29. Next week we will cover the Atwood maching and get into torque by Friday. Comp Sci 110 Work through unit 11 notes, questions, and assignment. By end of today the first assignment question should be completed (flow chart and commenting too). unit_11_questions.pdf unit_11_assignment.pdf

Posted: November 25, 2010

Physics 112 Work period fo the Mathematical relationships governing lenses (lenses_math_examples.pdf). Work through the first three problems of the practice sheet (lenses_problems.pdf). Another helpful online lenses simulation can be found here: Once loaded, place the mouse over Applet Menu - then Optics - and finally Spherical Mirrors and Lenses - Physics 122 State of the Youth Address : - )  no physics today :- ( Comp Sci 110 Work through unit 11 notes, questions, and assignment. unit_11_questions.pdf unit_11_assignment.pdf

Posted: November 24, 2010

Physics 112 The Mathematical relationships governing lenses (lenses_math_examples.pdf). Work through the first three problems of the practice sheet (lenses_problems.pdf). Another helpful online lenses simulation can be found here: Once loaded, place the mouse over Applet Menu - then Optics - and finally Spherical Mirrors and Lenses - Physics 122 Physics labs using the Wii Remote to collect data. Don't forget that I need a table of data that summarizes each lab and the answers to the analysis questions. We will continue in the lab for the rest of the week and start our regular classes Monday, Nov. 29. Next week we will cover the Atwood maching and get into torque by Friday. Comp Sci 110 Work through unit 11 notes, questions, and assignment. unit_11_questions.pdf unit_11_assignment.pdf

Posted: November 24, 2010

PDF icon lenses_math_examples.pdf333.64 KB

Posted: November 24, 2010

PDF icon lenses_problems.pdf100.36 KB

Posted: November 24, 2010

Physics 112 Went through the notes on scale diagrams for lenses (lenses_scale_problems.pdf - only do the first page). Tomorrow we start into the mathematical relationships governing lenses. Another helpful online lenses simulation can be found here: Once loaded, place the mouse over Applet Menu - then Optics - and finally Spherical Mirrors and Lenses - Physics 122 Physics labs using the Wii Remote to collect data. Don't forget that I need a table of data that summarizes each lab and the answers to the analysis questions. We will continue in the lab for the rest of the week and start our regular classes Monday, Nov. 29. Next week we will cover the Atwood maching and get into torque by Friday. Comp Sci 110 Work through unit 11 notes. unit_11_questions.pdf unit_11_assignment.pdf

Posted: November 24, 2010

Only do the first page.
PDF icon lenses_scale_problems.pdf66.57 KB

Posted: November 23, 2010

PDF icon unit_11_assignment.pdf19.9 KB


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Added: Wed, Dec 18 2019


Physical Science 10: Circuit Schematic & Ohm's Law Examples and Notes
Functions & Relations: Rate of Change Review #2 - Solutions
Functions & Relations: Rate of Change Review #1 - Solutions
Functions & Relations: Solutions to IROC #2