Mr. MacDonald

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Posted: April 25, 2014

Physics 112 (Periods 1 & 6)Finished the first forces unit and had a test.  You should have your results Monday.Today through next Wednesday we will have time for finishing labs.  These will be the last designated lab days for the semester.  Students can still complete labs at lunch or during study block if need be.Due to the lost time from storms the lab mark for the course will be 50 and not 65.  Students can still get bonus for completeing extra labs.Math 9 (Period 3)Scaling diagrams and scale factor.Text Pag 329 # 5 - 12 Physics 122 (Period 4)Conservation of momentum in 2D: physics122_cons_mom-2d_apr25.pdfProblem set page 24 #37For all of the important course documents go here: January 29/2014 - Semester 2 Begins!

Posted: April 23, 2014

PDF icon momentum_in_1d_april_23.pdf325.25 KB

Posted: April 15, 2014

PDF icon inequalities_practice_test.pdf86.81 KB

Posted: April 13, 2014

*Note that I mixed up the date of my meeting in Bathurst.  I will be back Tuesday April 15.  I will still be in Fredericton for meetings on Wednesday. Physics 112 (Periods 1 & 6)Review the notes and examples about forces in 1D: physics_112_forces_1d_notes_april_9.pdfUse the examples on my YouTube playlist (through the link at the bottom of the note).  There are 5 video examples - one of each type of force problem.Practice on your own with questions on page 19-20 of your problem set (link at bottom).Netbooks are stored in the math bookroom - use if needed (I do not have them signed out).We will have a test on these types of questions Wednesday, April 23 (don't think you have a lot of time to slack off - there is a five day weekend in there and I will be away Mon and Wed of this week).Math 9 (Period 3)Review the notes on solving and graphing inequalities: math_9_inequality_notes_april_8.pdfPractice and review # 9 - 13, 15 - 17 on Page 305 of your text.The Inequality test is Wednesday of this week (April 16) Physics 122 (Period 4)Review notes on solving problems with an object on an incline: forces_2d_notes_ramps_april_8.pdfReview with videos on the 122 YouTube playlist.Finish up the problems on page 17 - 19 of your problem set. is Wednesday, April 16 and I will not be in the school that day.For all of the important course documents go here: January 29/2014 - Semester 2 Begins!
Physics 112 (Periods 1 & 6)Review the notes and examples about forces in 1D: physics_112_forces_1d_notes_april_9.pdfUse the examples on my YouTube playlist (through the link at the bottom of the note).  There are 5 video examples - one of each type of force problem.Practice on your own with questions 1 - 3 on page 19 of your problem set (link at bottom).Netbooks are stored in the math bookroom (signed out for these periods).We will have a test on these types of questions Wednesday, April 24 (don't think you have a lot of time to slack off - there is a five day weekend in there and I will be away Tue and Wed of next week).Math 9 (Period 3)Review the notes on solving and graphing inequalities: math_9_inequality_notes_april_8.pdfPractice questions # 1 - 10 on: inequalities_review.pdf Physics 122 (Period 4)Review notes on solving problems with an object on an incline: forces_2d_notes_ramps_april_8.pdfFinish up the problems on page 17 of your problem set.Review the next type of problem about connected masses on an incline: is next Wednesday, April 16 and I will not be in the school that day.For all of the important course documents go here: January 29/2014 - Semester 2 Begins!
PDF icon inequalities_review.pdf227.63 KB


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Added: Wed, Dec 18 2019


Physical Science 10: Global Weather Notes April 7
Physical Science 10: Global Weather Dynamics Readings March 31 - April 2
Physical Science 10: Global Weather Dynamics Notes April 1
Physical Science 10: Global Weather Dynamics Notes April 2