Mr. T. Theriault

World Issues, Sociology, Media Studies, Digital Productions, and Journalism.

Posted: February 20, 2019


Requirements for Understanding:

Layering, Healing Tool, Magic Wand, Crop & Cut, Size & Properties, Blur Tool, Clone Tool, and Textures.

Volume, Gain, Cardoid and Condenser Microphones, Stereo and Mono, Microphone sensitivity, and an understanding of using the Tascam 70D, the Zoom Handy’s, Logic Pro, and Audacity.

Aperture, Shutter, Exposure, White Balance, and an understanding of how to use each camera.

Camera Angles, Lens’s, Shots, Lighting, Techniques, use of equipment (Gimbal, Tripods, Grips, etc.) and an understanding of Final Cut Pro X.


Posted: December 5, 2018

In groups of 2 or 3, you are going to research an NGO and present it to the class. Keep in mind that you are going to be teaching your classmates about this particular NGO, and it’s cause!  
You need to answer:                
Who are they?                
How did they start?
Are they Human Rights/Environmental/etc?
Are they Campaigning/Operational?
Where are they located?
Regions of interest?                
What are their goals/purpose?
How do they accomplish this?
How are they funded? Grants? Donations? Other support?  
Lastly, why did you pick this NGO? Are you behind it? Support it? Pitch it to the class!
Show your classmates what they are all about and why they feel so passionate about this cause. You will be marked on:             Mechanics  – 10           Content       – 10           Pic/Video    – 10           Delivery       – 10           Relevance    – 10           Extra Work – 10 – Handouts/Poster/Flyer/Shirt… etc.     
Value 60 

Posted: November 20, 2018

World Issues 120

United Nations - Branches

        In groups of no more than 2 or 3 you are to TEACH the class about a one specific branch of the United Nations.

        To go with your presentation you are to also prepare something extra, whether that is a short movie, pamphlet, or poster. You do not have to do a PowerPoint. Please feel free use another means of presenting your information.

        I will leave the length of your presentation up to you as it is YOU teaching it to your classmates.

            As a guideline you should answer:

Your “TEACH” is worth 50 marks and your “add-on” to your project is worth 10 for a total of 60 marks. Now make sure that if your “add-on” is worth 10 marks that you make something worth 10 marks, not 5! *** If you were to make a movie I would obviously take that into consideration for the project as a whole… outside of the 10 marks…***

Rubric: Mechanics: 10,Relevance: 10,Delivery: 10,Content: 10,Pictures/Media: 10,Extra: 10

Posted: November 7, 2018

Requirements for your Model United Nations:

1) Prepare a "flag" and name plate for your desk for your country. You will be idenified by country.
2) Have your research ready, you may print off or make notes and have them with you. You need to know what you trade, your economy, what you have to offer, resources, debt, war, interests, neighbours, etc.
3) Be prepared to answer the topic questions on behalf of your country, not yourself.


1) Nuclear Disarmament. (Who has nukes? Why? Who can't? How many? Limits?)
2) Refugee Crisis. (Syria, where do they go? Aid? Who can take more?)
3)Global Warming. (Who's responsible? Who's paying the price? What do we do?)


Posted: October 29, 2018


In a group of no more than 2 people (or by yourself) you are going to create a presentation (poster style) for the class on a subculture or counterculture. (Ex. KKK, Trekkies, Star Wars fans, etc.) In presenting this to the class you MUST include their values, norms, sanctions (both reward and punishment) and language. Previous history? Why do they believe/do what they do? REMEMBER in presenting these different subcultures try to remain "culturally relative" and try not to bring in your own personal beliefs. 


Delivery - 10,  Content - 20,  Mechanics -10,  Use of pictures - 10,  Extra -10

VALUE - 60


Posted: October 15, 2018

In a group of no more than 2 people (or by yourself) you are going to create a presentation for the class on a specific tradition in another culture other than our own. In presenting this CULTURE to the class you MUST include some of their values and norms, their IDEAL values and REAL values, and material and non-material culture. This will help explain why the tradition you are talking about to the class exists today. Why do they still do it. How does it fit within THEIR value system. Remember in presenting these different cultures try to remain "culturally relative" and try not to bring in your own personal beliefs.

Delivery - 10,  Content - 20,  Mechanics -10,  Use of pictures and video - 10,  
VALUE - 50

Posted: October 10, 2018

World Issues 120
        In groups of no more than 4 you are to TEACH the class about a disease. We WILL have a test on this unit and you should take notes on each of your classmate’s presentations for your test. To go with your presentation you are to also prepare something extra, whether that is a short movie, pamphlet, or poster.
I will leave the length of your presentation up to you as it is YOU teaching it to your classmates.
            As a guideline you should answer:
        - What is the disease?   
- What does it do?    
- Causes?    
- What type of disease is it?    
- Classifications?    
- WHO sanctions?

- Treatment?
    - Statistics?   - Where?    
- What can we do?      

Value: 50

(You will lose 5 marks for not providing a “Works Cited”, and 3 for not sourcing on the page. This rule applies to all assignments!)
Rubric: 10/Delivery – 10/Mechanics – 10/Content – 10/Pics & Multimedia - 10/Extra & Handout

Posted: October 5, 2018

Flint & Miramichi Comparison Assignment

Compare the events of the GM closures in Flint, Michigan with the UPM Mill closures in Miramichi. 

Support your comparison using clear examples from the documentary and sources. 

Paper is to be at least 250 words and is to include at least 5 reliable sources.       

(1 source is the film, another is an interview with someone from Miramichi, who was here during the Mill Closure, and has noticed a change in Miramichi. That is 2 of your 5!) 

Please include a one paragraph opinion on how you think this could have prevented or resolved. 

Marks:   Content – 10        Interview – 10        Sources – 5        Opinion – 5                

Value :30


Posted: October 2, 2018

Journalism 1 & 2:

Announcements are up and running. Everyone should be working on their weekly articles. Logins will be provided to you shortly for the school website. On Wednesday, schedules will be up for Podcast and Video assignments. Make sure you sign up for your due dates!

World Issues:

Monday we will have our "WRED" talk. Tuesday we will watch "Invisible Children". Wednesday we will discuss the film, discuss WRED, and show you the room. Thursday we will have an introduction to the World Health Organization. Friday, Map Test: Middle East Part II, we will also compete in a mystery diagnosis challenge.


Monday, Miramichi Mill closures, video, and we'll discuss how Miramichi has changed since. On Tuesday and Wednesday we will be watching the film "Roger & Me" by Michael Moore. Your assignment is to compare the factory closures in Flint, Michigan to the Mill closures in Miramichi. Effects on the city? Law? Cleaniness? Healthcare? Homelessness? Etc. Friday you will have a day to work on your assignment.


Posted: September 25, 2018

Journalism 1 & 2:

This week we will introduce you to room 108, show and organize the gear and equipment you will have access to this semester and we must go over a few assignments before we start next week. On Friday we will be doing our first "mock" announcements.

World Issues:

You will finish watching "Where to Invade Next". Tuesday and Wednesday will be lab days with your paper due at the beginning of class on Thursday. Friday we're going to start something new!


Monday we are going to do an activity using the 4 major perspectives of sociology. Tuesday we will have a review for your Unit 1 test on Wednesday! Thursday and Friday we will be note-taking for our new unit on Research and Ethics.


Image Galleries

Added: Wed, Dec 2 2015


Added: Thu, Mar 28 2019


Sound Assignment
Emerging Digital Technology
Regions fo Canada - Blank
Test Review!!