Mrs. McLean - Archive - 12/14

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Posted: October 14, 2014

The Raven (audio - The Simpson's and James Earl Jones)

Posted: October 14, 2014

PDF icon elementsofashortstory.pdf100.66 KB

Posted: October 14, 2014

Microsoft Office document icon the_raven_comprehension_qs.doc25.5 KB

Posted: October 14, 2014

1.   Select a protest song (they already know what this is) and find the lyrics 2.   Write 5 or more notes in a word document on the bio of the artist/group 3.   Write a paragraph (5 + sentences) about what they think is the main theme of the song with references to the lyrics of the song in their paragraph to support their statements E.g. John Lennon sees the dangers of country borders in the song “Imagine” when he says, “imagine there’s no countries,” (Lennon 1971) 4.   Look at rubric (also saved on my teacher page documents) 5.   Tell students to save on their H:/ drive (student school storage drive ) 6.   To be done by the end of class

Posted: October 13, 2014

Article of the Week - The Militarization of Police

Posted: October 13, 2014

Article of the Week - Ebola

Posted: October 13, 2014

The Cask of the Amontillado (real actors)

Posted: October 13, 2014

The Cask of the Amontillado (Video Game-"like" animation)

Posted: October 13, 2014

Elements of Plot Rap Song

Posted: October 13, 2014

The Tell Tale Heart Animated



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