Mrs. McLean - Archive - 12/14

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: September 22, 2014

File political_research_rubric.docx17.83 KB

Posted: September 21, 2014

Why Vote - Rick Mercer Report - Rick's Rant

Posted: September 21, 2014

Rick Mercer Canada Explained (dated but interesting)

Posted: September 19, 2014

Binary Data websites_for_andrew.notebook360.8 KB

Posted: September 17, 2014

File nb_election_research_unit.docx16.16 KB

Posted: September 16, 2014

 Article of the Week: due by the end of class WednesdayQuotation: Why Vote? due FridayOngoing - research for your persuasive essay

Posted: September 16, 2014

Use your JMH email, if possible.  If you don’t have a current student account, inform me and I will put in a formal request for you to get one. Email Your Candidate Lesson: Get a list of email addresses or go to the site and fill out the Contact Us” form or email the candidate if the address is available.  In a word document: Step 1: Introduce yourself                                                Step 2: Type 5 questions Step 3: Get questions checked orally by teacher Step 4: Save Step 5: Paste email into the form/email page Possible question topics: 1.     Jobs 2.     Education 3.     Healthcare 4.     Post-secondary 5.     Shale gas 6.     Cost of medicine 7.     Nursing Home beds 8.     Taxes Some question starters: ·        How are you going to… ·        What are you going to do about… ·        Why … ·        What are your plans for…

Posted: September 16, 2014

File handout.docx14.65 KB

Posted: September 16, 2014

NDP Party Platform
