Mrs. McLean - Archive - 12/14

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Posted: October 6, 2014

Why the police-shooting riots in Ferguson, Mo., had little to do with Ferguson

Posted: September 29, 2014

Cranberries - Zombie

Posted: September 28, 2014


Posted: September 28, 2014

Election New Brunswick Makes Liberal Win Official

Posted: September 28, 2014

If the World Were 100 People

Posted: September 24, 2014

File persuasive_essay_outline.docx15.02 KB

Posted: September 23, 2014

Research Notes - complete by end of class tomorrow If you are having difficulty, email me tonight at kendra.mclean@nbed.n or come see me tomorrow in my room at 11:30.  b.caPersuasive Research Essay - Due Tuesday, Sept. 30 (tentative)***Remember, with the persuasive research essay, you are passing in video debate notes, platform/secondary sources notes and a bibliography.   

Posted: September 23, 2014

The Black Crowes

Posted: September 23, 2014

Student Fees Due $40 (must be paid if you want to go to the dance)Sign Ins for the dance must be done for tomorrow (Wednesday) morningEnglish 112 - Notes for project should be complete by the end of class Wednesday (will check progress)



"What Is ISIS?" (Article for the week of September 8-12)
Bloom's Taxonomy Action Verbs PDF
Note-Taking Pointers