Mr. MacDonald Documents

Here you can find all course content such as digital files, weblinks, videos and more.


Title Document Postedsort descending
Comp Sci 110 Course Outline PDF icon comp_sci_110_outline.pdf September 4, 2010
Comp Sci 110: Fact Find PDF icon computer_science_110_internet_fact_find.pdf September 8, 2010
Physics 112: Waves Problems PDF icon waves_worksheets.pdf September 9, 2010
Physics 122: 1D Motion Problems PDF icon 1d_motion_problems.pdf September 9, 2010
Computer Science 110: Dream Computer Assignment PDF icon cs110unit1assign.pdf September 9, 2010
Comp Sci 110: Unit 2 Assignment PDF icon assignment-unit_2.pdf September 14, 2010
Comp Sci 110: Unit 2 Questions PDF icon unit_2_questions.pdf September 14, 2010
Physics Lab Report Instructions PDF icon laboratory_outline.pdf September 22, 2010
Physics 112: Waves Notes PDF icon waves_notes.pdf September 22, 2010
Physics 122: Force Notes PDF icon physics122-force-notes.pdf September 22, 2010
Comp Sci 110: Unit 3 Questions PDF icon unit_3_questions.pdf September 24, 2010
Physics 122: 1D Motion Quiz PDF icon 1d_motion_quiz.pdf September 27, 2010
Comp Sci 110: Unit 4 Questions PDF icon unit_4_questions.pdf September 29, 2010
Comp Sci 110: Unit 4 Assignment PDF icon unit_4_assignment.pdf September 29, 2010
Physics 122: Applications of Vectors Wrksht PDF icon applications_of_vectors_wrksht.pdf October 1, 2010
Physics 112: EM Radiation Notes PDF icon light_lecture_notes.pdf October 12, 2010
Physics 112: Diffraction Lecture Notes PDF icon diffraction_notes.pdf October 12, 2010
Physics 112: Diffraction Problems PDF icon diffraction_problems.pdf October 12, 2010
Physics Lab Rubric PDF icon physics_lab_report_rubric.pdf October 18, 2010
Physics 122: Three Types of Forces Notes PDF icon physics122-force-types-notes.pdf October 21, 2010
Type 1 Force Problems PDF icon forceproblems-type1.pdf October 21, 2010
Comp Sci 110: Unit 8 Assignment PDF icon unit_8_-_assignment.pdf October 22, 2010
Comp Sci: Unit 8 Questions PDF icon unit_8_questions.pdf October 22, 2010
Physics 122: Motion and Forces Project PDF icon motion_and_force_project.pdf October 22, 2010
Physics 112: Refractions Notes PDF icon refraction_notes.pdf October 28, 2010
