Mr. Gopee Notes

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Posted: September 20, 2011

Period #1- THEATRE ARTS- LAB- research and organize information on one type of comedy. Deciphering what is important information and organizing a presentation.   Period #3-LAW 120-  Research paper on Canadian Charter of rights and freedoms.                                                     Paper is due on Friday September 23rd, 2011   Period #4 DIGITAL SOUND 120- Special presentation by guest spoeaker Carig Duplessie "Copyrights"   Period #6-LAW 120-  Research paper on the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms                                                   Paper is due on Friday September 23rd, 2011  

Posted: September 16, 2011

Period #1- THEATRE ARTS- finish shakespeare rap.- making a presentation/ formal presentations. Period #3-LAW 120-  Quiz today on definitions.Research paper on Canadian Charter of rights and freedoms. Period #4 DIGITAL SOUND 120- Last day to finish terms. At the end of the class students will submit the answers to the questions about sound as well as the definitions. 20 minutes.- Audacity walkthrough. downloading/ mp3 Editing Mixing   Period #6-LAW 120- Quiz today on definitions. Research paper on the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Posted: September 14, 2011

Period #1- THEATRE ARTS- Notes on effective presentations/ Low orginized games/ Shakespeare rap. Period #3-LAW 120- Review of definitions/ Research paper on Canadian Charter of rights and freedoms. Period #4 DIGITAL SOUND 120- Refer to the following Websites for the following questions : 1. Explain the difference between the Psychophysical Perception of Sound and the Scientific Quantification of Sound. (Value 5) 2. Describe the range of Auditory Perception.  What is the range that humans can hear? (Value 3) 3. What are the 3 elements that sound is composed of?  Give a detailed explanation of each. (Value 6) 4. What are the two sets of Binary Values that represent digitized wave forms? Give a detailed explanation of each. (Value 6) Period #6-LAW 120- Review of definitions/ Research paper on the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Posted: September 14, 2011

Period #1- THEATRE ARTS- Presentations for the founding Fathers of Theatre. Period #3-LAW 120- Students will break up into groups to explain the following: Feudal Law Common Law Legal Law Aboriginal Law Trials- Ordeal/ Fire/ Oath Rule of Law Habeas Corpus Finish Definitions- 20 minutes. Period #4 DIGITAL SOUND 120- Refer to the following Websites for the following questions :   1. Explain the difference between the Psychophysical Perception of Sound and the Scientific Quantification of Sound. (Value 5) 2. Describe the range of Auditory Perception.  What is the range that humans can hear? (Value 3) 3. What are the 3 elements that sound is composed of?  Give a detailed explanation of each. (Value 6) 4. What are the two sets of Binary Values that represent digitized wave forms? Give a detailed explanation of each. (Value 6) Period #6-LAW 120- Students will break up into groups to explain the following: Feudal Law Common Law Legal Law Aboriginal Law Trials- Ordeal/ Fire/ Oath Rule of Law Habeas Corpus    Finish Definitions- 20 minutes.                          

Posted: September 12, 2011

Period #1- THEATRE ARTS-    Presentation on the founding fathers of theatre. Period #3 - LAW 120-   Guest speaker- Joey Savoy discusses research, resources and copyrights. Period #4- DIGITAL SOUND 120- Finish Presentations of the greatest album of all time. Period #5 - LAW 120-  Guest speaker- Joey Savoy discusses research, resources and copyrights.

Posted: September 12, 2011

Period #1- THEATRE ARTS-   Groups developed to research and present on the founding fathers of theatre. Report is also due on WED sept 14th, 2011. Remember that creativity is the most important factors in the marking. Period #3 - LAW 120-   Brainstorm what you know about laws/ purpose of law/ Historical Root of law- Hammurabi's code of laws/Napoleonic Code. Powerpoint of Historical Law attatched.Activity #2: Historical Roots of Law. . Equality discussed. List of definitions. Quiz #1- unit 1 definition- on Monday September 19th, 2011. Period #4- DIGITAL SOUND 120- Presentations of the greatest album of all time.Period #5 - LAW 120-  Brainstorm what you know about laws/ purpose of law/ Historical Root of law- Hammurabi's code of laws/Napoleonic Code. Powerpoint of Historical Law attatched.Activity #2: Historical Roots of Law. . Equality discussed. List of definitions. Quiz #1- unit 1 definition- on Monday September 19th, 2011.

Posted: September 12, 2011

Period #1- THEATRE ARTS-   Groups developed to research and present on the founding fathers of theatre.Reminder of quiz on Today on seven ages. Report is also due on WED sept 14th, 2011. Period #3 - LAW 120-   Historical Root of law- Hammurabi's code of laws/Napoleonic Code. Activity #2: Historical Roots of Law. Brainstorm what you know about laws. Equality discussed. Period #4- DIGITAL SOUND 120- Students continue to develop their presentation on the Greatest album of all time. Rubric is explained. Due tomorrow. Period #5 - LAW 120-   Historical Root of law- Hammurabi's code of laws/Napoleonic Code. Activity #2: Historical Roots of Law. Brainstorm what you know about laws. Equality discussed.  

Posted: September 8, 2011

Period #1- THEATRE ARTS-   Groups developed to research and present on the founding fathers of theatre.Remider of quiz on Monday on seven ages. Report is also due on WED sept 14th, 2011. Period #3 - LAW 120-   Historical Root of law- Hammurabi's code of laws/Napoleonic Code. Activity #2: Historical Roots of Law. Period #4- DIGITAL SOUND 120- Students continue to develop their presentation on the Greatest album of all time. Rubric is explained. Period #5 - LAW 120-   Historical Root of law- Hammurabi's code of laws/Napoleonic Code. Activity #2: Historical Roots of Law

Posted: September 7, 2011

Period #1- THEATRE ARTS-  Activity#1: The human Knot- (10 minutes) History of theatre/ Greek- Roman periods. Groups developed to research and present on the founding fathers of theatre.Period #3 - LAW 120-  Rules vs Laws. rules developed for law class. Importance of rules and laws. Historical Root of law- Hammurabi's code of laws/Napoleonic Code. Activity #2: Historical Roots of Law.Period #4- DIGITAL SOUND 120- Students continue to develop their presentation on the Greatest album of all time. Rubric is exp[lained.Period #5 - LAW 120-  Rules vs Laws. rules developed for law class. Importance of rules and laws. Historical Root of law- Hammurabi's code of laws/Napoleonic Code. Activity #2: Historical Roots of Law.

Posted: September 7, 2011

Period #1-THEATRTE ARTS- Course overview and teacher expectations. Shakespeare's seven ages of man discussed. There will a quiz on Monday September 12th- Recite the first five lines and name the seven ages of man. Period #3 - LAW 120-  Course overview discussed. Two sides to every story (True story of the three little Pigs) Students brainstormed about their expectations for the class. Activity #1- The Survivor Island Legal Code. Period #4- DIGITAL SOUND 120- Course expectations discussed. Tour of District 16 Studio.                                            Assignment #1- The greatest album of all time. Period #6 - LAW 120-  Course overview discussed. Two sides to every story (True story of the three little Pigs) Students brainstormed about their expectations for the class. Activity #1- The Survivor Island Legal Code.

Posted: June 8, 2011

Ancient History Review is attatched. Remember Mr. Gopee will be in his classroom all week at lunch for anyone who want to get help with their review or who needs help studying for the History final exam. Media Studies exam is Tuesday. The review is posted. Here are some sites to help you in your studying for the photoshop question. (Basics) (colour swatches) (layers)    
Microsoft Office document icon exam_project_media_studies.doc26.5 KB
File exam_review.docx16.91 KB

Posted: May 30, 2011

Period 1- Ancient History- LAB  Paper due Thursday June 2nd, 2011Have students view the following this comedy sketch students will see how the Romans have contributed to our lives. Students will spend the next three days writing a paper entitled, “why have the Romans done for us?” This historical significance paper will ask students to research and develop a 2-3 page 12 font double spaced paper on what the Romans have brought to our lives. They can look at the chapters in the book 8-9 and research on the Internet. They need to include sites and must be put into their own words.Period #2- Media Studies- Students will develop and examine an idea for an app. Designed on Photoshop. #4- same as Period #1- LAB Period #5- Study Block- room 661- music room- grad choir normally meets here.  Period #6- Theatre Arts- HONK Practice

Posted: May 26, 2011

Period 1- Ancient History- LAB (Check to see what Lab is booked for you) Have students view the following Through this comedy sketch students will see how the Romans have contributed to our lives. Students will spend the next three days writing a paper entitled, “why have the Romans done for us?” This historical significance paper will ask students to research and develop a 2-3 page 12 font double spaced paper on what the Romans have brought to our lives. They can look at the chapters in the book 8-9 and research on the Internet. They need to include sites and must be put into their own words. Period #2- Media Studies- Students are to finish their paper on the psychology behind advertising. This paper should analyze how advertisers use psychology in developing their ideas for the media. Look at history of advertising and examine how things have changed and discuss the effectiveness of this process. Period #4- same as Period #1- LAB  Period #5- Study Block- room 661- music room- grad choir normally meets here.   Period #6- Theatre Arts- Students have some choice here. Each needs to work on the lines for HONK and run their lines for memorization. . The crew guys will read through the script and design a lighting sequence as well as collect sound effects that may be needed for the show. TThis is due on Monday   

Posted: May 3, 2011

Period #1-812 Ancient History- The students may Look at chapter 7 and divide themselves up into groups of 2-3. They will develop a presentation to teach their fellow classmates one part of the section. ·         Religion 161 ·         Religious Beliefs- 164 ·         Death and the After life- page 167 ·         Social Structure- 168 ·         Everyday Life- 171-174 ·         Urban and rural living- 175-178 ·         Economy- 178-180 ·         Arts 181-185 ·         Literature  and theatre- 186-189 ·         The sciences- 190-193 First come first serve- However you want to dice up the sections. Whatever is not chosen I will take care of. NO same groups.  For period #1- Garret/ Kevin and Donald are on independent studies- all they need is a computer. Period one is a small class- so you may not get all the sections accomplished. A lab is booked to give them one lab day- check to see if that is today or tomorrow. Period #2- Media Studies- 108 LAB- Students need to investigate how television influences the Media and vice versa- Look at video through popular sites like Youtube or name drop. Have them research how a star was born or a logo or business established through the internet video market. Have them research and write the story- EG Justin Beiber- don’t let them use this one. The information will be one page length and due on Monday. Period 3- Prep- Duty Lunch on Tuesday 11:35-12:05- Theatre Hallway Period- 812- 4- Same as 1 Period- 6- Normally they will meet you in the theatre- Have students go to Lab- see which is booked- they are working on an actor profile- they need to trace the failures and accomplishments of an actor- tell me their story- how they got their start- preferably Canadian. 2 p[ages in length. Due Monday.   Thanks

Posted: April 26, 2011

Period#1- Ancient History- The Persian wars allows readers to see and understand the patriotism and honor of the Greek culture. War in history gives us many clues about the thinking and resources of a culture. Students will examine one of the three Persian wars found on page 140-142. They will display their understanding of their reading through one of two methods  a) A  Newspaper article with picture.- make sure you include the 5 W and 1 H.- Lead paragraph/ Body and conclusion. b) A comic strip- outline in order the details of the wars. We will then discxuss the significance of these wars. Period #2- Media Studies 120- Lab 108- Students will develop a 5 minute video for the Kin awards. This ties into our media studies as we look at how the media builds video to appeal to audiences. Through these videos we will promote media awareness and other cultural norms.- Due on Wed. 27th, Arpil. Period#4- Ancient History- The Persian wars allows readers to see and understand the patriotism and honor of the Greek culture. War in history gives us many clues about the thinking and resources of a culture. Students will examine one of the three Persian wars found on page 140-142. They will display their understanding of their reading through one of two methods  a) A  Newspaper article with picture.- make sure you include the 5 W and 1 H.- Lead paragraph/ Body and conclusion. b) A comic strip- outline in order the details of the wars. We will then discxuss the significance of these wars.  Period #6 Theatre Arts-  Students are working on a presentation of "Honk" the musical.- Scene 2- music today
