Posted: June 10, 2016
Please find attached the answers to the "How am I doing" exam review. Your exam is Monday afternoon at 12:15. Please bring a calculator and a pencil with you. Good luck!!
Posted: June 10, 2016
Please find attached the answers to the "How am I doing" exam review. Your exam is Monday afternoon at 12:15. Please bring a calculator and a pencil with you. Good luck!!
Posted: June 6, 2016
Your exam in on Tuesday, June 14th, at 12:15 in room 722.
Please find attached the answer key to the exam review.
Posted: May 20, 2016
Please find attached the answer key to the review questions from Friday, May 20th. The test will be Tuesday.
Posted: April 20, 2016
Please find attached the review sheet along with the answers for the test on Thursday, April 21st. :)
Posted: April 7, 2016
Please find attached the answer key to the review sheet you completed today. The test is Friday, April 8th.
Posted: March 23, 2016
Please find attached the answers to the review sheet from today and the answers to the sheet from Tuesday. Just a reminder that the test is Thursday, March 24th.
Posted: February 24, 2016
Please find attached the notes on Confidence Intervals.
Posted: February 24, 2016
Please find attached the review sheet for the Prime factorization and radical unit along with the answers. Please be advised that the test is Thursday, Feb. 25, not Friday as previously indicated.
Posted: February 22, 2016
Please find the assignment on the last page of the attachment.
Posted: February 18, 2016
Please find attached the answers to the review sheet of sections 3.1 and 3.2.
Posted: January 22, 2016
Please find attached the answers to the review sheet we completed on Thursday.
Your exam is on Tuesday at 8:30. Please bring a pencil and calculator with you.
Posted: January 22, 2016
Please find attached the answers to the last review sheet we completed on Thursday.
Your exam is on Wednesday at 12:15. Please bring a pencil and calculator.
Posted: January 15, 2016
Please find attached the answers to the review booklet for the exam. You will need a pencil, eraser and a calculator for the exam. Your exam is on Tuesday, January 26, at 8:30 in room 722.
Posted: January 12, 2016
Please find attached the answers to the review sheet from today. The test will be Thursday, Jan. 14th.
Posted: January 7, 2016
Please find attached the answers to the review sheet from today. Please don't forget to pass in the "Take home test" tomorrow. :)