Mr. MacDonald

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Posted: April 2, 2015

Physical Science 10 Period 1The notes and readings from this past week are contained in the files below:global_weather_dynamics_reading_march_31-april_2.pdfglobal_weather_dynamics_notes_april_2.pdfglobal_weather_dynamics_notes_april_1.pdfphysical_science_10_weather_notes_march_30.pdfReview Questions (contained in the reading material): Pg 507 #1 - 8, Pg. 513 #2 - 9Phyiscs 122 Period 2Continuing with projectile problems.Suggested practice questions for the test: Pg. 19 #4, 6, 10, & 15.Don't forget about the questions worked out on YouTube: Physics 122 YouTube Playlistphysics_122_projectile_notes_april_2.pdfphysics_122_projectile_notes_april_1.pdfphysics_122_projectile_notes_march_31.pdfphysics_122_projectile_notes_march_30.pdfProjectile Motion test is Wednesday, April 8.Computer Science 110 Period 4Working on "if"-statements and generating random numersCourse Assignments: cs110_assignments_8-11.pdfCode for In-Class #2: simple_dice_game_class_assignment2.pdfCode for In-Class #3: simple_boss_battle_class_assignment3.pdfPhysics 112 Period 6Last dedicated period to complete the two assignments listed below.  Next week: Forces!You will soon be given a lab project or demonstration to develop - start thinking about research topics.cart_collision_same_mass.movcart_collision_mass_difference.movball_drop.movphysics112_1d_tracker_assignment_1.pdfphysics112_1d_tracker_assignment_2.pdftracker_quick_start_guide.pdfDigital Resources for Spring 2015 Courses


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Added: Wed, Dec 18 2019


Physics 112: Acceleration and Position Sept 30, 2015
Physics 112: Acceleration & Direction Changes Sept 29
CS110: Integer & Modulus Division - Example
Math 9: Rational Numbers Test Review