Mr. MacDonald

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Posted: April 22, 2015

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A reminder that the thunderstorm review assignment (thunderstorms_review_assignment.pdf) is now due.

Posted: April 17, 2015

hysical Science 10 Period 1We had discussions and videos on thnuderstorms and tornados.  There will be a review assignment next week.radar_imagery_notes_april_17.pdfphysical_science_110_thunderstorms_april_16.pdfthunderstorms_review_assignment.pdf (due end of class Tuesday, April 21)Read Pages 578 - 581 then questions on Pg. 581 #4, 6, 7Read Pages 584 - 588 then quesetions on Pg 588 #1, 3, 5, 6.Phyiscs 122 Period 2Impulse and momentum readings from text: Pg 195 - 201, 503-505, 509-510.Momentum in 2D: physics122_consv_mom_2d_april_17.pdfFrist 3 Problems on page 24 of problem set (example on YouTube 122 playlist).Momentum in 2D test Thursday, April 23.Computer Science 110 Period 4Working on problems that require coding loop structures.When working on the course work assigned Thursday (based of Wednesday's lesson on looping) you need to know how to tell if a number is even or odd.  Use the "mod" function.  Remember the "mod" function returns the remainder of a division.  For example, 19 mod 3 evaluates to 1 (19 divided by 3 is 6 remainder 1).  If a number is even it will have a remainder of 0 when divided by 2.Physics 112 Period 6Net force and friction problems: Page 15 of the problem set.physics112_net_force_calculations_april_16.pdfThe following examples will help: physics112_force_friction_worked_solutions.pdfThat file matches problems solved on my Physics 112 YouTube playlist.Forces test is scheduled for Firday, April 24 - students have the option to start the test early during study bock.Digital Resources for Spring 2015 Courses


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Added: Wed, Dec 18 2019


Physics 112: Force of Gravity Notes Oct 15
Physics 112: Intro to Forces Oct. 14 2015
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CS110 Assignment 7A and 7B Submission