Mr. Martin - Archive - 09/2012

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Posted: September 28, 2011

Eng 111 - Using a "unique graphic organizer", compare the friendships of Benvolio and Mercutio with Romeo. Eng 112 - Complete any unfinished work for "The Black Cat".

Posted: September 27, 2011

Eng 111 - Lady Capulet's speech to Juliet is a form of an extended metaphor. Your writing task tonight is to write an extended metaphor about yourself. What are YOU best compared to. Take the metaphor and draw it out - extend it to include the obvious and un-obvious characteristics of who YOU are as a human being (in all ways). Half page, single spaced minimum.   Eng 112 - Complete the 11 study questions USING EVIDENCE FROM THE TEXT/DETAILS FROM THE STORY. You have also been assigned the following: Go back through the text of “The Black Cat” and find examples of: (QUOTE THEM) a.      Personification (3 examples) b.     Metaphor and simile  (5 examples total) c.     Alliteration (3 examples) d.     Irony (find an example of all 3 types of irony and describe how it is ironic) e.      Symbolism  (4 explained symbols – what does it represent?) This is part 1 of the sheet handed out in class.

Posted: September 26, 2011

Eng 111 - Article of the week has been assigned. Your fully notated reading and one-page response is due tomorrow. Also, in  Act 1, scene 2 - Using a unique graphic organizer, compare both Capulet and Paris' views on marriage from Act 1, scene 2. (What is a "unique graphic organizer", you ask? A fancied up chart, venn diagram, idea web or similar platform for organizing comparable pieces of information!)   Eng 112 - Article of the week has been assigned. Your fully notated reading and one-page response is due tomorrow. Complete a detailed plotline on the story we read in class, Poe's "The Black Cat". A copy of the story is attached for your convenience!
Microsoft Office document icon the_black_cat_1.doc42.5 KB

Posted: September 23, 2011

Eng 111 - Finish reading Act 1, scene 1 of "Romeo and Juliet" and respond to the questions on your handout. Read scene 2 for Monday. Eng 112 - complete the "Food for Thought" section on the Article of the week sample given to you today. This is to hand in on Monday.

Posted: September 22, 2011

Eng 111 - complete a half page, refreshed paraphrase of the prologue of "Romeo and Juliet". Eng 112 - On Tuesday, you were given the story "Tell Tale Heart" by Edgar Allen Poe and assigned a detailed plot diagram, due today. This evening you are to complete both the 10 comprehension questions AND the three Response questions on your question sheet. The comprehension questions tap into the lower two levels of Bloom's and the Response questions are higher level thinking - they should be at least a paragraph each.  

Posted: September 13, 2011

Eng 111 - Have your questions on "The Lady or the Tiger" AND their rationale ready to pass in for tomorrow. Eng 112 - In class you were given the story "Tell Tale Heart" by Edgar Allen Poe and assigned to complete a detailed plot diagram to pass in tomorrow. A copy of the story is linked below for your convenience.      
Microsoft Office document icon tell_tale_heart_1.doc33 KB

Posted: September 12, 2011

Eng 111 - Read/notate and respond to today's assigned "Article of the Week". Pass in your closely read article and your one page response tomorrow.plane_people_return_to_nfld_-_sept_12.doc Eng 112 - Read Hugh Garner's short story "The Moose and the Sparrow" and respond to the ten assigned questions. This is to pass in tomorrow.

Posted: September 9, 2011

Eng 111 - in a one page written response, answer the question: The Lady or the Tiger? Eng 112 - period 2 - Review your notes on the short story for tomorrow. period 4 - complete your plotline on "the Simpson's" episode to pass in on Monday

Posted: September 8, 2011

Eng 111 - Read through Frank Stockton's "The Lady or the Tiger" and be prepared to take your thinking to the upper levels of Bloom's Taxonomy. If you do not have a copy of the story, a quick google search will help you out. Eng 112 - Review your notes on the short story for tomorrow.  

Posted: September 7, 2011

Things to note:1. BE ON TIME: make an early practice of arriving to this course before the bell. When you arrive, take your books out and be ready to work. Students who are late three (3) times will be given a green sheet and detention. 2. HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS will be posted on the JMH website: . There is a homework section, click on R. Martin and look for your class. Be sure to check for downloadable notes or files if you miss class - YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE FOR UNFINISHED HOMEWORK. Use the “comments” section to contact me for questions on assignments. 3. BRING A POSITIVE ATTITUDE - Welcome to grade 11! This is a pivotal year in your scholastic career. You are one more year from graduating and moving on with your life!



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Added: Thu, Feb 2 2012