Mr. Martin - Archive - 09/2012

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Posted: May 4, 2011

Eng 111 - Finallize your oratory drafts and be ready to present them on Monday. Eng 112 - Finish reading for Chapter 6 of "Lord of the Flies" and complete ALL WORK related to it. Your mid-unit test on chapters 1-7 is on Wednesday, the 11th.

Posted: April 21, 2011

Eng 112 - complete reading of chapter 2 of "Lord of the Flies" and complete questions. Packet work will be done in class. Eng 111 - Article of the week #2 is due today.
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Posted: April 15, 2011

Eng 111 - Continue your reading of "Rime of the Ancient Mariner". Have Parts 3 and 4 pre-read for discussion and groupwork on Monday. Eng 112 - Background project on LOTF was started in class. Due Tuesday.

Posted: April 13, 2011

Eng 111 - New Article of the Week assigned - due Friday at the beginning of class. Eng 112 - ALL unit work should be passed in this week for evaluation. We begin our novel study Thursday.
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Posted: April 7, 2011

Eng 111 - lyric poetry presentations will be finished tomorrow followed by the test on the ode. Reminder that your Article of the Week reflection is due tomorrow Eng 112 period 3 - Romeo and Juliet final tests were written today. Creative extensions/final projects are due Monday. Eng 112 period 6 - MacBeth final test questions are to be completed in class tomorrow. The questions are as follows: *This is to be completed IN-CLASS tomorrow with only assistance of your MacBeth text   MacBeth Final Test - Long Answer Question 1 - Identify each of the prophecies given by the witches throughout the play (there are nine of them) and describe how each of them come true.   Question 2 - A tragic hero is a central character who, despite noble qualities, makes some key errors in Judgment that contribute to his/her downfall. Examine how MacBeth may be seen as a tragic hero.    

Posted: February 9, 2011

Eng 111 - "Lord of the Flies" unit projects are well underway. By this time students should be at or beyond chapter 4 of the book. Proposals must be submitted by week's end. Eng 112 Period 3 - Students are working on Act 1, scenes 3-4 of "Romeo and Juliet". Questions are to be completed for tomorrow, and students are reminded of the test at the end of the Act (Friday). Review notes and terms in advance. Eng 112 Period 6 - Students are working on Act 1 scenes 1-3 of "MacBeth". Questions are to be completed for these scenes for tomorrow. Students will be give their Act 1 creative extension sheet tomorrow.

Posted: February 9, 2011

As part of "Romeo and Juliet" Act 3 creative extension, Alex Loggie and Jacob Woods (with technical assistance from Jeremy MacDonald) recapture the climactic events of the duel between Mercutio vs. Tybalt and Tybalt vs. Romeo using character profiles from "Halo 3" multiplayer. The script is adjusted to take into account the world of "Halo 3" and how it would interweave with Shakespeare's best known tragedy. R0m30 & Ju1337 was created under Microsoft’s “Game Content Usage Rules” using assets from Halo 3 Online Multiplayer, © Microsoft Corporation.

Posted: January 20, 2011

Final Week of Term 1 Writing 110 - Be sure to have your final project passed in tomorrow. There is no exam in this course. Eng 111 - Exam review. Study all notes and review Bloom's Taxonomy of critical thinking. Your final exam is on Wednesday, Jan. 26th at 8:30am in room 319. Eng 112 - Exam review (see attached files or go back through previous homework posts). Period 3 exam is on Tuesday, Jan. 25th at 12:15pm in room 319. Period 6 exam is on Thursday, Jan. 27th at  8:30am in room 319.  

Posted: January 12, 2011

Writing 110 - your final writing project has been assigned YOUR GOAL : TO CREATE A STORYBOOK A.    FOR A CHILD 6-8 YEARS OLD. OR   B.     A PARODY OF A TRADITIONAL FAIRY TALE You have the option to work alone or in a small group.  THIS IS AN IN CLASS FINAL PROJECT.         -          Must be illustrated - original sketches or cited clip art or pictures -          ­Be brief and keep the vocabulary at an appropriate level. -          No more than 3 or 4 sentences per page with a minimum of 8 pages in the actual story. -          Must be a complete story with beginning , middle and end. -          Moral - on last page -          Dedication and a meaningful quote- first page inside cover -          Elaborate, attractive cover with required info - AUTHORS NAMES, ILLUSTRATOR -          Author bio(s) on the back page Eng 111 - Short story unit project has been assigned. Re-writes on passed back essays are due on the 21st. Eng 112 - Several students have requested new copies of their poetry notes. Here is a file containing notes and studied poems:

Posted: December 16, 2010

Eng 111 - Read Bradbury's "A Sound of Thunder". Eng 112 - Reminder that your Unit test on poetry is Tuesday, Dec. 21st. Review all notes! Read the two social commentary poems "Dulce et Decorum Est" and "Base Details" and respond in writing to the following: POINTS TO PONDER:1. Do you think the poet has succeeded in showing us the futility and horror of war? What phrases and words does he use to do this? 2. Compare this poem with Siegfried Sassoon’s poem ‘Base Details’ and see the way the two poets treat the theme of war? Owen’s poem shows us what it was like for the soldiers in the trenches while Sassoon’s shows the separation between these soldiers and the officers who commanded them. Which poem do you think is more powerful? 3. Think about how today’s media (TV, radio, newspapers, the Internet) covers war, and compare it with the account of war in this poem. Did Wilfred Owen and other World War I poets help to give us an accurate picture of what war was really like?  



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Added: Thu, Feb 2 2012