Mrs. Moran Notes



Posted: June 6, 2019

The answers to the Biology 112 exam review are posted below.  A paper copy is also posted in my classroom. 

PDF icon answers_to_bio_112_exam_review.pdf238.46 KB

Posted: June 6, 2019

I've included files of the final two lessons from our Animals unit below for anyone who was absent and may have missed them.

PDF icon mollusks_lesson.pdf22.48 MB
PDF icon chordates_lesson.pdf9.05 MB

Attention students on the JUNO trip:

Please see the take-home test on animals attached below.  The due date for students who are currently on the Juno trip will be Wednesday, June 12 at 3:00 p.m.  You may type your answers directly into the Word document, if you prefer, or other compatible software.  I've also attached the same file as a PDF so you should be able to open it.  I have paper copies available in my classroom if you would like to pick one up on Monday after you return.

Please email me at with any questions or concerns.


Please see the answers to the exam review below.


Posted: April 29, 2019

NRF 10:

Please complete the "Intro to Functions and Graphs" assignment from today's class, and remember to pass it in tomorrow.


Biology 112:

Tomorrow, we will continue to work on the review questions for the Classification and Microorganisms test that is scheduled for  Wednesday.  A reminder that you may write any notes that you think you will find helpful on the index card (both sides) that was passed out in class to use during the test.  Make your notes wisely :)


Biology 122:

Tomorrow, we will continue to work on the review for our (very late) midterm that is scheduled for this Wednesday.  You will be permitted to use your notes and/or handouts from class during the midterm.  Reminder:  All questions on the midterm are problem-based and application questions, so be sure to organize your notes carefully as you will not be permitted extra time.

Posted: April 18, 2019

NRF 10:

Please complete questions on p. 271 #6, and p. 272 #14, 15, 16bc, 17


Biology 112:

Please complete the questions on "The Protist Kingdom" that were handed out in class today.  There will be a unit test next Friday, April 26.


Biology 122:

Please complete the questions from today's class on Manipulating DNA.  Reminder to submit Lab #4 DNA Replication, and that the Midterm will be written on Friday, April 26.

Posted: April 15, 2019

NRF 10:

Today, we wrote the unit test on Polynomials.  If you were absent, please see Mrs. Moran to make arrangements to write the test.


Biology 112:

We started Lab #4 Bacteria today.  Different location in the school were sampled to test for bacterial growth.  We will continue monitoring the agar plates throughout the week to check the results.  
Homework: Please complete the "Bacteria and Viruses" crossword puzzle that was handed out in class.


Biology 122:

Please complete the questions on Mutations, and begin preparing for the DNA test that is scheduled for Wednesday.  Tomorrow will be a review period.

Posted: April 11, 2019

NRF 10:

Please complete today's review for test.  We will continue more review tomorrow, and the unit test on Polynomials will be on Monday, April 15.


Biology 112:

Please complete the questions on Bacteria and Viruses from today's class. Tomorrow, we will be watching the PBS documentary "Frontline: Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria."  Please check out the link below if you are absent and view the full video.


Biology 122:

Please complete the questions on RNA and Protein Synthesis that were handed out in class.  A reminded to pass in the DNA Replication Lab report, if you have not already done so.

Posted: April 10, 2019

NRF 10:

Please complete the questions from today's class on factoring (includes difference of squares and a mixed review of other factoring types).


Biology 112:

We completed the classification of living things lab activity, and started the next section on Bacteria and Viruses.  Be sure to get a copy of any notes you may have missed from a classmate.


Biology 122:

Please complete the DNA Transcription and Translation handout from class.

Reminded to make sure Lab #3 DNA Extraction, and Lab #4 DNA Replication are completed and passed in!

Posted: April 9, 2019

NRF 10:

Please complete all practice questions from today's sheet on Factoring Long Trinomials.  There will be a unit test on Friday!


Biology 122:

Today we worked on a classification of living things lab activity.  We will complete it tomorrow.  If you were absent on Monday, April 8, please make arrangements to write the quiz you missed ASAP.


Biology 122:

If you were absent today, please make arrangements to write the quiz ASAP.  Reminder to pass in the DNA Extraction Lab report, if you have not already done so.

Posted: April 4, 2019

NRF 10:

Please complete #5 - 14 on the Facotring Simple Trinomials worksheet, and the trinomials puzzle sheet that was handed out in class today.

Biology 122:

Please complete the question sheets on DNA Replication that were handed out in class.  Reminder: Remember to pass in your DNA Extraction Lab report, if you have not already done so.

Biology 112:

Please study all notes on Classification (18-1 and 18-3 from the textbook), and complete the review questions from class. There will be a QUIZ on Monday, April 8.  Review questions and answers are posted below.

Posted: April 2, 2019

NRF 10:

Please complete #1-4 on today's practice sheet, "Factoring Simple Trinomials."


Biology 112:

Please complete the review sheet on kingdoms and domains.  Also, create 2 "What kingdom am I?" riddles to share with the class.


Biology 122:

Lab #3 DNA Extraction is due Thursday.

Posted: February 14, 2018

Physics 122:

Please complete the Displacement Lab and pass in the final copy by tomorrow.


Biology 122:

Please read and review all notes from class so far.  There will be a quiz on Friday.


Science 9:

Be sure to pass in your diagrams from the microscope lab we did today.  Study your notes on microscopes and the cell theory.  There will be a short quiz tomorrow in class!

Posted: November 3, 2017

Chemistry 122:

Continue to work on the review questions given in class and review all notes before the MIDTERM on Tuesday, November 7.

Review notes from our work in class today are attached.

PDF icon midterm_review.pdf472.56 KB

Posted: June 8, 2017

Please check the attachments below for practice exam multiple choice and problems with solutions.

Reminder that the Physics 122 Exam is Tuesday, June 13 at 12:15 in room 719 (Ms. Underhill's room).

Remember to bring your calculator!
