Mrs. McCallum Notes

Semester 2 2017


Posted: September 24, 2018

Science 9- Students worked on their mitosis comics and they were given a mitosis sheet to work on.  We will review the sheet tomorrow in class

Bio 122- Students continued to work on meiosis lab stations.

ES 120- Student reviewed for their test.  Test tomorrow

Bio 112-  Student worked on their cell foldables to review the cell parts and functions. Please complete the foldable for tomorrow.

Posted: September 20, 2018

Science 9- Students reviewed cell parts and wrote a small quiz

Bio 112- student reviewed mitosis and meiosis

ES 120- Student contined to watch the movie in class regarding environmental injustice

Bio 112- started cells

Posted: September 16, 2018

Science 9- Test on scientists, microscope and cells Monday

Bio 122- students wrote a quiz on Friday

ES 120- students continued working on their in class projects- Environmental Issues and Ecopoints

Bio 112- Students reviewed for their test.  Test on Monday.

Posted: September 12, 2018


Science 9- Students had a mini quiz on the microscope today.  They worked on the microscope lab. Test on Monday Sept 17

Bio 122- Students completed a mitosis lab and worked on question sheets. Quiz on Friday

ES 120- Students worked on Environmental Issue projects

Bio 112- Students worked on a foldable regarding spontaneous generation scientists. Test on Monday Sept 17


Posted: May 29, 2018

Biology 112- Students have taken notes on different groups of animals over the past couple of days.

ES 120- Students wrote a test today on Succession, Nutrient Cycling and Abiotic Factors.  They are working on pollution assignments and ecopoints

Chem 112- Students have been learning about moles and mole calculations.

Posted: May 25, 2018

Biology 112- Students wrote a test today on fungus and plants

ES 120- Students worked on pollution and greenhouse effect assignments

Chem 112- Students worked on mole and volume questions in class

Posted: May 16, 2018


Biology 112- Students worked on a fungus lab

ES 120  Students watched videos on succession and completed worksheets

Chemistry 112- Students completed a lab on creating bouncy balls and finished up their tests

Posted: May 10, 2018

Biology 112- Students got the answers for the review sheet for their test on Monday May 14th

ES 120- Students worked on their review sheets and other projects Test Monday  May 14th

Chem 112- students got to review sheets for chapter 7 and chapter 8 for their test on Tuesday May 15th

Posted: May 9, 2018

Biology 112- Students worked on their protists sheets - Test coming up on Monday May 14

ES 120- We completed more biome projects and students worked on their review sheets.- Test Monday May 14

Chemistry 112- We did a new topic on polarity- Test on Tuesday Mary 15

Posted: May 8, 2018

Biology 112- Students worked on protists fill in the blank sheets

ES 120- Students worked on Ecosystem review sheets

Chem 112- Students worked on assignments for compounds

Posted: May 1, 2018

Biology 112- students reviewed their review sheets in class then wrote the bacteria quiz.  They worked on their bacteria labs.

ES 120- we started our biome project presentations today

Chemistry 112- we worked on the ionic/metallic compound worksheet and corrected our last test together

Posted: April 30, 2018

Biology 112- Students were given a bacteria review sheet on Friday and another review sheet in today's class to prepare for tomorrow's quiz on bacteria.  Tomorrow after we correct the reviews we will do our quiz.

ES 120- Students worked on their biome projects and they were given a review sheet to complete for the test that will be coming up next week.

Chemistry 112- Students were given notes on metallic bonds and an assignment to complete regarding ionic and metallic bonds.

Posted: April 23, 2018

Biology 112- We reviewed notes on bacteria and completed a hand-in assignment.

ES 120- We continued working on our biome projects.

Chem 112- We reviewed acid and bases and did a quiz.  Test on compounds Thursday April 26

Posted: April 18, 2018

Biology 112-  Students were given a review sheet in class today.  They were given the period to work on it and they will be given a bit of time to work on it in class tomorrow too.  We will review for their test on Friday.

ES 120- Students were working on their biome projects.

Chem112- Period 4- students reviewed naming acids and bases and were given worksheets to practice with.  Period 6 students were at the career fair and will get this information tomorrow.  There is a molecular compound mini quiz tomorrow.  The students were told on Monday that the quiz would be on Tuesday, but due to the snow day and career fair it was moved to Thursday.


Posted: April 16, 2018

Biology 112- Students worked on sheet regarding classification.  Test on Thursday, April 19th. 

ES 120- We started our biome project in class.  Groups were selected and topics assigned.

Chemistry 112- Students worked on molecular compound questions.  Students will have a mini quiz on molecular compounds tomorrow. Answers are provided for sheets from class.


PDF icon molecular_compound_answers.pdf11.91 MB
