Mrs. McCallum Notes

Semester 2 2017


Posted: February 13, 2018


Biology 112


Students review answers from the worksheet, examples of scientific method scenarios.


Students got a worksheet to review the scientists and the scientific method.  Answers to the sheets will be reviewed in class tomorrow.  Test on SG, scientists and scientific method on Friday February 16th.


ES 120


Students presented their research on their Environmental Groups


We discussed different local and global issues.


Students continued working on their crosswords.


Chemistry 112


We continued our discussion of the periodic table


Students took notes on Hydrogen and Periodic Law.


We watched crash course chemistry about “The Periodic Table”


Students completed a Periodic Table Worksheet


Mini Quiz tomorrow on Pure Substance/Mixtures, Chemical/Physical Properties and Changes, Pg 52


Posted: February 12, 2018


Biology 112

Students worked on questions assigned from the textbook.

1.  Read pages 8 and 9.  Define the highlighted terms.

2.  Listed the five steps to Designing an Experiment, using p. 8 - 10.

We reviewed the definitions together.

Students completed a worksheet to review the material from class.

Students will continue to work on their foldables in class tomorrow.

Test on Spontaneous Generation, Scientists and Scientific Method-Friday Feb 16, 2018

ES 120

Students watched a video regarding the human impact on the environment.

We discussed notes together regarding environmental problems

Students were given a crossword to review the information from class.

Chemistry 112

Students reviewed questions on Page 52 20-27.

We reviewed the groups of the periodic table and used a copy of the periodic table to represent groups by colouring.

Mini Quiz on Wednesday Feb 14, 2018


Posted: February 9, 2018


Biology 112- Student finished their notes on the scientists.  In class, we will review the scientists and their contributions together.  Students completed a matching worksheet to test what they have learned.  Students will be given a reading on the scientists involved in disproving spontaneous generation.  They will use this information to create a foldable to help organize the information. Students were asked to work on their foldables at home.


ES 120- We went to the library and work on a project, “Environmental Group Research”.  Students were asked to research two different environmental groups.  The class was put into five different groups, each given two topics to research.  Student had the assignment sheet and two templates sheets to fill out the information. Students were told they will be informally presenting their research to the class on Tuesday.


Chemistry 112- Students reviewed notes from Wednesday as well as worksheets handed out in class.  Students were asked to complete a crossword using the notes provided.  We reviewed through the notes together.  We correct all of the worksheets that had been handed out. I passed out a note on elements and assigned the questions Pg 52 20-27.  Questions are due to review on Monday Feb 12th.


Posted: February 7, 2018


Biology 112- Students were given task cards yesterday to review some topics in biology.  After this activity students were to read an article on “The Science Behind the Flu Shot” and answer questions.  Today we will be starting to look at topic spontaneous generation and research some of the scientists involved in the process of developing the cell theory and disproving spontaneous generation.  Students were asked to finish these notes up for homework.


ES 120- Yesterday in class, students read two articles “Climate Change and Pizzly Bears” and “The Truth Behind Bottled Water”.  Student review the first article yesterday and today we reviewed the second one.  We discussed the different perspectives between Canada and the World.  Students were given notes on expansionist and ecological point of view, intro history of the environment and waves of environmentalism.  The ecopoint project was introduced today.  Students have to pick out 8 topics out of 10 choices.  The deadline for this project June 1, 2018.


Chem 112- Yesterday students were given sheet on pure substance and mixtures and physical and chemical properties.  Today in class we discussed what is chemistry and what is the importance of chemistry through different examples.  Students were given a sheet of notes and a crossword to fill out using these notes.  They were asked to complete the crossword and the other worksheet for homework.


Posted: February 4, 2018

Today was an introduction day for Biology 112, ES 120 and Chemistry 112.  We went over the rules and the class outline for the semester and we did a small review to refresh student's memories of topics they have seen in previous courses.

Students will be able to access this page for an outline of what we do each day.

These are the answers to the review questions

Good Luck with studying!

These are the answers for the review sheets given out in class.  

Good luck with studying!!  

Posted: January 18, 2018

We have been doing review in all classes.  Review sheets have been handed out all week and the answers will be posted in class tomorrow and also on my teacher page.

Chemistry 112 - Exam Jan 22  Room 515  12:15  2 hrs long- you can leave at 1.5 hrs

Science 9- Exam Jan 23 Room 515 8:30 1.5 hours long- you can leave at 1 hr

Biology 112 period 4- Exam Jan 24  Room 515  8:30  2 hrs long- you can leave at 1.5 hrs

Biology 112 period 6- Exam Jan 25  Room 515  8:30  2 hrs long- you can leave at 1.5 hrs

Posted: January 15, 2018

Chemistry 112- Students were given sheets to practice balancing equations.  The answers to some of the questions will be reviewed tomorrow in class. 

Science 9- Students were given a review sheet on reproduction in class today.  Answers will be given tomorrow in class.

Biology 112- student reviewed answers for review sheets for the animal section.  There will be a test tomorrow on animals.  The first review sheet was handed out.

Posted: January 10, 2018

Chemistry 112- Students worked on questions as I circulated and checked in for student understanding. There will be a quiz tomorrow on Molar calculations.

Science 9- We reviewed Lunar and Solar Eclipses in class- student tooks notes during the lesson.

Biology 112- We started the section on Worms.  Test next Tuesday on Intro to Animals, Sponges, Cnidarians and Worms.

Posted: January 9, 2018

Chem 112- Students learned about empirical and molecular formulas yesterday and reviewed questions for those topics.  Today we reviewed a question on empirical and molecular formulas.  Test will be on Thursday on molar calculations.

Science 9- For the past two days we were finishing up our genius hour projects.  I observed student projects they have been working on this semester

Biology 112-Students were given a review sheet yesterday in class for Intro to animals and sponges.  Today we reviewed notes on Cnidarians.

Posted: December 21, 2017

Chemistry 112- Continued to work on Chemistry molar questions and I circulated to check in with students

Science 9- Students filled in a self assessment for their Genius Hour project and we went to the computer lab.  I was able to discuss some of the projects with the students.

Biology 112- students watch the Life video "Creatures of the Deep".  This is used to supplement what we will see after our break.

Posted: December 20, 2017

Chemistry 112- Students had time to work on questions and I introduced a new topic -percent composition.  Tomorrow we will continue to work on questions.

Science 9- Today they completed a space test.  We will go to the library tomorrow to finish our Genius Hour projects.

Biology 112- Continue notes on sponges


Posted: December 15, 2017

Chemistry 112- Students continued to work on problems on mole calculations

Science 9- students worked on their Genius Hour Projects.  They are finishing up with this project next week.

Biology 112- Students watch videos from the Life series to supplement units on Plants and Animals.  Worksheets were filled out while watching the videos.

Posted: December 14, 2017

December 13th was a snow day

Chemistry 112- Students continued to work on questions and I circulated to review test with students.

Science 9- Powerpoint presentation on the Moon-gave out a review sheet for Space unit- Quiz on Tuesday

Biology 112- Review plants for test Monday
