Posted: October 7, 2020
Mrs. McCallum Notes
Posted: October 6, 2020
Posted: October 6, 2020
Posted: September 28, 2020
Here are the lessons for September 28 and 29.
Take care,
Posted: September 24, 2020
Attached is what was done in class on Thursday and will be covered on Friday.
I gave out the Teams codes in class for all of my classes.
Science 9 - fjhlxe1
Science 10- umf57ep
ES 120- 1pdrfj7
Please join!
Posted: September 23, 2020
Lessons for Sept 22 and 23
Take care,
Posted: September 21, 2020
Good Morning,
This is what was done in class and required for home learning.
Posted: September 17, 2020
Good Morning,
Here is what was done in class and what is to be done at home for all of my classes. File is attached.
Posted: September 16, 2020
Good morning,
Here is what we did in class and what was assigned for home learning on Monday and Tuesday. In class and home learning work will be posted for September 16 and 17 and the end of the day.
Please email me at if you have any questions. Thanks!
Posted: June 8, 2020
This is our last lesson for ECE Home Learing.
Have a safe and relaxing summer!
Posted: June 8, 2020
This is our final assignment for Science 9.
Take care and have a great summer!
Posted: June 1, 2020
Lesson #4 for space,
Have a great week!
Posted: May 31, 2020
Lesson #9 has been added.
Have a great week!
Posted: May 25, 2020
This is lesson # 3 of space,
Have a great week,
Posted: May 25, 2020
This is lesson # 8
Have a great week!