Mr. Martin

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Posted: October 24, 2013

Today Journalism 120 sat down with guidance counsellors Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. Sherrard

Posted: October 23, 2013

Eng 112 - Unit projects for short fiction have been assigned. Students must submit their written proposals on Friday. Due date is Wednesday, Oct. 30th Eng 111 - MacBeth groupwork has been assigned.

Posted: October 23, 2013

The Journalism 120 class sent Zach Creamer out to break down walls and enter territory that few dare to go.

Posted: October 23, 2013

Journalism 120 student Kayla Duplessie took time to interview three rookies on the Tommie Girl's Field Hockey team. Demi Theriault, Stephanie Stewart and Hilary Curtis provide insight on how they're liking the season so far and how they think the team is going to progress this year.

Posted: October 18, 2013

Eng 112 - Yesterday you were assigned the Roald Dahl story A Lamb to the Slaughter and we completed work on that today in class. Reminder that essay rewrites are due at the first of class on Monday and your short story unit test is also on Monday, October 21st. (short story notes are included on this post. If you are missing any stories, look at previous homework posts or search for them online) Eng 111 - Your MacBeth Unit test will be on Monday.
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Posted: October 15, 2013

Eng 112 - Read the Bradbury story A Sound of Thunder (one of my all time faves) and complete a plotline to pass in tomorrow.
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Posted: October 7, 2013

Eng 112 - Re-read Shirley Jackson's The Lottery and complete a detailed plotline to pass in tomorrow. Eng 111 - Your article of the week has been assigned

Posted: September 30, 2013

Eng 112 - Reminder that Wednesday, Oct. 2nd is the due date for your Poe comparison essay. Tomorrow is the last day you will have inclass - so be sure you have the majority of your draft done for revision tomorrow. Eng 111 - Your article of the week response is due tomorrow. The format is changed - pick an article from the resource I gave you and respond (one page minimum).

Posted: September 25, 2013

Journalism 120 - All pairs should be working on their article for the class website the deadline on these articles is Friday, this week. Don't forget to include a feature image to go along with your article!   Eng 112 - Assigned yesterday, due Wednesday, Oct. 2nd. Organize your details from the stories. You are to write a 5 paragraph essay on the similarities between Edgar Allen Poe’s three stories: “Tell-Tale Heart”,  “The Black Cat” and “Cask of Amontillado”.   In order to discuss how these three stories are similar, feel free to use the following suggestions: -          Use direct examples from the stories (description, plot similarities, characters etc.) -          Use direct quotations from any of the three stories -          Compare Poe’s writing style. Examples may include his use of foreshadowing, suspense, irony, atmosphere, point of view, symbolism, etc.   Evaluation: Introduction - Provide a clear thesis statement, presented in an original way. Remember: a thesis statement clearly states the  purpose of the essay. Body      -        There should be 3 separate paragraphs which compare specific elements of the two stories. Possible paragraph ideas are: -          A paragraph on plot similarities. -          A  paragraph on Poe’s writing style the types of figures of speech he uses -          A paragraph on Poe’s use of figurative language (suspense, foreshadowing, atmosphere -          A paragraph which includes contrasts (differences) can be used as well. -          you should be able to support your comparisons using quotes or direct examples from the stories. Conclusion - Give a restatement of the original purpose. It helps to mention the points covered in the body of the essay and tie up remaining loose ends. (ask yourself: have I accomplished what I had originally intended when I started writing? Have I met my objectives stated in the purpose?).    

Posted: September 24, 2013

Eng 112 - Begin the pre-writing comparison work between the three Edgar Allen Poe stories we studied in class. Your comparison essay has been assigned, it is due one week from tomorrow (Wednesday). The attached chart is a suggestion on how you can organize your comparisons, begin work on this tonight  poe_comparison_chart.doc Eng 111 - Act 2 creative extensions are due tomorrow!
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Added: Mon, Feb 10 2014
