Mrs. Corlett

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: October 19, 2011

ENGLISH 9 - You finished up the OCA (thank you!), then worked on your "Incident" poem , which is due tomorrow!  Bring your novel for SSR, please, as your one-pager will be due at the end of next week. ENGLISH 122 - We completed some peer editing of your the first draft of your research essay, then worked on your Marlowe presentations.

Posted: October 18, 2011

ENGLISH 9 - In class today, we had a great say about last night's Article of the Week, then you worked on the OCA.  We'll finish that up tomorrow, then work on completing your "Incident" poem.   ENGLISH 122 - Ditto on the Article of the Week.  You then worked on your Christopher Marlowe presentation (we're gunning for Thursday).  DON"T FORGET that your research essay draft is due tomorrow, Wednesday.

Posted: October 17, 2011

ENGLISH 9 - Today, we viewed Blind Melon's "No Rain" in order for you to see how important it is to determine what's important to "keep" when you're reading or viewing, and what you can "toss out."  Good job!  You also received your Article of the Week (due tomorrow, of course), and you worked away at your "Incident" poem.   ENGLISH 122 - In class today, you also received your Article of the Week (due tomorrow), you received a reminder about the first draft of your research essay (due Wednesday), and we broke into groups in order to research and prepare a presentation on something Christopher Marlowe-centred.
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Posted: October 12, 2011

ENGLISH 9 - Hey!  In class today, we had a GREAT say about last night's Article of the Week! I'm glad you enjoyed it.  From there, we added a few new terms to our list of poetic terms, and took a look at a classic Police song to clearly explain how a symbol can work.  FOR TOMORROW, please type up your extended metaphor (print it if you can, or e-mail it to me/bring in a thumb drive) so we can show off what you have developed as symbols for yourselves. ENGLISH 122 - The college expo went down today.  Your Article of the Week is due tomorrow.

Posted: October 11, 2011

ENGLISH 9 - Hi there!  Today, we enjoyed some SSR, you received your Article of the Week, then we worked on creating an extended metaphor for YOU.  They're awesome!  BOTH are due for tomorrow (AotW and your metaphor). ENGLISH 122 - Hi to you, too.  You also received your Article of the Week (due tomorrow), and began the outlining of your research essay, which is due on Friday.  We also created the rubric we'll use to score it, and you were explained how the "process" part of your mark works.

Posted: October 7, 2011

ENGLISH 9 - Hey there!  Today, we enjoyed some SSR, then worked on creating a metaphor and an extended metaphor about what YOU are.  Great job with our class versions of "I am a tornado."  I've added them below, if you'd like to take a peek...because they're awesome. PERIOD 1: I am a Tornado.I am a natural disaster,That pounds, destroys,Kicks up dust, But looks cool...from a distance.   PERIOD 2: I am a Tornado.I destroy lives,I intimidate,I cause grief,But on the other side of my                                              Fury,There's a rainbow.   PERIOD 3: I am a Tornado.Ready to explode,                 Raging,Destroying,Cold air meets warm,But there is a rainbow...        AFTER the storm.   ENGLISH 122 - Today, you handed in your reflections (thanks!) then wrote the WICKED test you all created yesterday with our new bestie, Bloom's Taxonomy for Thinking. Have a great long weekend!

Posted: October 6, 2011

ENGLISH 9 - Congrats on receiving your netbooks!  You look VERY studious!  In class, we analyzed our first poem together, Langston Hughes' "Dreams".  Your job for tomorrow is to write a similar poem to his (two metaphors to explain what life might be like if we don't "hold fast" to our dreams).  Don't forget SSR tomorrow, also. ENGLISH 122 - Today, you worked in groups to come up with some dynamo questions for your test tomorrow.  In addition for tomorrow, remember to focus your reflection: an intro, a summary of one of the six characters from the "Aftermath" section of the novel, then a final paragraph to reflect either on that character or the novel.  Thanks!

Posted: October 5, 2011

Hello on this lovely, rain day! ENGLISH 9 - Thank you so much for taking the time to make your Aviva vote!  In class, we added to your list of poetic terms (internal rhyme, assonance and alliteration), and applied them to our homeboy's song.  Tomorrow, we'll apply everything we've learned so far to a poem of your own!  Wooo! ENGLISH 122 - Since you enjoyed an assembly yesterday, we discussed your Articles of the Week today.  Well done.  In addition, we discussed section four of the novel, and worked on the very beginnings of your essays, which will be due next week (we'll choose the day together, and create the rubric, too).

Posted: October 4, 2011

ENGLISH 9 - Hi there!  Today, we enjoyed about 20 minutes of SSR, then had our discussion (using our new "discussion skills"!) about last night's Article of the Week.  Good job!  Tomorrow, we'll continue analyzing "Lose Yourself" and all of its poetic genius.   ENGLISH 122 -  Instead of enjoying class together, you enjoyed an assembly, instead.  FOR TOMORROW, please complete all of section IV and the guiding questions.

Posted: October 3, 2011

ENGLISH 9 - Hey there!  In class today, you selected the first of the nine novels you'll be reading over the course of this year in the Book A Month program.  You also got the low-down on the One-Pagers that are due with each of your novels.  The one-pager you choose is entirely up to you.  We'll have some SSR in class tomorrow, so please don't forget your novel.  Also for tomorrow, please remember to read and complete the notation for your Article of the Week, due for homework.   ENGLISH 122 - Hello!  In class today, you received your Article of the Week (due for tomorrow), and we reviewed your quiz from Friday.  We are nearing the end of the novel, so keep some research ideas in mind.
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