Mrs. Corlett

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Posted: December 6, 2011

English 9 - Don't forget to complete your "Who Is 'Better'?" assignment for Friday (using your Venn diagram information about the three characters as evidence). English 122 - We had a say about last night's article, then discussed your individual analyses of two scenes in the play...and kept reading.

Posted: December 5, 2011

English 9 - Hi!  In class today, you received your Article of the Week (due tomorrow), then we reviewed our Short Story terms, and completed our Venn diagram to compare and contrast Voodoo and Hobbyist.  From there, you were given an assignment that we'll be working on over the next few days, where you will be comparing and contrasting three major characters to determine which one is potentially "better" than the others.  Thanks for your hard work!   English 122 - Hey there!  You were also given your Article of the Week, due tomorrow.  We then returned to the individual analyses of two scenes in Dr. Faustus you were completing when we last met on Tuesday of last week.  Well done!

Posted: December 1, 2011

English 9 - Happy December!  In class today, we did a warm-up using nutrition labels, added two new terms to our short story list read Hobbyist and began a Venn diagram to complete a comparison contrast of Voodoo and Hobbyist.  Enjoy your long weekend. English 122 - No clas today...pep rally!

Posted: November 30, 2011

English 9 - Hiya!  In class this morning, we did a little warm-up using some Mark Twain quotes to help us along.  Happy birthday, Mark Twain!  Then, we added a few terms to our Short Story list, and watched a few movie clips to help identify the types of conflict we'll see in the stories we read.  For tomorrow, your One-Pager is due.  English 122 - Hi to you, too!  You handed in your research essay (thanks very much!), then you were give time to work on your reflection, as over half of the class was at GeekCon 2011.

Posted: November 28, 2011

English 9 -  Hello, people!  Today, you were assigned your Article of the Week (due tomorrow), and you read/analyzed another Fredric Brown story...this time using our netbooks to chat with peers.  Well done. English 122 - Hi!  You also received your Article of the Week (due tomorrow), and we continued reading Dr. Faustus.  Last reminder about your research essay due on Wednesday.

Posted: November 24, 2011

English 9 - Today, we did a warm-up using the shortest short story in the history of short stories! (but it STILL had a setting, character, and conflict!)  After that, we individually completed a continuum as an anticipation guide, discussed our choices in small groups, then came back as a whole class to have a say.  Well done!  No homework for tomorrow. English 122 - Thanks for completing the "At this point in the play" activity to begin class.  From there, we reviewed yesterday's reading and kept on truckin'.  Don't forget your reflection for tomorrow, and your research essay for Wednesday.

Posted: November 23, 2011

English 9 - In class today, you completed your checklist for your final draft of the memoire you wrote...then you took the opportunity to read and provide positive feedback to several of your peers about THEIR memoires!  Thanks! English 122 - Hi there!  First, we had a say about your Articles of the Week from Monday, then we reviewed the meatier "stuff" from our Faustus reading on Monday, and continued reading...while still practicing note-taking and exercising our upper-level thinking abilities, of course.  Don't forget about the research essay you have due one week from today.  

Posted: November 21, 2011

English 9 - Today, we played "Who Owns This" as a writing warm-up, then worked on polishing off our memoires (which are due Wednesday - if you'd like yours printed, it must be sent to me before classes begin on Wednesday).  For tomorrow, complete your Article of the Week. English 122 - Today, we reviewed what we've covered so far in Dr. Faustus, then kept on reading, while still practicing our note-taking.  Your Article of the Week is due tomorrow, and your research essay is due next Wednesday.

Posted: November 16, 2011

English 9 - Hello!  In class today, we completed a warm-up using an "Aminals" cartoon, did a quick review of your point-form version of events for your memoire, then created the storyboard you'll use to help you organize those events.  Some of you even began writing!  Remember that an engaging introduction is pretty important, right?  For tomorrow, be sure to have your storyboard completed, as your first draft will likely be due on Friday. English 122 - Hello to you, too!  Today, we looked at your "comic" character assignment from last night, reviewed the reesearch essay assignment that is due Wednesday, November 30, reviewed what we covered yesterday in Dr. Faustus, then continued reading the play.  Remember your reflection for Friday, right?

Posted: November 15, 2011

English 9 - In class today, after discussing our Articles of the Week, we enjoyed some SSR, then got to work on the next phase of your memoires.  For tomorrow, please complete the POINT FORM version of the story you'd like to tell.  We'll turn those notes into a storyboard before you actually start writing the memoire (organizing our thoughts first, right?) English 122 - Today, we discussed last night's Article, reviewed the notes from yesterday, then continued reading Dr. Faustus.
