Mrs. Corlett

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: March 30, 2012

English 9 - Good work with your peer edits today...those of you who completed your draft on time...The final is due on Tuesday (and you'll be receiving VERY limited class time on Monday, as we'll be moving into the presentation aspect of this unit). English 122 - We continued plugging away at Oedipus.  Don't worry - it gets easier!  Remember your non-fiction selection, due in two weeks with a One-Pager and a Book Talk.

Posted: March 30, 2012

English 9 - The typed draft of your research essay is due tomorrow, as we'll be peer editing in class. English 122 - You've been assigned an "additional non-fiction novel study" which is due in two weeks, on Friday, April 13.  Also, don't forget about your reflection for tomorrow.

Posted: March 26, 2012

English 9 - Hello!  We continued the research process today, with you either taking or making notes about the topic you selected.  Tomorrow, you'll start to reorganize that information into a different graphic organizer - one for a five-paragraph essay with a thesis.  You'll then be able to tell if you need a little more research to give your essay some punch.  If you need to, please conduct more research at home, taking or making notes as you go. English 122 - Good day!  Your Article of the Week is due tomorrow, and you'll be writing a test on the frontloading material you provided each other for Oedipus.  Please read through your notes.  From there, we'll fill in any gaps...then start reading!
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Posted: March 19, 2012

English 9 - Hello there!  In class today, we reviewed Friday's lesson (how to determine the credibility of a website when doing research), then we went from station to station to work on making notes using a graphic organizer.  Good work!  We'll try another type of prganizer tomorrow. English 122 - Hey!  You received your Article of the Week today (due tomorrow), were reminder of the essay you have due on Wednesday, and you were given time to work on your group frontloading activities for Oedipus.
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Posted: March 15, 2012

English 9 - Remember to have your final draft of your character sketch completed for tomorrow.  You'll need to hand in your notes, the outline, the edited draft, your final, and the checklist.   English 122 - Your reflection and draft of your essay are due tomorrow.  We'll spend the first half of class peer editing, and the other half working on the "frontloading" assignment for Sophocles.  Vanessa, we have a VERY big surprise for you...

Posted: March 14, 2012

English 9 - Today, you plugged away at the draft of your character sketch (using your outline as a guide).  That draft is due tomorrow, as one of your peers will do some editing for you. English 122 - We determined that the draft of your resarch essay (with support) will be due on Friday, as it will be edited by a peer.  On top of that, you decided that we will be examining Oedipus Rex and Dante's Inferno as our drama selections.  Woooooooo!!!!  Can't wait!  Also, don't forget about the reflection you have due on Friday.

Posted: March 13, 2012

English 9 - Hey there!  Today in class, we went through the graphic organizer you're going to try for your character sketch, along with the rubric that'll be used to score it.  The outline page is due for tomorrow.  Good luck! English 122 - This afternoon, we discussed last night's Article of the Week, then got to worl on developing the outline for your research essay (your research essay with support, I mean).  Good job!

Posted: March 12, 2012

English 9 - Welcome back!  In class today, you worked on completing your own Plot Analysis page (the yellow one) for the Scooby Doo episode you're creating, then completing the stortboard. Remember, we're hitting a bunch of the grade 9 outcomes with this assignment, so do your best.  It's all due tomorrow. English 12 - Welcome back to you, too!  Your Article of the Week is due tomorrow, along with the outline of your essay. 
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Posted: February 23, 2012

English 9 - Great job with your Book Talks!  We'll continue those on Monday. English 122 - Today, we discussed section IV of Hiroshima, then went through the steps in identifying whether or not a website is credible.  For Monday, choose two characters in sevtion V, and write a brief summary (to be handed in) of the way their story unfolded.

Posted: February 17, 2012

English 9 - Today, you handed in your novel packet, we reviewed the Grade 9 curriculum document, and you received the rubric I'll be using to score your Book Talks next week.  Get to work! English 122 - We reviewed the Grade 12 curriculum document, you handed in your reflections (thanks!), completed a little response writing to a quote from Albert Einstein, viewed some pretty horrible photos from Hiroshima, then got to work on section III (which is due Monday).  
