Ms. Curtis Notes

Music 10, Music 112, Passion Projects, Humanities Block


Posted: February 8, 2011

We have been studying and analysing Music Styles, and your  music styles quiz will be taking place Tuesday and Wednesday.Be sure to look over the decsription of each style, as well as, the origin. Youtube can be very useful resouce when practicing identifying music styles. See attachment "Music Styles" for studying.   Your first assignment will involve some looking back in time as you create a timeline of your music preferences. This should include everything from  Barney to Avril Lavigne. See attached assignment for specific details. Your parents may enjoy helping you with this assignment.
PDF icon music_styles.pdf98.21 KB
PDF icon history_as_a_music_listener.pdf68.35 KB

Posted: January 18, 2011

Continue to work on theory review sheets. We will begin theory review in Wednesday's class. Bring questions and concerns.

Posted: January 11, 2011

Music History(Medieval, Renaissnace, and Baroque) Test will be Thursday, Jan. 13th.

Posted: December 14, 2010

I've posted the music selections which we have analyzed together in class. Refer to your notes to help prepare you for the listening portion of your History test;Date TBA.

Posted: November 24, 2010

THis week we have been working on Major and Minor Tonic Triads, as well as, Dominant triads in Major and Minor keys.   We will have an ear training quiz on major and minor triads on Friday, NOv. 26th. Use to practise your ear training skills.
PDF icon domtriads2.pdf400.4 KB
PDF icon dominant_triad.pdf513.6 KB

Posted: November 24, 2010

THEORY QUIZ on semitones and wholetones will be on Friday, Nov. 26th   Practise the attached exercise to help prepare you for this quiz.
PDF icon semitnoes_and_wholetones_exercise.pdf499.53 KB

Posted: November 17, 2010

We are currently studying music of the Renaissance era. With that, students will be learning some Renaissance dance on Thursday during study block. It promises to be a very entertaining hour :)    
PDF icon renaissance.pdf308.27 KB

Posted: November 17, 2010

Trumpets and saxophones are sounding once again in the James M Hill music room. Grade 10 students have recently begun their instrumental unit, whereby students select an instrument to work on for the remainder of the semester. Should students wish to practise at home, they may do so, providing an agreement form is signed by parent and student. YOu can find this agreement under the Document section. If instruments are taken home, they must be returned promptly the next day by 8:20 a.m., along with the corresponding book.

Posted: October 25, 2010

Theory quiz and ear training  quiz on Thursday, Oct. 28th. Use the following website to practise your ear training:

Posted: October 18, 2010

As we begin our section on Intervals, you should do as much ear training as possible on your own. Use the following website:

Posted: October 13, 2010

Theory Test on Thursday, October 14th Topics: Key Signatures Finding the key of a melody Major, Natural Minor, Melodic Minor, and Harmonic Minor scales Note names      

Posted: October 1, 2010

ROCKBAND projects due.Have a great weekend!!!
PDF icon rock_band_0.pdf119.79 KB
PDF icon press_kit_secrets_0.pdf65.84 KB

Posted: October 1, 2010

Ear Training Weekend. Woohoo!!! We will have an ear training quiz on Monday on Major and Minor scales. To prepare you should practise the exercises at

Posted: September 29, 2010

"Rockband" project is due on Friday, October 1st. Remember to bring cameras and costumes/props for your photo shoots, which should take place on Wednesday or Thursday. Some of you have expresssed an interest in working with Mixcraft on your own at home. The link is for a free trial. Have fun!!
PDF icon press_kit_secrets.pdf65.84 KB
PDF icon rock_band.pdf119.79 KB

Posted: September 29, 2010

Listening Analysis assignmnet is due Friday. Remember to provide a link or source for the songs you have analysed.
