Mr. Gopee Notes

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Posted: April 28, 2015

Law120- Students begin looking at defence arguments today. Insanity/ intoxication and Provocation examined.Reading tutor: Students did a sit and share time and then looked at complex prepositions.Theatre Arts: Students began the acting process,Economics: Students presented information in inflation and will complete in-class activity.
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Posted: April 20, 2015

  Law120: House of Shafia case, Preparation for discussion of case tomorrow. Case is attached  Reading Tutor: Students teach this class. Kathleen has class today. Theatre Arts: Students should be ready for presentations today, however there is one more detail that they need to get ready for tomorrow's presentations. Students will do three more activities:  First of all students will research to find out the reviews of their show. What did audiences think. What was good and what was bad. - This should take 20 minutes. Secondly they will go and share the details of their show with another group. (10 minutes) show them your set and your PowerPoint as well as share with them why your show is good. Tell them what audiences are saying. Finally each group member will prepare to give to me tomorrow a review of the show that they were presented. Here are some questions to help guide your write up:   What is the show about? Discuss what you have learned about the main characters. Discuss the plot and themes What are your personal concerns about the show? Problems doing it here at the JMH stage, or other problem factors. Based on interest- who would come see the show- estimate an audience and explain why. What are suggestions you can give to sell it better. What ideas could you put into the show to make it more appealing to an audience? Finally rate the presentation out of 10.   Economics: Students are to do the Speaker reflection and finish their previous assignment. Remember test tomorrow.        

Posted: April 15, 2015

Law 120: Students are looking at how juries are selected as well as the responsibilities of jury members. After discussion students will find an article on Jury tampering and write a summary, including what happened and penalties.Reading Tutor 120: Sentence structure with Hannah and KristynTheatre Arts 120: Students are working on Theatre Musical Projects... Last Day is Friday November 17th, 2015.Economics 120: Review GDP and Unemployment Test Monday April 20th, 2015. Please complete Job assignment.

Posted: April 1, 2015

Law 120: Please be reminded that your Quiz is tomorrow.Thursday April 2nd 2015 Reading tutor: The power of words that mean the same thing. Theatre Arts: Drawings are due Thursday April 2nd 2015 Economics: Gross Domestic Product questions: Take 20  minutes to answer these questions. . Find 3 definitions of GDP.  (3) How are GDP and economic growth related? (2) What is the difference between GDP and GDP/capita? (2)  List the G-8 countries.   Go to and locate The World Fact Book.  Find the GDP per capita (2012) for each of the G-8 countries and list them in order from greatest  to least. (4) Choose one nation (does not have to be a G-8 country). Summarize what you perceive is that nation’s “standard of living,” according to its per capita GDP and other measures of social welfare. (2)  

Posted: March 30, 2015

Law 120: Students are reminded that they are going to the Miramichi Courthouse tomorrow. On another note they also have a Law Quiz on Thursday April 2nd, 2015. The list is attached. Reading Tutor: Students are reminded to bring in items to build a musical instrument. Theatre Arts: Students are working on their Play/Musical- Remember that the drawings of the set are due on Thursday April 2nd, 2015. Economics: Students will work on their Articles today. Remember that they must all be finished by the end of May.Also there is a quiz on Thursday April 2nd on definitions from our lessons on the stock market and supply and demand. List is Attached.

Posted: March 26, 2015

Law 120- Students are presenting their forensics topics. On Monday we will finish presentations and students will get their definitions list for the next chapter. The quiz will be on Thursday. Students are reminded that we go to the courthouse on Tuesday March 31st, 2015.   Reading Tutor: Students are engaged in a unit on music this week and we will switch over to Easter theme before the end of the week.   Theatre Arts: Students begin their large show production Unit. Please follow the guidelines for the show.   Research the show to include the following in your presentation:    ·         Summary- include themes, plot, Character, setting etc. ·         Writer of the show- Bio on his accomplishments- where did the concept come from ·         Awards ·         Special effects ·         WOW factors/ Unique qualities of the show ·         What kind of audience is this show for? ·         Director- Casting ·         Costume ·         Music/ Dance ·         Set design- Your drawings will be Due Thursday April 2nd 2015 ·         Use visuals The goal is to present a persuasive argument as to how one can and should produce your choice. Remember to cater all you decisions to the JMH Theatre.  Economics 120: Students will start to investigate Penny Stocks. Answer these questions to gain a background of understanding: ·         What is a Penny Stock? ·         How is a Penny stock created? ·         How do these stocks differ from other stocks? ·         What is their risk level and what determines that level? What makes them risky? ·         What are Penny Baited traps? ·         Offer 5 Penny Stocks that are worth investing in and why? (include your sources) ·         Can Penny Stocks offer a great return? Is there evidence of anyone who has become successful from Penny Stocks? If so tell me their story. (You should be able to find someone.) ·         Finally explain the Boiler room operation.  

Posted: March 24, 2015

Period 1: Law 120- Students are working on their forensics presentations. The students have partnered up and should work on a presentation to explain their area of forensic science. Here are some guidelines: ·         Explain the process of how your forensic science gathers information ·         Use video/ PowerPoint to show visuals to better understand your presentation ·         Presentation 5 minutes ·         Find a court case where your specialized area has produced evidence to convict or exonerate. ·         Make sure you use the terms in your presentation that were discussed in the crime and police investigation PowerPoints. I will be looking for 10 of them in your presentation.   ·         Explain the Actus rea and mens rea of the crime that you have presented. Period 2: prep Period 3: reading tutor: Danielle O’Reilly has the lesson plan. Please write down what they did. Period 4: Theatre Arts: Students are working in groups to research a musical. After they have chosen musical they need to replicate a working set. Draw each of your sets and then plan to build your diagram of the set. Tell students that their drawings and ideas will be due Wednesday of next week. Study Block Period 6: Economics- The students can take the period and work on their stocks or their articles.    
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Posted: March 10, 2015

Law 120: Students are working on the elements of crime. The powerpoint provides all the infomation need. Our follow-up assessment will be the fairytale crime project. Reading tutor students have been working on demonstrative speeches. Tomorrows class the students will work on their reading materials with comprehension worksheets. Theatre Arts: Students will present their soundscapes tomorrow and we will discuss the play that they have seen that morning. Students will now write a critique of the play that they have just seen. Students who did not attend should write their critique based on another play that they have seen. If they have never witnessed live stage performance, then they may write it on a movie. Economics: Students are working on the stock questions. These will help them understand some of the terms in regarding the stock market and trading.  For cute submission info:2015 CUTE Awards Deadline Extended The 2015 CUTE Awards deadline for submissions has been extended to Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 4:00pm. More details on submitting your entry can be found at the following link: Additional Prize Details Several organizations have come on board as prize sponsors for this year’s CUTE Awards. All finalists in the 21st Century Learning Categories will be entered into a draw for a 3D printer provided by Brilliant Labs. All Schools that have at least one CUTE Award entry will be entered into a draw for an Oculus Rift, virtual reality 3D headset provided by Brilliant Labs. All finalists in the School Spirit Video contest will be entered into a draw for a iPad Mini Videography Kit donated by The Kinsmen Club of Miramichi. All CUTE Award entries will be entered into a random draw for one of ten prize packages.Prize package contents:       -Headphones (Donated by the Northeastern Branch of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of New Brunswick)       -SMART Pointers and T-Shirts (Donated by SMART Technologies)       -Brilliant Labs T-Shirts (Donated by Brilliant Labs) If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me or any member of the Technology Team by e-mail at

Posted: February 26, 2015

Law: Allen Legre: The monster of Miramichi. Students will learn about this landmark case that introduced us to the world of forensics. Reading tutor: Outline for your reading: Chapter 1-3- Read and write down new words. (alternate between canadian and international student) Chapter 4- Character sketch Chapter 5- Summary about what has happened so far Chapter 6- Words list that you don't know- Write new sentences with these words. Chapter 7- Canadian students will prepare a short quiz for international students on their reading. Chapter 8- Emotions that the characters go through. Keep reading over the break. Theatre Arts: Students will perform their original piece of writing. Tomorrow we will be in the theatre for acting classes. Economics: Digital scrapbook    
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Posted: February 20, 2015

Law: Students have just finished discussing the Ashley Smith Case. Today we will discuss the Penal system and what suggestions students have for "fixing it" as to not have the Ashley Smith incident repeated. Students will also be asked to study definitions for a quiz next week. Reading tutor: students are preparing for international syudents on Monday. Theatre Arts: Students are song writing. Eacvh group will first of all devise an idea for a musical. What would the top five track titles be and then list words that are common for you the songs. For example if I was writing a show about a boy who was in love with the moon and he wants to go to the moon (His super objective) Then titles of the soundtrack could include: Fly me to the moon, defying gravity, you take my breath away, Floating on Love ECT. So now students will try song writing. A simple excercise, choose an appropriate style, a track and rewrite the words. Presenting is Key. Due on Tuesday of next week. Economics 120-
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Posted: February 12, 2015

Period 1- Law 120- Students are looking at the Ashley Smith Case. Students have a background of the Case. Period 3- Reading tutor- Students are supposed to hand in their lesson plans. Please take lesson plans and exchange it with other students to see if they can read and implement the plan. If they cannot, it means that they did not explain it accurately. Tell students to complete them for Tuesday. Period 4- Theatre Arts- On Thursday we brainstormed ideas about writing a script. We sat around a large table and tried to come up with ideas. The goal this week is to try to get the script written. We looked at several themes and then broke into groups to write 4-5 ideas into a story line. Students are to spend the day writing because they will present their story line on Tuesday. The presentation should include characters and their objectives. Period 6- Economics 120- Students have just finished presenting their ideas about how to address the Miramichi Economic Crisis. Students will research online to find an example of a community in North America that was experiencing an economic crisis. Research and find articles that tell about how these communities solve the problem. Prepare a 1 page response to the article. Here are some points you may want to address: ·         Tell me about the community prior to their economic crisis. (What was it like, how many people lived there, quality of life.) ·         Identify the economic crisis variables- employment, business that closed etc. (in other words what caused it) ·         What was their plan to change things and how did that plan happen? ·         The result in the community after the economic plan. (use statistics to support you information) ·         Finally explain if those ideas could possibly work in Miramichi.    

Posted: February 10, 2015

Law 120: Students will finish their law paper on the Charter of Rights and Freedoms as it is due tomorrow. Reading Tutor 120: Students will work on their lesson plans for international students. Attached is a copy of one day of my lesson plan. prepare for 60 minutes with a mix of activities focused on reading, writing, speaking and listening. Lesson plans will be due on Monday 16th, February 2015. Theatre Arts 120: Students will present their creative projects. Economics 120: Presentations on solving Miramichi on Economic Crisis.

Posted: February 6, 2015

Law: Charter of Rights and Freedom paper id due on Wednesday 11th, February 2015. Reading tutor: Students will start to plan their lessons for their classes and research the best ways to teach ESL to international students. Theatre Arts: Creative presentations on the 5  best and worst movies. The activity is designed to challenge students to beocme creative thinkers. Economics: Students are working on producing an economic plan for Miramichi. Suggest ways in which we can gain more jobs, use or resources better, attract new enterprises and industries. What market can we stand out in... Are their new ideas on the horizon that Miramichi can target? Research to see whether the plan is feasable and be prepared to present on Tuesday February 10th, 2015.

Posted: February 5, 2015

Law 120: Students will finish notes on Historical Roots of Law Reading tutor: Bucket List and comprehension today with visiting Chinese students. Theatre arts: Students will work in pairs to present your top 5 worst and best movies. What makes these great what makes them awful. (use pictures and write up) Economics: Today students and teacher will discuss the economic state of New Brunswick. How can we or should use resources to balance our economic situation. We will debate controversial topic of Fracking. Students will then work in groups to build a proposal for economic growth in Miramichi.  

Posted: February 4, 2015

Law120: Students are looking at the historical roots of law and how our system was developed. Reading tutor: We are hosting the Chinese winter session. 10 students will be coming into our class. Today is about getting to know these students. Theatre Arts: Students will discuss the history of theatre and the types of stages. We will also begin to brainstorm and scaffold our musical for this semester. If time permits we will look at A piece of Shakespeare’s writing. Economics 120: Students will learn about the language of Economics. We will engage in a discussion as to the New Brunswick economic initiate and see if students can offer economic ideas to improve Miramichi.  
