Mrs. Corlett Notes

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Posted: September 29, 2011

ENGLISH 9 - Today, we began our poetry unit with a look at figurative vs. literal language, metaphor and extended metaphor (we tied all of these to songs, also, so you can remember them a little better).  Please finish the final draft of your letter for tomorrow.   ENGLISH 122 - In class this afternoon, you worked toward completing section III of Hiroshima.  For tomorrow, complete the reading, the section III guiding questions, and your reflections.  Thanks!

Posted: September 28, 2011

ENGLISH 9 - Hey there!  Good work on "bettering" your sentences today.  YOUR LETTER IS DUE- TYPED - FRIDAY.  If you don't have a printer, feel free to e-mail your letter to me at ENGLISH 122 - Today, you  wrote a quiz on section II of Hiroshima, indicated a few ideas for a potential research essay (using support, of course), and began section III of the novel.  Don't forget your reflection for Friday.

Posted: September 27, 2011

English 9 - Today, we had a discussion about last night's Article of the Week, and the role of entertainment in sports.  From there, we continued your letter to me, which is due tomorrow.    English 122 - We also took some time to discuss our Article of the Week, which dealt with fracking in New Brunswick.  We then worked toward completing section II of Hiroshima.  We also took a look at the incredible questions you created for section I of the novel, using Bloom's Taxonomy for Thinking to guide you.  The guiding questions for section II are due tomorrow...and you will very likely have a quiz, so be prepared.

Posted: September 26, 2011

English 9 - Today, you received your Article of the Week (due for homework tomorrow, of course!), we did a warm-up activity using Pearl Jam's "Jeremy" (thinking about ways to deepen your understanding of your reading and writing), then we worked a little on our friendly letters, if there was enough time.  Nice job!   English 122 - You were handed back some of your work, received your Article of the Week (due tomorrow), and wrote a short quiz on Section I of Hiroshima.  For Wednesday, please complete to the end of Section II, including the guiding questions.

Posted: September 22, 2011

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BEING SO WONDERFUL WITH THE SUPPLY YESTERDAY!   English 9 - Today, we discussed your views on this week's Article of the Week, then we examined how writers (that includes you!) can use short sentences in their writing for a little extra punch.  We then returned to our look at the friendly letter I wrote to you, and period two created a rubric we'll use to score your reponse letter to me.  Picture day provided a ton of interruptions, so that's what we managed to accomplish.   English 122 - We also had a discussion about your Article of the Week (great EVALUATIONS...NOT opinions!!), analyzed your responses to the guiding questions, and took a deeper look at some of John Hersey's great choices as a writer.  Good job!

Posted: September 20, 2011

English 9  -  We sketched a warm-up today to emphasize the power of commas (huge hot dog, anyone?), then you corrected a peer's answers to your Bloom's questions (period one did this), you received your Article of the Week (homework for tomorrow, right?), and we began a friendly letter assignment by analyzing the punctuation I used in my letter to you.  Good work!  Tomorrow, you'll be having an in-class information session with Mr. Savoy and/or Mr. Hayward about your Netbooks!  Wooo! English 122 - In class today, you received your Article of the Week (due for tomorrow!).  You also received your Hiroshima novel (love it as you would a new puppy), we completed a KWL chart to engage your prior knowledge and open up those beautiful passageways in your brain, then we identified which levels of Bloom's Taxonomy for Thinking are being addressed in the guiding questions you've been provided.  In class tomorrow, you'll continue reading, and complete the questions.
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Posted: September 16, 2011

English 9 - Period 1 - We completed a random freewrite today (good job!), then completed your Bloom's questions.  For homework (sorry!), please answer the questions of one of your classmates. English 9 - Periods 2 & 3 - You also completed a random freewrite, scored your classmates' answers to your questions, then we began your analysis of a friendly letter and the different punctuation you can try.  Great work! English 122 - Thanks for handing in your reflections today!  I can't wait to read them.  In class, we continued our practice with note-taking and note-making to prepare for our research unit.  Well done, folks! Enjoy your long weekend!

Posted: September 15, 2011

English 9 - period 1 - Great job today with the caption writing warmup!  In addition, you began creating your Bloom's questions for The China Doll.  No homework tonight, as we'll complete them (and a peer will answer them) tomorrow in class. English 9 - periods 2 & 3 -  Ditto on the captions!  You also completed all of your questions, and traded with one of your classmates.  For homework tonight, you must answer someone else's questions, as they'll be scoring them tomorrow. English 12 -

Posted: September 14, 2011

English 9 - period 1 - We began our day today with a look at our friend Calvin and his monsters under the bed (and an examination of using re-reading and text features to help us in understanding what we read).  From there, we reviewed Bloom's Taxonomy for Thinking, and began the first phase of our Bloom's assignment.  For homework tonight, please read The China Doll.  We'll discuss it together tomorrow, then begin making up the appropriately-levelled questions. English 9 - period 2 & 3 - Same thing as period one with Calvin, then we set to work on our questions.  They look GREAT so far!  We'll complete them in class tomorrow, then we'll take the time to have someone else answer them.  So, no homework. English 122 - Good work with your Bloom's questions.  I think you are certainly getting the idea.  From there, we began looking at what makes a website credible as an intro to our writing of a formal essay.  No homework tonight.

Posted: September 13, 2011

English 9 - period 1 - Good job with your Articles of the Week. You showed some great insight and EVALUATION (not just opinion, right?).  We also did a quickwrite using our friend Tarzan and his potential double life, and covered the intro to Bloom's Taxonomy for Thinking.  No homework for you tonight.   English 9 - periods 2 & 3 - Ditto on your Articles of the Week and Tarzan.  For homework tonight, please read over the short story, The China Doll.  We will use it tomorrow when we apply what we know about Bloom's to a question-writing assignment.   English 122 - Great questions today, folks!  Bloom's is turning you into better students already!  For tomorrow, your job is to provide answers for someone else's questions (they'll score them for you tomorrow in class), and be prepared to begin our research unit with a review of how to identify whether or not a web site is credible.
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Posted: September 12, 2011

English 9 - GREAT day today!  You received your Article of the Week (due tomorrow, of course), and we had our intro to Bloom's Taxonomy (classification system) for Thinking.  Way to go! English 12 - Your Article of the Week is due tomorrow, with TONS of notation!
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Posted: September 9, 2011

English 9 - Today, you completed your Mock ELPA, inputted the data using the Senteos, received your scored Article of the Week, and (possibly) did a quick-write.  Good job!    English 12 - We reviewed the levels of Bloom's Taxonomy for Thinking, and you got underway on your assignment using The China Doll.  No homework for the weekend.   See you all Monday!

Posted: September 8, 2011

English 9 - Great work on your Articles of the Week last night!  For those of you who needed a little extra time, hand them in tomorrow as soon as you arrive.  Today we began writing our Mock ELPA.  Good work on that, too.  We'll finish that up tomoorrow, maybe put the responses into Sentoe, and begin our work with Bloom's Taxonomy for Thinking (if time permits).  No homework!   English 12 -  Thanks for completing your Article of the Week last night.  In class today, we had a say about those, then began our intro to Bloom's (sorry I talked so much!).  We'll do our Bloom's activity tomorrow.

Posted: September 7, 2011

Welcome back!! English 9 - Please complete the notation and the Food for Thought section for your Artcile of the Week.  Tomorrow, we'll work on complete your mock-Elpa.  Wooo!   English 12 - Complete the notation and Food for Thought for your Article of the Week.  Thanks!

Posted: June 6, 2011

Hi there!  Welcome to your official last week!  In English 121, we continued our Huck study (presentations begin on Wednesday), and in English 9 we reviewed some older ads (while analyzing how they were trying to sell their product to us), then we began a project for YOU to market a specific product to the demographic of your choice.  Great work!
