Mr. Gopee

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Posted: May 30, 2013

History 120- Answer the following questions: 1.     What is Schindler’s motivation for going into business in Poland at the beginning of the film?   2.     What is his motivation for maintaining the factory near the end of the film?   3.     When did his views change? (be specific and fully explain your answer)   4.     Why do you think he changed? Law 120- Civil Law Performing Arts- Prepare for final Music 10- Musical worksheet Theatre Arts- Final Project due at the end of next week.

Posted: May 28, 2013

History: Schindler's List Law: 1.       Who is Jodi Arias? What did she do? (details of the case) 2.       Key testimony that found her guilty? 3.       What was her side of the story? 4.       What was the defense’s position? 5.       Death penalty?- Image you are a jury member- what would be your vote and why? 6.       This is a landmark case- what other serious crime do you know of that can be considered landmark- (Ones not mentioned in this class.) Performance Arts : Get ready for final Music 10- finish all assignments today Theatre Arts: Final movie

Posted: May 14, 2013

There are meetings in my classroom and so students are asked to report to the below rooms for class.   History 112- Room 305 lab- Students would have been working on their Holocaust introduction project. They should finish before the end of class. Those who are finished may do an extension write up They are so many stories about the Holocaust. Students will research to find stories of a survivor or a veteran. They need to read the story and be ready to share the story in class tomorrow. They should print the story and answer the following questions: 1.What can we learn from this person's story? (Life lessons) 2.How does their experience help us to better understand the events of the Holocaust? (details) 3.Describe the parts of the story that really stood out to you and why. 4. Write a journal entry as if you we the person, express the emotions that you would experience.   Law120- Room 305 Lab Students are working on Court cases. Today Lawyers should write opening statements for the cases and begin to interview their witnesses. All students will examine the meaning of the following through internet: ·      Burden of Proof ·      Direct Examination ·      Cross- Examination ·      Motion for dismissal ·      direct verdict ·      Rebut ·      Surrebuttal ·      Hearsay Evidence ·      Direct Evidence   The rest of the class will begin their paper entitled “there should be a law about….”- This is a creative essay routed in historical fact. Students will write a 3 page argumentative paper. Please include in your argument prior cases to back up your statement. For example if your paper is on “a Law against homework” (You may not use this one as a topic) You should use statistics, research on learning, case examples, anything and everything to support your topic. Include a work-cited page. Paper is due Friday May 24th, 2013   Performance Arts- Room 661- Music Room- History of Musicals with Colton Curtis   Music 10-  room 661- Music Room-Music Industry/Artist assignment. (See Mrs. Curtis page)   Theatre Arts 120- Room 108- Multimedia- The students will finish their projects today. Students will need to present a list of information as to who was responsible for what. If they are finished they can brainstorm their finish script.

Posted: May 13, 2013

History 112- Students will discuss what they have learned about WW2. Teacher will introduce the term Holocaust and brainstorm the definition. Students will then be given the into assignment. Law 120- Students will finish watching "runaway Jury" teacher will then discuss with students case law and students get to choose their jobs for court case.- Assignments- Case #1-Ryan and Randy (crown) VS Nolan Goguen - (Defense)     (Trial dates Thursday and Friday) Case #2- Mallory and Ryan (Crown) VS Ali and Kayla (Defense)      (Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday) Case #3- Stephanie and Courtney (Crown) VS  Bailey and Kaitlyn  (Defense)  (Begin Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) Performance Arts- Celebration day Music 10- Finish all projects. Theatre Arts- projects are due on Wednesday
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Posted: April 30, 2013

Period #1- History 112- Students should finish their test for history and begin their research on "The role of Canada in WWII" Students should pair themselves and try to display their research through a means that responds to their way of learning. for example, if you are musical- write a song, rap, create a soundscape or Canadians in WWII. If you are a writer, research 2-3 page paper. If you are an artist, look at drawing a picture to show your understanding of Canadians in the war. Ect. Brainstorm today and Monday teacher will help each group. Get information today. Test is handed in.Period 2- law- All grade 111-12 students will go to theatre for presentation - Holocaust survivor.Period 4- Music in Room 661- Students use the lab in 809 to gain information on their music project. Students will use the outline that they have to develop their project.Period 6- Theatre Arts- room 809- students will finish up their script and be ready to film on Monday. Please have all materials, costume and book cameras with Mr. Martin. You may bring your own equipment.

Posted: April 30, 2013

Period #1- History 112- Fist of all students need to do a survey Students are working on building a test for World War II- The outline of the test has been put on the website and students must follow it along with the powerpoint to develop their test. Please have them include their answers. If they have finished the student can start their research for their next assignment- Tomorrow they will be working on a small project called. “Canadians in the World war II”- In pairs students will show their understanding about the role of Canadians during the second world war. They may choose to do a simple write up or develop something more creative. ·         2-3 page write up- with resources. ·         Display ·         Drawing ·         Song Period #2- Law 120- students will need to do vocabulary words for chapter 7 Period 4- Music- 10- Finish Mozart and look at Mozart project.- 661 Theatre Arts Period 6 students are working on Parody Script. Tell them that script is due tomorrow.

Posted: April 29, 2013

History 112- Students will finish up their test on the WWII. Students must follow the outline given. Please work on your own. The test you make will be due on Wednesday May 1st 2013. Law 120-  They will look into the lives of a lawyer. Identify three areas of Law: civil, criminal, family ect. describe what they are. Find out about the education of a lawyer who wishes to practice the three areas you have identified. Talk about schools that they should attend, what degrees they must have, averages and tuition of those schools. (consider various options, in Canada) chart the education of a lawyer. Talk about career salary and demand if any. Performance Arts- Dramafest play. Music 10- Finish Mozart. Theatre Arts- Performance- Acting in a scene/ Script writing.

Posted: April 24, 2013

History- Continue and finish building your test- this will due on Tuesday April 30th, 2013 Law120- Students will take their quiz today. Watch the first 48 Performance Arts- Presentation of Tarzan Music 10- Finish up Mozart movie Performance- other forms of comedy.

Posted: April 24, 2013

History: Students will finish appeasement worksheet and begin their test building. The powerpoit of information is given- follow the test building options and create your own test. law120- Students will take the period to get their definitions completed. There is a quiz on chapter 8 definitions tomorrow. Performance Arts- presentation of Tarzan Music 10- Mozart- video documentary Performance Arts - Parody comedy.- discussion.

Posted: April 24, 2013

History 112- Students will submit their definitions to teacher and start on the appeasement worksheet. They will work to complete the worksheet for end of Thursday's class. Law 120- Students will submit their papers. Today students worked on the vocabulary list for the upcoming quiz. Performance Arts- Work on scripts Music 10- Performance test on #26-28 Theatre Arts- Did you choose a subject? Look at mannerisms- a study of Mr. Bean. Physical comedy.
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