Mr. Gopee

Teacher Page

Posted: September 20, 2013

History 112- Students will demonstrate their understanding of why memorials are built and the responsibilities that we have as Canadians have in remembering those who have shaped our history. Teacher and students discussed the importance of memorials and their purpose. This is evident as we learn about our history. It gives the subject meaning. Teacher then instructed students to use the internet to search for memorials and to follow a list of questions to determine the story behind the memorials. A discussion about how Canada remembers will follow the exercise. Ancient History- Students finish the 4 Kingdoms of Mesopotamia and copy their three notes. Students will begin the seven wonders of the ancient world write up. : Objective: Students will analyze and report on the seven wonders of the ancient world. They can work in pairs and it is due tomorrow. Tell them to find out the following for each of the 7 wonders of the ancient world. 1.      Describe the wonder   2.      Who was the builder  3.      Why was it built  4.      Where was it built  5.      Is it still standing? If not, what happened.  6.      When was it built?  7.      How was it built?  8.      Any other interesting facts.    Law 120: Students will finish their paper the Charter of Rights and freedoms. Due on Monday. Early submissions will be edited by teacher.

Posted: September 18, 2013

History 112: Students finish Bio-Poem- remember to include resources to support your findings. You should have at least 5 resources  that outline what you have learned about your character. Students will then read their Bio-poem out loud and other students guess the Historical Character’s name. Teacher will then give students the 5 guideposts for Historical perspective in order to finish the section. Ancient History: The 4 major kingdoms of Mesopotamia. Each of the four groups research and present 10 facts about their assigned kingdom. The students are not allowed to write their notes with words as writing in this time used symbols for communication. This visual activity will help students to remember their notes through their drawings. Teacher highlighted these important notes for the students: Sumer kingdom: Lunar Calendar/ Invention of the wheel/ first writing (cuneiform) Babylonia: King Hammurabi codified 282 laws/ Began trade with other nations/developed currency. Assyria: First iron workers/ developed sewage system/22,000 tablets dedicated to Math and science Chaldea: King Nebuchadnezzar/ Advances in Arts – hanging gardens of Babylon (one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.) Law 120- Students will continue to work on their paper today for Law class. Remember to use the questions to shape your paper. Make sure that your research comes from a credible source. Use at least one source from Ebsco and one from Worldbookonline. If you need a username or password for these sites please ask Mr. Gopee. If you use wikipedia- make sure that you look up the sources to check its credibility. Remember any papers finished by Monday- will be reviewed and edited for you. Due date Monday 23th September, 2013. 

Posted: September 17, 2013

History 112:The teacher discussed the idea of historical perspective. “Presentism” is one of the drawbacks in understanding history. Teacher will give 3 guidepost of this 5th benchmark. The students will then be engaged in the Bio-Poem activity. Ancient History : The students are reminded that they will have a quiz on the following words on Friday September 20th, 2013.  Chapter 1: Artifacts, Primary sources. Secondary accounts, Archeologist, Anthropologist, Paleoanthropologist, Paleontologist, Theory, Civilization (citizen). Today students examine the four kingdoms of Mesopotamia. They will look at the geography and discuss the positive and negative impacts of this cradle of civilization. Law 120- Quiz today .Canadian rights. What rights do we have as Canadians? What do we do if they are violated? Who can we talk to? Search and tell me 3 interesting things about the charter of rights and Freedoms. The need for the Charter of Rights/ Notwithstanding Clause. Public pressure prevails Page 82 discussed. Charter of rights- research_report_rubric2_0.doc

Posted: September 16, 2013

History 112: Students will look at the fifth benchmark today- Historical Perspectives. The teacher will read a story to illustrate 2 sides to every story and the common themes in both perspectives. The students will earn about  understanding the past.- imagine what archeologist do, they find evidence and then are left to interpret the information. Examine the “Privy activity”- groups get clues about an even that happen to a family in the mid-1800s. Based on the information students decipher the possible story. From this Students will see how “presentism” can affect our understanding of history. Ancient History- The great debate paper due today- Evolutions vs Creation. Teacher gave copy of Rubric and students edit and graded each other’s paper. The students were then allowed to fix their mistakes to hand paper in for teacher to mark tomorrow. Law 120- students will understand how Canada’s laws were established. Teacher will lead a discussion as to how Canada became a nation, the British North American Act, And the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Quiz on definitions tomorrow.

Posted: September 13, 2013

History 112: Teacher dicusses cause and consequences. Remeber that the event has diverse causes, some are historical, some are immediate. Titanic discussed. What ere the causes? If we take a cuase away does the evnt still take place? Students will understand that History studies these causes and consequences. Extention for the class- look up a historic moment in the last 10 years and identify the causes, listing the immediate and historical causes.Ancient History 10- Students finish their great debate paper. Due on Monday.Law 120- finish the word list for the quiz on Monday. Research the Ashely Smith Cas. Discover who she was. What happened?Where? When? How? and Why? Why is it so controversial? Discuss what the various views of the parents are as oppose to the officers who worked with her. Also include what is the present information in regards to the Ashley Smith case and support why it is being investigated again.- (Should be about 1 page) quiz moved to Tuesday Septmber 17th, 2013

Posted: September 11, 2013

History 112: Student finalized their study on how history is made up of changes and Continuity. The sr\tudents charted 10 changes in their lifetime as well as things that remained constant over time. In doing so they built a timeline to show the changes and continuity. They then will outline what changes were good or bad. the teacher will then show students that history is similar to the lives and discuss the question: Does change always mean progress.Ancient History: Students begin the great debate paper. Please follow the directions outlined in the paper. Remember to bring your finished paper in early so that Mr. Gopee can edit it for a great mark. First come first serve on this one. The paper is due on Monday September 16th, 2013.Law: today law students begin their study on Canadian law. Law and ethics page 33 discuss. (10 Minutes) STudents are then given a few minutes to get the definitions need for the quiz on Friday. Chapter 2 of Law is introduced. There are many different types of Law. Levels of law making in Canada worksheet.

Posted: September 10, 2013

Welcome back everyone. The teacher pages will include a brief write up of what we are doing as well as all the notes needed in class. Here we go. History 112- we have been discussion the Historical Benchmarks: ·         Historical Significance (Wednesday and Thursday) ·         Primary Source Evidence (Friday) ·         Continuity and Change (Monday)- “Does change always mean progress?”- Brainstorm about changes from Grade 1-12. Were they good or bad? Are these changes in history always good? Grade 10 History- We have been looking at the origin of man. Students were given 20 minutes to research on different theories around the world about origin of man. Tomorrow students discuss the great debate. Law 120- We have been looking at the historical roots of Law- Quiz on definitions that we will cover will be on Friday- Word list is attached as well as powerpoint. Today we will discuss ethics on Law.  How are your ethics? This assignment will examine our ethical responsibility in Law, (Discussion 10 minutes) definitions today- mock oral quiz to review for tomorrows quiz. See below for the class PowerPoint and the list of words for your word bank.  introduction_to_law.pptx        historical_roots_of_law.ppt        word_bank_for_quiz_1.docx

Posted: June 6, 2013

History 112- Review.- The exam will give you a choice of essay questions. You will need to choose one per section. six in total. Each section is related to one area in which we studied: French Revolution Industrial revolution WWI WWII Holocaust Cold War. The questions are open ended and ask about historical significance (why) and your opinion. You opinion needs to be backed up. So choose reasons and then use your notes and knowledge to support your answers. These are essay questions, so you need to write to support your answers. Do not list reasons- paragraphs please. Examples of the questions could be something like: " Could a man like Hitler come to power today? or What were causes of the French revolution and are these causes still around today?" Or even something like "What would you do if you were the president of the United States dealing with the cuban missle crisis, could this be the start of  WWIII?  Law 120- review.- is attched below.
Microsoft Office document icon law_exam_review.doc28.5 KB

Posted: June 3, 2013

History 120- Students will finish working on their Cold war timeline worksheet. Make sure that you can support the three significant events of the Cold War. Law 120- You are qualified detectives and over the sememster you have gained knowledge about Canadian Law. Time to soolve the case. Follow the given website Choose one of the four cases and begin your case. You will have 48 hours to solve the crime. Performance Arts- Students should give the teacher their choice of monologue and song. Prepare for your finals. Music 10- Students should have finished their musical worksheet and are now working to present a musical. The presentations are due on Wednesday. Theatre Arts- Final projects are due on Thursday this week You should hand in the following: 10 minute film ( soundscape should be evident ) Script including sound effects, and scene layouts. Poster for your movie

Posted: May 31, 2013

History 120- Students are working on their cold war events- student will choose three important events and then explain their significance. Law120- finish civil law discussion Performing arts- Students need to have their music and monologue picked for final by Monday. Music 10- Students will work on their Musical worksheet.- This is due on Tuesday. Theatre Arts- Finish projects are due on Thursday June 7th, 2013.
Microsoft Office document icon project.doc39 KB


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