Mr. Gopee

Teacher Page

Posted: April 22, 2013

History 112- Define the following terms in the context of 20th century Europe. (Between World War One and World War Two ) And answer the questions below.  

Posted: April 16, 2013

History 112- Students will finish their worksheet on the rise of dictatorships. Due tomorrow. For Students who have yet to take the History test- please do some research to better understand these battles, Verdun, Somme, Passchendaele, Ypres. You may want to also be familiar with these terms: Conscription, propaganda in Canada, trenches. Law 120-  Students will finish their presentations on forensic science. Performance Arts - Students will practice to perform their script for next week. All props/ costume is due. Music 10- Students will practice their instruments as their prepare # 22-24 today. Theatre Arts- Arts is about expression and interpretation- students will decipher their art today. They will explore themes, thoughts and a deeper application of each piece. Then they will work to complete their Art pieces by Thursday.

Posted: April 11, 2013

History 112- Students will be give the rise to dictatorship handout. Then students will watch the History Channel presentation of the roots of Evil. This will help give students an overall understanding as to who Hitler and Stalin were. The teacher will then connect this knowledge to WW2 and how this relationship brought terror to the world. Law120- Students will complete their presentations on Foresnsic evidence. Remember to include the following: History- who developed it? How and why? Explain how the proceedure is done Explain how it was used to solve a crime- case study Class participation Performance Arts- Finish presentations of Acting pieces Music 10- Theory- readfing the music staff/ middle C- octaves. Theatre Arts - Students have been learning about the power of colour- Students will choose a theme and develop a poster through pieces of colour. Please remember to gather magazines and glue sticks. Drawing needs tp be completed by Monday.      
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Posted: April 9, 2013

History 112- Students will divide into groups and look at the Treaty of Versailles. See attached document. Law 120- Special guest speaker from the police department- K-9 unit. Performance Arts students- Finish up musical pieces today. Music 10- Learn to play pieces 17-19 today- prepare for quiz on 20. Theatre Arts - Set building in the theatre.

Posted: April 7, 2013

History 112- WW1 test- review the WW1 notes as well as questions from the presentations. Law 120- Begin information on Foresnsic science. Students will work in groups to teach and demonstrate on aspect of evidence gathering. Performance Arts: remember that music and scenes begin this week. Music 10: students continue to play their instruments. The quiz for your instrument is on #20 in your books. Theatre Arts: finish set design this week- last week of leaves.

Posted: April 2, 2013

History 112- Students will present their information on the battles of WWI. This information will give students a good understanding as to the progression of the War. Law120: Students will finish up fairy tale crimes and then outline the definition for the upcoming quiz. Quiz will be on Thursday this week. Performance Arts: Students are working on the "apostrophes" Music 10- Students will play instruments today. Theatre Arts- Working in the theatre on set building.

Posted: March 25, 2013

History 112: Students finish watching movie on WW1. Discuss with the students the power of Primary resources. What is a primary resource? Discuss with students the vale of primary resources according to the Passchendele film and resource booklet. Have student answer the questions. Or students can begin to formulate a timeline of the wars that happened during WWI. Law 120- Students visiting courthouse. Performance Arts: Students are asked to prepare their song today. Mr. Gopee will work on scenes and characterization with actors. Music 10: Students are now ready to play instruments. Students are asked to get ready and we will look at the first few noted today and begin basic notation skills. Theatre Arts 120: Students will present their information on the scene. They will describe their set and purpose of the set as well as construction and lighting.  
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Posted: March 25, 2013

History 112: Students finish watching movie on WW1. Students will be asked to follow links to demonstrate their understanding of the topic. Law 120- Students will present their fairy tale crimes today. This will display their understanding of Actus rea and mens rea. They will discuss how crime is established and walk the class through the criminal code connection of that crime. Performance Arts: Students are asked to prepare their song today. Mr. Gopee will work on scenes and characterization with actors. Music 10: Students are now ready to play instruments. Students are asked to get ready and we will look at the first few noted today and begin basic notation skills. Theatre Arts 120: Students will present their information on the scene. They will describe their set and purpose of the set as well as construction and lighting.

Posted: March 19, 2013

History 112- Students will complete the July Crisis discussion. Students will then answer their last three questions for tomorrow. Law 120- A look at the Criminal code of Canada. Students will start their fairy tale crime project. Project is due in Monday 25th, March 2013. Students should have the following completed by the end of class today. The summary of their story (Fairy tale) The crimes identified- (you need at least 3- I'm hoping you find 5) Actus Rea and Mens Rea- prove the mindset through- knowledge, intent, neglect ect. The section of the criminal code that refers to your crimes. Performance Arts: Apostrophes script casting today. Characterization discussed. Music 10- Students will choose instruments- basic music reading skills. Theatre Arts:    Monday March 18th, 2013- Wednesday March 19th, 2013- Students will bring raw materials to build their sets. Set building should take about 2-3 days. The set and the will be due on Thursday. Thursday March 21st, -Friday March 22nd, 2013- Students will present their building projects of a set, explaining the materials/ cost of building and purpose of the set and how it fits the show requirements.

Posted: March 14, 2013

History 112- Students will engage in the July Crisis conference. Countries are about to go to War. Can you stop them? See your link below for your country. Outline as follows: ·         March 14th, 2013- Research- make a flag of your country/ decorate your tables. ·         March 15th, 2013- tables arranged for conference- decorated and negotiations start. ·         March 18th, 2013- conclusion of negotiations ·         March 19- hand in individual assignments Law 120- Students will begin their study on crime. Students will then discuss with teacher the elements of a crime and what areas a person would be found guilty. The students will then look at the criminal code of Canada. Criminal Code- Performing Arts- Cast will complete the reading of “apostrophes” Discuss casting and assigning of roles. Students may also work on their song choices for the next music selection on March 23rd, 2013. Music 10- Students will have their quiz today. Remember that the quiz is based on your knowledge of the musical instruments. Theatre Arts- Schedule to set and design component of the course. ·         Thursday March 14th, 2013- Students will choose a show and prepare a synopsis of the show outlining all variations needed for the set. Then students will brainstorm and develop their stage through a drawing. ·         Friday March 15th, 2013- Students will complete their drawing of their set which will be due on Monday. ·         Monday March 18th, 2013- Wednesday March 19th, 2013- Students will bring raw materials to build their sets. Set building should take about 2-3 days. The set and the will be due on Thursday. ·         Thursday March 21st, -Friday March 22nd, 2013- Students will present their building projects of a set, explaining the materials/ cost of building and purpose of the set and how it fits the show requirements.
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