Mr. Gopee

Teacher Page

Posted: February 3, 2012

Period #1- Broadcast Journalism- Morning announcements introduced- students will learn about how the school conducts their morning announcements and understand what software and procedure to follow. Teacher will make up an announcement chart. Students will take turns doing announcements. Read the interview link and begin extension assignment.  assignment__1.doc ( Autobiography due.) Period #3-History 112- Historical thinking concepts/ Text book treasure hunt. Period #4&6- Law 120-   Discuss survival code. Rules vs Laws. rules developed for law class. Importance of rules and laws. Historical Root of law- Hammurabi's code of laws/Napoleonic Code. Activity #2: Historical Roots of Law.   

Posted: January 31, 2012

Period 1 - Broadcast Journalism -  Finish interviews and start interview assignment__1.doc broadcast_journalism_120_2010_gopee.doc Period #3- History 112- Students will overview the course outline. Historical thinking concepts outlined. Text book introduced- Students will complete assignment # 1- Text book scavenger hunt. Success in the course will mean that students have a flash drive for backing up their work, as well as a notebook for all class notes and assignments. Period #4&6 - LAW 120-  Course overview discussed. Two sides to every story (True story of the three little Pigs) Students brainstormed about their expectations for the class. Activity #1- The Survivor Island Legal Code.

Posted: January 11, 2012

Period #1- Theatre Arts- storyboarding is about creating a timeline for filmimg. It is guide for filming, this means you will not spend time wasted on needless footage. Develop script and storyboard over the next two days. storyboard sheets and film critique assignment due on Wednesday January 18th, 2012. Students will build and effective storyboard for their video project. Period #3 and 6- LAW 120- Quiz tomorrow on Civil law on Monday. have students watch an episode of the first 48. If Taylor brings her movie, they can watch it over the next couple of days. Have them finish their definitions as well.I will do the below section on Monday.1/2 of class- finishing up civil law- Alternative Dispute Resolutions- Negotiation/ Mediation/ Arbitration Circle sentencing. Pages 358-359. Putting it all together discussion of Civil cases. Each table will have an envelope and in it they will find the case they will represent the plaintiffs and defendants .Students will spend the remainder of the class studying for the quiz tomorrow. Period #4- Digital sound- Soundscape project-. all projects need to be completed by end of week. EXTENTION: We have explored film-challenges - Film challenge extension option.
Microsoft Office document icon film_citique.doc31 KB

Posted: January 11, 2012

  Period #1- Theatre Arts- Students work on outline of script. They will need to have a good storyline, jobs for each member of the group and a list of all materials for production of the film.  Period #3 and 6- LAW 120- Making sense of civil judicial terms. Financial compensation cases-  Civil remedies- Pecuniary and non-pecuniary cases. What factors influences the courts decisions. Injunctions/ labour laws. Pages 346-354 Students who are finished their definitions will work in pairs to find information on civil law cases: Find 3 Civil cases- A case where compensation was awarded because of physical damages. (Canadian) A case where compensation was awarded for aggravated damages. (Canadian) A silly civil case- a lawsuit that does not make sense. Either Canadian or American) For each of the cases write a summary of the case study. Explain the sides of bothe the plaintiff and defendant (what would be their aurgument) and the result of the case. Period #4- Digital sound- Soundscape project-. all projects need to be completed by end of week. EXTENTION: We have explored film-challenges - Film challenge extension option.

Posted: January 9, 2012

Period #1- Theatre Arts- Emotion recall/ method acting. Final film assignment. CUTE awards and Atlantic film competition.  Period #3 and 6- LAW 120- Complete definitions. What is jurisdiction? What court hears what cases? Page 350 questions 1-5 Period #4- Digital sound- Soundscape project-. all projects need to be completed by end of week. EXTENTION: We have explored film-challenges - Film challenge extension  option.  
Microsoft Office document icon definitions_for_civil_law.doc24.5 KB

Posted: January 9, 2012

Period #1- Theatre Arts- Stanislavski's "magic if" theory- emotion recall and the actor.  Period #3- LAW 120- Civil Law page 336 text.- Discussion of civil cases- public and private. Categories of Law page 337. Question 8 page 361 litigants plaintiff Defendant Litigation Damages claims writ of summons Period #4- Digital sound- Soundscape project-. This activity is designed to develop your awareness of the various sounds that can be found in different environments- Sounds are often taken for granted and never really listened to. We hear but fail to listen. Create an environment of sound. These are often used in background tracks to create an atmosphere for the listener. Choose a place (Classroom, workshop, playground ect.) Imagine all the sounds that fill this area and produce and audio piece that mimics this place. In other words create the scene through sound. ·          Must be at least 2-3 minutes in length ·          Use at least 10 different Multitracks (effects, loops) Remember this may be a creative soundscape- you may develop a soundscape that is not within our normal environment. EXTENTION: We have explored how sounds can create a picture. They develop the environment. This assignment asks you to reverse the understanding of sound by choosing a song and create a visual representation of the music. You may paint, photoshop, sketch or use any other creative expression to illustrate the musical piece of your choice. Due at the end of the week. Students are asked to finish their previous assignments. - Film challenge extension option. Period #6- LAW- Same as Period 3    

Posted: December 20, 2011

Period #1- Theatre Arts- Presentations today. Period #3- LAW 120- Complete Mock trial and assignments. Period #4- Digital sound- Soundscape project-. This activity is designed to develop your awareness of the various sounds that can be found in different environments- Sounds are often taken for granted and never really listened to. We hear but fail to listen. Create an environment of sound. These are often used in background tracks to create and atmosphere for the listener. Choose a place (Classroom, workshop, playground ect.) Imagine all the sounds that fill this area and produce and audio piece that mimics this place. In other words create the scene through sound. ·        Must be at least 2-3 minutes in length ·        Use at least 10 different Multitracks (effects, loops) Remember this may be a creative soundscape- you may develop a soundscape that is not within our normal environment.  This will finish up the Week- Due Thursday December 22nd, 2011    Period #6- LAW- Same as Period 3 oral_presentation_rubric.doc

Posted: December 19, 2011

Period #1- Theatre Arts- Final day before presentations- Mr. Gopee will  look over all presentation material for students who are ready- Consult the rubric. Period #3- LAW 120- Complete Mock trial and assignments. Period #4- Digital sound- Soundscape project-. This activity is designed to develop your awareness of the various sounds that can be found in different environments- Sounds are often taken for granted and never really listened to. We hear but fail to listen. Create an environment of sound. These are often used in background tracks to create and atmosphere for the listener. Choose a place (Classroom, workshop, playground ect.) Imagine all the sounds that fill this area and produce and audio piece that mimics this place. In other words create the scene through sound. ·        Must be at least 2-3 minutes in length ·        Use at least 10 different Multitracks (effects, loops) Remember this may be a creative soundscape- you may develop a soundscape that is not within our normal environment.  This will finish up the Week- Due Thursday December 22nd, 2011    Period #6- LAW- Same as Period 3 oral_presentation_rubric.doc  

Posted: December 19, 2011

Period #1- Theatre Arts- LAB Day- Have presentations ready- Follow outline provided. Students will examine broadway and musical. In small groups the students will research and prepare a persuadive argument as to the next JMH production. Their information will show that that they have a clear understanding of the script, audience, financial expectations, characters for casting, lighting and sound. A Rubric will be provided. Students will have one week to complete the task. Due date Wednesday 21st December, 2011. Period #3- LAW 120- Complete Mock trial and assignments. Mock trial- Opening arguments. Research for trail today. Prepare all witness statements. Read pages 174- 183. We have already discussed up to page 177. Lawyers are to continue building their argument. They should write down a 1 page summary of their argument, following the court proceedures found on the given pages. Other students are to answer questions found under "Putting it all together" On page 185.   Period #4- Digital sound- Soundscape project-. This activity is designed to develop your awareness of the various sounds that can be found in different environments- Sounds are often taken for granted and never really listened to. We hear but fail to listen. Create an environment of sound. These are often used in background tracks to create and atmosphere for the listener. Choose a place (Classroom, workshop, playground ect.) Imagine all the sounds that fill this area and produce and audio piece that mimics this place. In other words create the scene through sound. ·        Must be at least 2-3 minutes in length ·        Use at least 10 different Multitracks (effects, loops) Remember this may be a creative soundscape- you may develop a soundscape that is not within our normal environment.  This will finish up the Week- Due Thursday December 22nd, 2011 Period #6- LAW- Same as Period 3 oral_presentation_rubric.doc

Posted: December 14, 2011

Period #1- Theatre Arts- Students will examine broadway and musical. In small groups the students will research and prepare a persuadive argument as to the next JMH production. Their information will show that that they have a clear understanding of the script, audience, financial expectations, characters for casting, lighting and sound. A Rubric will be provided. Students will have one week to complete the task. Due date Wednesday 21st December, 2011. Period #3- LAW 120- Mock trial- Opening arguments. Research for trail today. Prepare all witness statements. Read pages 174- 183. We have already discussed up to page 177. Lawyers are to continue building their argument. They should write down a 1 page summary of their argument, following the court proceedures found on the given pages. Other students are to answer questions found under "Putting it all together" On page 185.  Due on Monday December 19th, 2011.  Period #4- Digital sound- Recording in the sound room. . While students are recording, the other students are to work on the other two projects. Finish up recording and questions due at the end of the week.Monday December 19th, 2011 at the beginning of class. Students (Individual) are to research and write a paper on the journey of sound. Students will research the education required and the job options available for sound technicians. They will they respond to the information by writing about which area appeals to them. (1 Page) Secondly students( In pairs)  will begin to look at their next sound project. Students are to pretend that they are building their own sound company. Discuss what type of company do you wish to have? (recording, movie recording, live production ect.)  What type of equipment will they need? Students will produce a 3 page write up on the equipment needed, with pricing. Include the following: Types of cables Mixer speakers microphes- 10 different ones (You will need to think about the different types of mics you will need and how they recieve different sounds.) Snake effects (Equalizers and other effects machines) Amps Instruments Other equipment that relates to your specific company. Period #6- LAW- Same as Period 3 oral_presentation_rubric.doc


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