Mr. Gopee

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Posted: February 20, 2012

Broadcast Journalism 120- Students will attend an assembly this morning with motivational speaker Ian Tyson. History 112- Teacher will discuss the Rights of Freedoms of men that was scripted during the French revolution and explain the importance of such a document. How is that document used in the world today? Students will work on the Last worksheet which will compare various documents that have to do with Rights and Freedoms. They will look for similarities and differences and write their own preamble a charter that governs their rights. rights_declarations.doc   Law120- Teach will lead a discussion on the Charter of rights and Freedoms. Students will discuss what it means to them and how it relates to their lives at the present time. We will also discuss what a violation of the charter means and what penalties can occur.
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Posted: February 17, 2012

Broadcast Journalism: Students will research, critique a news website and write a review. (Remember a review features what is good and bad about the site with recommendations.) We get our news in several different ways. News moves so fast that media has developed different ways to deliver the information as it happens. Whether it is through Blogs, websites, tweets, rss feeds, forums, pop-ups, video, podcast ect. The news never stops. News media companies are creative, so students will examine a website and include in your review the following information. Give a brief history of the site to show its credibility. Is the site user friendly? (Explain your answer) What ways does the site offer the news? (Podcast, video, facebook link, twitter ect) The site is geared towards and audience- what age/ social class- or does it offer information to everyone. What are some suggestions that you would give the website to help offer news to people your age. (Explain what a teen news website look like) Your review should be about 1 page in length- single space please. History 112- Worksheet #2- French Revolution causes 2- students will have one class period to read and complete the questions on the worksheet. Due tomorrow.- Please finish your causes worksheet as it is due at the end of class today. Often times crime violates human rights laws.- A look at the Charter of rights and freedoms. Brainstorm what are the rights that you feel that you have as Canadians? History of the Charter of rights and Freedoms. The students will then be divided through random draw- cards to form groups(2-3)to read and explain a section of the Charter. (One class period.) ·         They will be able to explain what the section of the charter says ·         Find a court case that is a result of a violation of that particular section as an example of the charter. ·         Apply the information to your life at school. (how is your section of the charter supported in the school system. Do you see where there can be improvements?)  Extention: When finished please read and write a reflection on the guest speaker yesterday.  

Posted: February 16, 2012

Broadcast Journalism: Students will research, critique a news website and write a review. (Remember a review features what is good and bad about the site with recommendations.) We get our news in several different ways. News moves so fast that media has developed different ways to deliver the information as it happens. Whether it is through Blogs, websites, tweets, rss feeds, forums, pop-ups, video, podcast ect. The news never stops. News media companies are creative, so students will examine a website and include in your review the following information. Give a brief history of the site to show its credibility. Is the site user friendly? (Explain your answer) What ways does the site offer the news? (Podcast, video, facebook link, twitter ect) The site is geared towards and audience- what age/ social class- or does it offer information to everyone. What are some suggestions that you would give the website to help offer news to people your age. (Explain what a teen news website look like) Your review should be about 1 page in length- single space please.   History 112- Worksheet #2- French Revolution causes 2- students will have one class period to read and complete the questions on the worksheet. Due tomorrow. Law 120- Students will come to class at the beginning of study block for the guest speaker in today's law class- Brian Cummings from the Police department will do a presentation.
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Posted: February 15, 2012

Broadcast Journalism 120- Students will write an article according to their topic of interest. this will cue the teacher into the parts of news that each student prefers as we get ready for Video Broadcasting. This article is due at the end of class. History 112- Teacher will discuss with students their research- (20 Minutes) Teacher explains that this is not a new concept but that revolutions have been happening throughout history. French Revolution introduced.- Powerpoint (Notes) Law120- Students will complete their controversial case study. The students must be able to convey their thoughts backed up by credible sources. Please follow the outline provided. This is due at the end of class.

Posted: February 14, 2012

Broadcast Journalism Discussion- Newspapers History 112- Students will work on worksheet #1- The French revolution. The causes of the revolution 1 Assignment. Students choose an extension exercise and finish their worksheet. Law 120- Looking at a controversial law case and follow the write up below. Write a summary of a controversial law case. (Who is involved, what happened, witnesses, evidence and any other important information. DO NOT GIVE ME THE OUTCOME OF THE CASE) Identify the category of law- through your notes. Choose on side and argue your case (Use 3 credible sources, cite sources) Finally at the end tell me the outcome.
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Posted: February 13, 2012

 Broadcast Journalism How to write a newspaper article.                                                                                                Students will be given a copy of the inverted pyramid. From this students will learn about writing the lead for a story. Discussion- what makes a good story. Brainstorm ideas for good stories in our community. (10 minutes)  Writing a lead- PowerPoint posted on the website. How to write a lead and examples of good leads.? (Continue story writing)- The 5 Ws 1H. Conclusion and title. History 120 Students will work on worksheet #1- The French revolution. The causes of the revolution 1 Assignment. Students will have their choice of doing either extension or answering the questions.   Law 120- Complete all Notes on the category of Laws. Discuss Law cases. Students are to  bring court cases to class. In each of the court case we will discuss who the Plaintiff and defendants are, what were the violations and potential outcomes. Teacher will also try to have students understand that some cases can be controversial.
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Posted: February 9, 2012

Broadcast Journalism- Students work to finish their timeline of News. The students are to highlight at least 10 turning points of news. These would be the major achievements that help develop the news that we have today. (10 marks) Students will also highlight the way in which we get our news today (5 marks) and display the information in a creative way. (5 marks) Due first thing tomorrow. History 112- Students will begin watching the History Channel video on the French revolution. Students should take notes on the video, trying to find the four elelments of the French revolution: The New ideas, the social conflict, political conflicts and economic condition. Law120- Students will present their rules for the classroom to the teacher and determine how the class will be conducted. The students will also prepare for their quiz for tomorrow. Page 38-40- categories of laws. Divide into 4 groups- read section, explain the category and the case, answering the case questions.

Posted: February 8, 2012

Broadcast Journalism:- Students will build a graph, timeline or chart that explains the evolution of news. Begin with the earliest forms of news and chart the timeline to changes along with technology and media outlets. Essentially you are charting how news began and all the avenues it developed in.  History 112- Look at an event around the world, a revolution happening as identify these specific areas. Teacher will give students a chart. Look for one example around the world, and identify the 4 areas of a revolution. We will then compare a modern revolution to the French Revolution. Please use other credible websites to support your answer.   Law 120- Influences on Canadian Law - students will discuss law cases and the result of those cases based on pass law practices. We will develop rules to govern our class and build a class constitution. Students will divide up into groups- they will then draft rules and consequences.  Then a representative from each group will go to another group and discuss their rules. They need to follow the amendment formula for changing the constitution. We will draft rules to govern: Marking- Quizzes/ Tests/ Homework/ Projects/ Case studies/ Presentations/ Final exam Class Participation (Classmarks)- Discussion/Note-taking/Computer use/work ethic Course work- What should the course look like? What do you want to know? Responsibility of the teacher and student.- What about late work? Incomplete work? Classroom environment- Speaking and listening/ respectfulness/ socratic circles/ groupwork The students will then make an argument for each of the sections and rules will be drafted.   

Posted: February 7, 2012

Broadcast Journalism:- Students will build a graph, timeline or chart that explains the evolution of news. Begin with the earliest forms of news and chart the timeline to changes along with technology and media outlets. Essentially you are charting how news began and all the avenues it developed in. History 112- Look at an event around the world, a revolution happening as identify these specific areas. Teacher will give students a chart. Look for one example around the world, and identify the 4 areas of a revolution. We will then compare a modern revolution to the French Revolution. Law 120- Influences on Canadian Law Class discussion on how do these things influence Canadian Law. What factors remain and which are different. (20 Minutes)- Students will break up into groups to explain the following: Read pages 24-30 Feudal Law Common Law Legal Law Aboriginal Law Trials- Ordeal/ Fire/ Oath Rule of Law Habeas Corpus  Students will then work through definitions list for chapter 1.  

Posted: February 6, 2012

Period #1- Broadcast Journalism.- Students will begin their 400 word autobiography today.  Post secondary institutions and other programs may want you to include in your application an autobiograpgy. That way they get to know you before an interview.This piece of writng should focus on an overall sketch of one's life.Here are some guidelines for writing an autobiogarphy sketch: Write your autobiography in first person. Write it like a story, not like a resume. You may include such things as:Family backgroundActivitiesOrganizations and clubsHonorsInterests and hobbiesChurch related activitiesSignificant events in your life/ inspirations                                                                                                                         Future aspirations. Period #3- History 112- History is happening all around us. Everyday people all over the world are creating History. Change happens and this creates History. “Brainstorm the term revolution- Can you think about revolutions happening around our world today?  Four concepts to discuss: (Notes) 1.      New Ideas 2.      Social conflicts 3.      Political Factors 4.      Economic conditions Period #4&6- Law 120- Historical Root of law- Hammurabi's code of laws/Napoleonic Code. Activity #2: Historical Roots of Law. Brainstorm what you know about modern laws. Equality discussed.         


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