Posted: February 22, 2019
Posted: February 22, 2019
Posted: February 22, 2019
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Posted: February 19, 2019
Psychology: Journal question. Think about your current project you are doing and reflect personally about your question. Example: If my question was " Can people actually multitask?" Then I would write my journal based on my research that I found and then discuss the information personally- can I really multitask? Journal due on Monday February 25, 2019 with project.
Law 120: We are working on the Charter rights and displaying our information in a visual form. Due date Monday February 25th, 2019
Theatre Arts: Project will be due on Thursday February 21st, 2019
Period 5 Theatre Arts: Today the students will choose and actor that they consider successful in their acting ability. They will then profile the actor outlining their skills. Follow this outline:
· Short Bio- Who is he/she? How did they get into the business?
· Abilities- if the actor is dramatic, how do they know- they would need to support the actor’s ability through scenes they have observed.
· Cast the actor in an upcoming show or a show that they think the actor would do a good job and explain why.
· 1 Page in Length.
Posted: January 16, 2019
Psychological disorders Projects
Now that you have been taught various psychological theories and concepts, it is time to put them to the test. This last project will center on your accumulated knowledge and research. Make sure you follow each step:
Step #1: choose who you will work with. Choose a partner who has similar intelligences or choose to work on your own. (Maximum group size is 3- however make sure that there is evidence that the work was needed for 3 people.)
Step #2:Choose a psychological disorder: These may include personality disorders, fears, Moods or whatever. There are many so first come first serve on your topic. Simply tell your teacher and you are good to go.
Step #3: How will this be presented? Create a brochure that outlines the following:
· Explain the disorder (History, classification, discoveries and the new information)
· What do various Psychologist believe about it- (Behaviorist/humanistic/Freud ect.)
· Testing – (How are these diagnosed?)
· Determine treatment- show evidence of other tests (Some cannot be treated)
· Include a case study
Step #4- Submit this at the end of Friday’s class.
Posted: January 11, 2019
Posted: December 19, 2018
Period 1- Music 10- 809- Music students have been working on mixcraft. This is an audio software when the students can pull and drop various audio clips to create a song.
· Song must be 4-5 minutes
· Use at least 10 different tracks
· Consider music elements- For example if the students do a country song, it should sound like a country song.
· If students are finished they can do an extra credit assignment- In this assignment students can work together up to a group of 4 to develop and create either a music jingle or a radio ad.- Ads are generally 1-2 minutes and they need to advertise a NEW product. They can record it on their phones and then email to (Friday)- All the work should be put on the black and red jump drive provided.
Period 2-Psychology 120: When we get back students will be working on Art therapy with Amy Ash. Amy is a professional artist who will engage the class in Art therapy. In order to prep for this students must do the following.
· Research anti- stress or reducing stress approaches- (yoga, exercise, meditation, art)
· Find at least two articles to help you
· Discuss Art therapy (What is it? How does it work? Benefits) Support with articles
· Should be about a page- put on my desk when finished.
Period 3: Reading tutor: Today’s teachers will be Cassie Lloyd and Emma Connick.
Period 4: Law- Law students will work on their exam review. The review will begin preparing students for the exam. The review is a part of the exam. Needs to be written in one’s own handwriting and it need to be completed before the exam.
Posted: December 10, 2018
Period 1- Music 10- 809- Students are working on Canadian Artist assignment.
Period 2-Psychology 120: Students are looking Classical conditioning. Today they need to research two different articles that address classical conditioning. One article can be general information, the second needs to examine how the concepts of classical conditioning is used in today’s world (advertising, marketing, workplace for example) They need to do a 1 page write up discussion the information as well as their thoughts about this theory.
Period 3: Reading tutor: Reading day- students will work with their tutors to finish their novels and final projects.
Period 4- Law- work on case prep, closing arguments and Lawyer paper.
Posted: November 27, 2018
Posted: November 21, 2018
Posted: October 30, 2018
Find an article about the Brain and technology- Summerize and write your thoughts- 1 page