Posted: November 16, 2010
Period 1- Broadcast Journalism-
Objective: Students will explore the life of a well known journalist, in order to understand the occupation and the attitude needed to follow this career.
Students will choose a Journalist and then write a 3-5 page paper (MLA format) highlighting the job, the failures, accomplishments, education,struggles and inspirations that helped them to be successful in their role.
Period #2- Multimedia-
Objective: Students begin recording their one minute video.
Students are recording and editing their i minute video.
Period #3 and #6- Ancient History-
Objective: Students will present their findings on the mummification project and talk about similarities of the practice to our current western culture.
Students are reminded to study for their mummification quiz tomorrow. Know the following:
The five steps of mummification
Shawabto Figurines- what are these?
What is the purpose of an Ankh?
Explain the purpose of the Book of the Dead.