Mr. Gopee

Teacher Page

Posted: November 16, 2010

Period 1- Broadcast Journalism- Objective: Students will explore the life of a well known journalist, in order to understand the occupation and the attitude needed to follow this career. Students will choose a Journalist and then write a 3-5 page paper (MLA format) highlighting the job, the failures, accomplishments, education,struggles and inspirations that helped them to be successful in their role.   Period #2- Multimedia- Objective: Students begin recording their one minute video.  Students are recording and editing their i minute video. Period #3 and #6- Ancient History- Objective: Students will present their findings on the mummification project and talk about similarities of the practice to our current western culture. Students are reminded to study for their mummification quiz tomorrow. Know the following: The five steps of mummification Shawabto Figurines- what are these? What is the purpose of an Ankh? Explain the purpose of the Book of the Dead.  

Posted: November 15, 2010

Wednesday November 15th, 2010 Posted November 10, 2010 Period 1- Broadcast Journalism- Objective: Students will develop a video news story. Students will write and design storyboard for a news story of their choice. The students were allowed to go into teams and must produce the story according to the guidelines set by the presentation of our guest speaker. They will use all the camera and video techniques expressed in the presentation. Period #2- Multimedia- Objective: Students begin recording their one minute video.  Students developed a plan and will now record their 1 minute video, using the guidelines expressed by the presentation that was discussed in class. They will then add audio and other editing elements to produce their video. Period #3 and #6- Ancient History- Objective: Students will research to find similarities and differences of other important mummy finds while comparing them to Egyptian practice. Students are divided into 5 groups. each group will be responsible for explaining and diagramming one of the five popular Mummy finds. Presentation due on Tuesday November 16th, 2010. Quiz on the stages of mummification on Wednesday November 17th, 2010.  

Posted: November 10, 2010

Period 1- Broadcast Journalism- Objective: Students will report on the current happenings of JMH. It is Wednesday so students will write their news story for this week.The story must be related to what is happening at James M. Hill. (250 words) and please post on your district 16 report site. I will grade on Thursday and approve the story. Period #2- Multimedia- Objective: students will develop a plan for their 1 minute video.  Students finished their storyboarding their 1 minute video. Recording starts on Friday. Period #3 and #6- Ancient History- Objective: Students will research to find similarities and differences of other important mummy finds while comparing them to Egyptian practice. Students are divided into 5 groups. each group will be responsible for explaining and diagramming one of the five popular Mummy finds.

Posted: November 9, 2010

Period 1- Broadcast Journalism Objective: students will organize and prepare for video stories by drafting storyboard and scripting. Period 2- Multimedia Objective: students will storyboard their 1 minute video in order to show their understanding of prop use and camera angles. Period 3 and Period 6- Ancient History Objective: Students will draw and design their ideas of the Egyptian gods, using the traits of man, animals and objects. They will also discuss the similarities and differences of the religious system of Egypt and modern day western culture.

Posted: November 3, 2010

Period 1 - Broadcast Journalism - Introduction to Digital Video News Stories.  Download  and complete videonewstemplate_0.doc Use video_news_dark_skies.doc as a guide on how to complete template.Period 2 - Multimedia - Introduction to Digital Video.  Download and complete storyboard_template.pdf

Posted: October 22, 2010

Period 1 - Broadcast Journalism -Students worked on 21st century video this week. Objective: students will explore and develop the appropriate questions for an interview. They will learn why background information is so important in conducting interviews.  Period 2- Multimedia 120- completion of professional PowerPoint tutorial.   Objective: Students will express an understanding of one of the three areas of multimedia (audio, video or pictures) through effective PowerPoint presentations.   Period 3 - Ancient History 10- Mesopotamia lesson presented by students. Objective: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the historical significance of  mesopotamian culture Study Block- Room 812 Period 6 - Ancient History 10 -  Mesopotamia lesson presented by students.

Posted: October 15, 2010

Period 1 - Broadcast Journalism - Photojournalism- photostory Objective: Students will investigate how pictures tell as story. Students will develop a photostory. Choose 10-15 pictures and build a photostory that holds a theme. Students will be able to express the reason for their choice of picture. They will also be able to analyze the style and visual elemnts tht make the picture a professional photo. Period 2- Multimedia 120- POWERPOINT template for project. Students are developing a tutorial on one of the elemnts of Multimedia, in doing so they will improve their powerpoint technique.   storyboardtemplatemaster.ppt 151 KB application/   Objective: Students will express an understanding of one of the three areas of multimedia (audio, video or pictures) through effective PowerPoint presentations.   Period 3 - Ancient History 10- Students will work in groups to prepare a creative presentation on Mesopotamia culture. Two days of Lab time will be given and a rubric will be discussed on Monday. Today students will develop a plan and proposal for their presentation and hand it in to teacher. Objective: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the historical significance of  mesopotamian culture Study Block- Room 812 Period 6 - Ancient History 10 -  Students will work in groups to prepare a creative presentation on Mesopotamia culture. Two days of Lab time will be given and a rubric will be discussed on Monday. Today students will develop a plan and proposal for their presentation and hand it in to teacher.  Objective: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the historical significance of  mesopotamian culture Template PPT
Microsoft Office document icon storyboard_ppt_template_2.doc30.5 KB

Posted: October 14, 2010

Period 1 - Broadcast Journalism - Photojournalism Journalism: A year of pictures. Objective: Students will investigate how pictures tell as story. Students will explore the New York times website and choose one of the years of pictures. They will then look through the year and summarize familiar themes and ideals represented through the pictures. They will then choose a picture that “speaks to them” and explain how this picture got their attention and why it contains a powerful message.   Period 2- Multimedia 120- stop animation due on Friday.   storyboardtemplatemaster.ppt 151 KB application/   Objective: Students will express an understanding of one of the three areas of multimedia (audio, video or pictures) through effective PowerPoint presentations.   Period 3 - Ancient History 10- Students will work in groups to prepare a creative presentation on Mesopotamia culture. Two days of Lab time will be given and a rubric will be discussed on Monday. Today students will develop a plan and proposal for their presentation and hand it in to teacher. Objective: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the historical significance of  mesopotamian culture Study Block- Room 812 Period 6 - Ancient History 10 -  Students will work in groups to prepare a creative presentation on Mesopotamia culture. Two days of Lab time will be given and a rubric will be discussed on Monday. Today students will develop a plan and proposal for their presentation and hand it in to teacher.  Objective: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the historical significance of  mesopotamian culture
Office presentation icon storyboardtemplatemaster.ppt151 KB

Posted: October 12, 2010

Period 1 - Broadcast Journalism - Photojournalism Journalism: A year of pictures. Objective: Students will investigate how pictures tell as story. Students will explore the New York times website and choose one of the years of pictures. They will then look through the year and summarize familiar themes and ideals represented through the pictures. They will then choose a picture that “speaks to them” and explain how this picture got their attention and why it contains a powerful message. ·         Explore the setting of the picture ·         Look at the way it was taken, does this intensify the purpose of the picture? How? ·         Look at color, does it affect the powerful message of the picture? ·         What about the angle? ·         Where is the focus? ·         What other elements can you identify that pushed the meaning and power of the picture. Period 2- Multimedia 120- stop animation due on Friday. Objective: Students will express an understanding of one of the three areas of multimedia (audio, video or pictures) through effective PowerPoint presentations. Period 3 - Ancient History 10- Review Test Study Block- Room 812 Period 6 - Ancient History 10 - Review test

Posted: October 5, 2010

Posted September 30, 2010 Period 1 - Broadcast Journalism - Write News story #2 Period 2- Multimedia 120- Last day fro stop animation is Tomorrow. sites for royalty free music-  Period 3 - Ancient History 10 Finished the 4 kingdoms of Mesoptamia, Quiz tomorrw- Please review the following:  4 facts for each of the kingdoms  4 facts about Mesopotamia.  1 advancement of each of the 4 kingdoms and how it affects us now. Study Block- Room 812 Period 6 - Ancient History 10 Quiz tomorrw- Please review the following:  4 facts for each of the kingdoms  4 facts about Mesopotamia.  1 advancement of each of the 4 kingdoms and how it affects us now. 


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