Posted: May 5, 2020
Bonjour tout le monde,
Voilà le document de l'ADN et les mutations génétiques.
Réviser les concepts, regarder les vidéos et faire les notes.
J'afficherai un quiz la semaine prochaine.
Bonne semaine!
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Welcome To Our Page
Posted: May 5, 2020
Bonjour tout le monde,
Voilà le document de l'ADN et les mutations génétiques.
Réviser les concepts, regarder les vidéos et faire les notes.
J'afficherai un quiz la semaine prochaine.
Bonne semaine!
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Posted: May 4, 2020
Bonjour mes amis!
Duolingo: You should be working on Level 4 of Duolingo at this point! Do 10-15 minutes a day, and this should be very attainable!
Écouter: This week, I have recorded a short story for you called ''Une soirée au cinéma''
Please listen to the story at least 3 times, and try to pick out the words you know to understand through context.
I do not expect you to understand every word, but would rather you understand the gist of the story.
Once you think you have a decent understanding of the story, please answer the following questions en français (phrases complètes)!
I know it is difficult to do on your own, but I am only asking that you try your best!!
Once you have finished the questions, you may email them to me at
1) Comment s'appelle mon ami?
2) Pourquoi est-ce que Sébastien ne veut pas regarder un film d'horreur?
3) Quel film est-ce que nous avons regardé au cinéma?
4) Quel genre est ce film?
5) Qu'est-ce que Sébastien mange pendant le film?
6) Qu'est-ce que je bois pendant le film?
7) Qu'est-ce que Sébastien aime dans ce film?
8) À qui est-ce que je suggère ce film?
Posted: May 4, 2020
Bonjour mes amis,
Svp, complèter le quiz attaché pour reviser les concepts de la semaine passée.
Quand vous avez fini, envoyez-moi vos reponses par courriel svp!
Le paquet pour cette semaine sera affiché demain.
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Posted: April 28, 2020
Bonjour tout le monde!
Voilà le document pour cette semaine.
You should also be working towards level 3 of Duolingo. Please send me your progress.
Send your paragraphs to me at
I would love to read them!
Bonne semaine!
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Posted: April 27, 2020
Bonjour mes amis!
Voilà le document de la reproduction asexuée pour cette semaine. Il y a un tableau à remplir dans ce document.
Reviser ces concepts, et j'afficherai une révision mercredi cette semaine.
Comme toujours, si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez pas à me contacter par courriel!
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Posted: April 22, 2020
Je viens de trouver un vidéo excellent qui résume les cellules animales et végétales.
Il y a un séries complète de Khan Academy qui parle de ces concepts en détail, et je suggère bien que vous regardiez ces vidéos si la biologie est quelque chose qui vous intéresse.
Si tu suis les cours de biologie en 11e et 12e année, il faut être familier avec ces concepts, donc c'est toujours une bonne idée d'en apprendre en avance!
Posted: April 20, 2020
Bonjour Science 9,
Voilà le paquet pour cette semaine. Si vous avez des questions n'hésitez pas à me contacter!
J'espère que vous allez bien. Profitez du soliel un peu!
- Malson
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Posted: April 20, 2020
Bonjour tout le monde!
Hope you are all doing well and staying safe.
Please find this week's assignment attached. Try to understand the text through context and respond to the questions.
Also, you should now be wroking on level 2 of Duolingo. Try to make it to Checkpoint 3 and take the quiz before the end of the week!
As always, please contact me if there are any questions.
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Posted: April 15, 2020
Hey Team,
Malson here. Just wanted to let you guys know about this app that I've been using for my at home workouts. It's called the Nike Training App and is 100% free!
It has tons of workouts that you can do at home with minimal or no equipment!
During the workout, hook up to a speaker or throw your headphones in and let the trainer guide you through your workout. All exercises have videos that show you how to do each movement and track your progress. There are short workouts, long workouts, beginner, medium and advanced workouts for everyone. Even some to do as a family!
You can also add your friends and motivate each other through tracking your workouts.
I have found it a great motivator to keep me moving during this difficult time.
Hope it works for you as well!
Posted: April 13, 2020
A frog fell in a pot of water. The water was on a gas stove. The frog did not try to jump out of the pot, but instead just stayed in. As the temperature of the water started to rise, the frog managed to adjust its body temperature accordingly. As the water started to reach the boiling point, the frog was no longer able to keep up and manage its body temperature according to the water temperature.
The frog tried to jump out of the pot, but with water temperature reaching its boiling point, the frog was not able to bear it and couldn’t make it. What was the reason that a frog couldn’t make it? Will you blame the hot water for it?