Mr. Malson

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: April 13, 2020

Lire et complèter le paquet ci-joint. Si vous avez besoin d'aide, contactez-moi par courriel :

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Posted: April 13, 2020

Tâche 1 

This week, we will be reviewing our music preferences. Before we left school, we had been working on a few phrases to describe our taste in music. Please review the following question and respond to them by including your own musical preferences. Some of these phrases may be new to you, but use the strategies we have worked on in class to properly respond! 


1) Quelle est ta chanson préféréePourquoi? 

Ex) Ma chanson préférée est Role Models par J.Cole parce que j’aime les instruments dans la chanson. 


2) Quel est ton groupe/artiste préféréPourquoi? 

Ex) Mon groupe préféré est Queen parce que j’aime chanter avec Freddy Mercury. 


3) Dans ta chanson préférée, quels instruments est-ce que tu entends? 

Ex) Dans la chanson Back in Black par ACDC, j’entends la guitare, les batteries, et la guitare basse. 


4) Est-ce que tu joues un instrument? 

Ex) Oui, je joue le piano! OU Non, je ne joue pas un instrument 


5) Quelle instrument est-ce que tu veux jouer? 

Ex) Je veux jouer la guitare acoustique! 


Tâche 2 

Some of you may have already used the app Duolingo in middle school. We will be using it for the rest of this school year to keep you up on vocabulary! Go to the app store and download Duolingo (it’s free!) 

Choose French as the language you would like to learn, and choose the option ‘New to French? Start here with the basics’. 

Some of these lessons may seem basic to you, but they are great to reinforce your vocabulary! 

By next Monday, you should be at Checkpoint 2. Spend 15-20 minutes a day on the lessons and it will fly by! If you would like to continue past Checkpoint 2, go ahead! 

Also, there are tons of languages available to learn on the app. I highly encourage you to check a few others out as well! 

As always, please email me if you need a hand! 

Posted: April 6, 2020

Hey guys! 

Check out the new JMH Phys Ed YouTube channel and follow along with some at home exercises to keep your mind and body in check.

Here are a few stretches to get rid of those quarantine kinks!



Posted: April 6, 2020

Bonjour mes amis! 


Voilà quelques renseignements pour les classes cette semaine. Cette semaine est réservée pour vous contacter, et pour maintenir la santé mentale et physique (pour toutes les classes!) 


Here is some information for your classes this week. This week is focused on making contact with you, as well as maintaining your mental and physical health (for all classes!) 


1) This weekyour task is to go for a short walk each day. Allez dehors et observez! Note at least thing that you see outside each day, and thing that you hear outside each dayand put them into the phrase ‘’Je vois ___________’ et ‘’ J’entends __________’’ 


Don’t forget to keep your social distance! (2m or 6ft) 


Keep a journal (on your phone, computer, notebook, etc) to keep track of your observations 



Le 6 avril - Je vois les arbres. J’entends les oiseaux. 


On Friday, go back through your notes and try to visualize yourself in each situation.  

Concentrez bien, et essayer de rappeler les détails de l’environnement. 


2) Go to the James M. Hill website and click on the Phys. Ed tab at the top of the page.  

Preparez une espace comfortable et suivez le vidéo d’étirement avec moi! 



Check back every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for more information! 


3) Lire l’histoire suivant. Comment est-ce qu’elle s’applique à ta vie? 


Read the following story. How does it apply to your life? 



An old blind man was sitting on a busy street corner begging for money. On a cardboard sign, next to an empty tin cup, he had written: ‘Blind – Please help’. 

No one was giving him any money. 

A young advertising writer walked past and saw the blind man with his sign and empty cup, and also saw the many people passing by completely unmoved, let alone stopping to give money. 

The advertising writer took a thick marker from her pocket, turned the cardboard sheet back-to-front, and re-wrote the sign, then went on her way. 

Immediately, people began putting money into the tin cup. 

After a while, when the cup was overflowing, the blind man asked a stranger to tell him what the sign now said. 

“It says,” said the stranger, “‘It’s a beautiful day. You can see it. I cannot.'” 


Posted: October 3, 2019

Posted: October 2, 2019

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Posted: October 1, 2019

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Posted: October 1, 2019

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Posted: October 1, 2019

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Added: Mon, May 4 2020
