Mrs. Corlett

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: April 5, 2011

Meep!  We had a great say in 121 English this morning about your Articles of the Week.  Well done!  We then forged on with more Book prepared to begin another "additional book study" tomorrow, when our topic will be...CLASSICS!!  Bam!  In English 9, you handed in the first draft of your research essay, then we analyzed the things that make a great presentation.  You'll be applying these things to your OWN presentations, which will begin on Friday.  Be sure to check the rubric you were given, so we have a BOATLOAD of "A" performances.

Posted: April 4, 2011

Happy Monday!  Today, the 121 Englishers received tonight's Article of the Week, Be prepared for some actual face-to-face conversation!  Woooo!  We also began our Book Talks this morning - terrific job!  We'll continue with those tomorrow.  In English 9, students were given another sample Works Cited page, and ample time to work on the draft of their research paper, which is due tomorrow...along with all of the process parts of their writing.  Can't wait to read 'em!

Posted: March 29, 2011

Hiya!  Today in 121 English, we had a great say about the Articles of the Week, then worked on the movie scene riddled with Shakespearean insults that you'll be delivering tomorrow.  Remember, too, to complete your reflection for tomorrow.  Awesome job in English 9 today, as well!  You completed the research portion for your essay (or, at least you should have), and we'll begin the first drafts tomorrow.  Please remember to bring your course selection forms tomorrow, if you haven't done so already.

Posted: March 28, 2011

Happy Monday!  In 121 English, you received your Article of the Week (due tomorrow), we completed all of Act 2, and you were assigned the 'Shakespearean Insult" assignment (sorry for what I did to Bambi).  We'll work on those tomorrow.  The English 9 students worked diligently on their research today.  Great note taking and organization of those notes, folks!  We'll continue researching tomorrow.

Posted: March 25, 2011

Happy Friday, folks!  In English 121, you handed in your reflections, then we worked our way through a good chuck of Act 2.  Remember to keep reading your non-fiction work, as the book talks will begin in a week or so.  The English 9 classes enjoyed some SSR, then selected research topics and took our first look at the MLA format that your essays will take.  We'll begin researching on Monday.  Great work!

Posted: March 24, 2011

Hiya!  In our fantastic English 121 class today, we took some time to address the end of Act 1 items you were assigned, and watched three very diferent version of the ghost scene in Hamlet (1913, 1990, and 1996).  Your reflection is due tomorrow, then we'll tackle Act 2.  As for English 9 we looked at another way to take and organize notes for our research papers (remember, your topic is due tomorrow).  Great work!

Posted: March 22, 2011

Helloooo!  Today in English 121, you handed in your Articles of the Week, which included your submissions for an apt superhero of today.  Loved them!  In addition, we continued on with Hamlet after reviewing our food for thought items for the end of Act 1 (it's good to keep the end in mind, right?  In English 9, we had a quick review of the work we did yesterday (analyzing web sites for reliability), then we moved on to some practice in taking notes from the materials we find on the net.  You were awesome!  We'll try a different type of note-taking with some new materials tomorrow.

Posted: March 21, 2011

Hey!  In English 121, we selected a novel for a brief, two-week non-fiction study (identifying what would be expected at the end of that two weeks, as well), then continued on with our reading of Hamlet...who is probably about to be dumped by Ophelia.  Sigh...  Oh, your Article of the Week is due tomorrow.  As for English 9, we took a look at the way our next four weeks will go with a Research/Citation/Presentation unit.  We then analyzed various websites (using a basic checklist) to determine whether or not they should be viewed as credible.  Well done! 

Posted: March 18, 2011

Hi there!  In our wonderful English 121 class, we reviewed what was covered yesterday, then continued on with Act 1, scene 2 of Hamlet, identifying the stark contrast between the setting of the first two scenes, examining the use of "seems," hints of Hamlet's clever nature, and a little trouble a-brewing with Claudius and Gertrude...topped off with the perfect cherry of Hamlet's first soliloquy.  Brace yourselves - next week you'll be assigned an additional two-week non-fiction novel study for a selection of your choice (we have to round out the level of your homework and baby-step our way into a realistic expectation of the work load you'll encounter next year).  As for English 9, we enjoyed some SSR, examined some great writing from your peers, and wrote a five-minute story or two.  On Monday, we'll begin our research unit. Have a great weekend!

Posted: March 17, 2011

Good day!  Today in English 121, we reviewed the notes we covered yesterday, then got to work reading Act 1, scene 1 of Hamlet together.  The only homework for tomorrow is your weekly reflection.  As for English 9, most classes completed their book talks - well done!  Tomorrow, we'll have SSR, you'll hand your novels back in, then we'll share some of the great writing you did for your character analyses.
