Mrs. Corlett

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: September 24, 2010

Happy Friday!  Today, we began our in-class election project, using Bloom's Taxonomy for Thinking to help us through.  We'll continue that activity on Monday, have our party leaders address the issues in education that we feel are essential, then we'll vote!

Posted: September 23, 2010

Hello!  Today, we kept on trucking with Bloom's Taxonomy for Thinking.  Great work!  Then, we moved into the Application level of Bloom's by using Karen Valanne's The China Doll to create some terrific questions for your peers.  No homework for tonight...and be ready to enter the election process tomorrow!

Posted: September 22, 2010

Hey, folks!  What a day!  You handed in what you ASSURED me were a huge stack of "A" performances in your friendly letters.  I can't wait to read 'em!  After that, we began breaking down the idea of "metacognition", or "thinking about thinking".  To do this, we're going to tackle Bloom's Taxonomy for Thinking, which will help us move away from the lower two levels (Understanding and Comprehension) and into the upper levels of Application, Analysis, Evaluating, and Synthesis.  Remember the example of creating a bird house in wood shop class if you need a little help.  Great work today, and no homework for tomorrow...unless you didn't hand in your letter packet today.  Oh, don't forget to wear your green and gold!
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File blooms.docx16.88 KB

Posted: September 21, 2010

Hey there!  In class today, we enjoyed a little SSR, followed by a short summary of what you read about.  After that, we took at a look at what we learned from our Article of the Week...superbugs?  For tomorrow, please have the best copy possible of your letter ready (an A performance, remember) to pass in, including all of the process steps and the rubric we designed together.  Have a great night!

Posted: September 20, 2010

Hello to you on this beautifully sunny day!  In class today, we looked at an editorial cartoonfor our warmup, then helped our peers to an A performance with some peer editing (one more step in the process, right?).  The next draft (likely the final draft) of that letter is due on Wednesday, so be sure to keep all of the steps of your process, as they'll be included with the final product.  For homework tomorrow, please complete your Article of the Week review.  Remember, use TONS of notation as evidence of your thinking and trying to apply your strategies.

Posted: September 17, 2010

Hello, folks!  Today we completed a little SSR, and you had 1/2 period to work on your friendly letter to me.  The first draft is due on Monday...typed!  Use the rubric and your notes to be sure of an A performance.  If you need to, please e-mail your typed draft to me and I can print it off for you.  Go man go!

Posted: September 15, 2010

Hello!  In class today, we completed a Warm-Up that required you to work with prefixes and suffixes in order to figure out a new word (great strategy, eh?).  We then continued the analysis of my friendly letter in order for you to write a great one back to me.  No homework for tonight, unless your analysis page is not fully completed.

Posted: September 14, 2010

Hello there!  Today, we had a look at last night's Article of the Week assignment (Better than yesterday's!Yessss!), then I modeled a section one more time as an example, and we came up with a list of words from the article that we may try to use again.  SSR went well today, too.  Good job, and no homework for tomorrow.

Posted: September 13, 2010

Hello there!  Today in class we completed our warm-up, had a look at your article analysis (hoping for better things tomorrow, right?  Most of them weren't so hot), and you were assigned your next Article of the Week, due tomorrow.   Remember, we're working on becoming ACTIVE vs passive readers, so make a BOATLOAD of notation as you read.  Next, we began to examine a friendly letter, in order for you to determine how to write a great one back to me.  Also remember to bring something in for a little SSR tomorrow.  Thanks!

Posted: September 10, 2010

Hello, folks!  Welcome to grade nine!  For Monday, please complete the Article of the Week we began in class today (the Qur'an one), and we'll take a look on Monday.  Keep your eyes open tomorrow to see what actually goes down!  On Monday, you'll be given your first independently-read Article of the Week (to be completed for homework).  We'll also take a look at a letter I wrote to that you can write me one in return. Have a great weekend!
