Oct 25 we will deliver the Nutriton snack to all classes during period 2.
Oct 26- Check the Production schedule posted in the classroom and lab to see what duties you have in the lab for the day. We will be preparing goodie cart items for sale at noon. Also check the noon duty schedule to see who is making milkshakes, smoothies and working on the goodie cart.
Oct 27- no school
Oct 28- We welcome Chef Graham Tricket to the class to demonstrate knife skills, knife sharpening and learn about knife safety.
Oct 29- Make sure you bring your textbook to class. We will be learning about small tools and equipment (chapter 7 of your text),
Nov 1- The class will attend the CNIB Safey presentation, a powerful presentation on the importance of protecting you eyes when working around chemicals or any hazardous material. You will also hear from a representative of Skills Canada. This presentation is in recognition of Skilled Trades and Technology Week (Nov 1-7)
Nov 2 and 3- Our Cafe will open with several food items for sale at noon. Check the production and noon duty schedule to see what part you play in our full service opening of the cafe.
Nov 4 Completion of Chap 7 of text- study guide and review. Don't forget to remind your parents of the partent teacher interviews to be held this evening.
Nov 5- No classes. Parent teacher interviews will be held in the morning.