Psychological disorders Projects
Now that you have been taught various psychological theories and concepts, it is time to put them to the test. This last project will center on your accumulated knowledge and research. Make sure you follow each step:
Step #1: choose who you will work with. Choose a partner who has similar intelligences or choose to work on your own. (Maximum group size is 3- however make sure that there is evidence that the work was needed for 3 people.) (5 marks)- Do this day one to get the marks
Step #2:Choose a psychological disorder: These may include personality disorders, fears, Moods or whatever. There are many so first come first serve on your topic. Simply tell your teacher and you are good to go. (5 marks)- do this day one to get the marks
Step #3: How will this be presented? This is why you choose a similar intelligence type. You will now design your presentation according to your intelligence. For example if you are good at art, you may consider drawing, or musicians may want to do music video. Really the format is up to you. It is important that you do not do something to simply “get it done” but choose according to your intelligence to get it done well. (5 marks) Due on day 1- or Day 2 to get marks
Step #4: Your will be required to present your information. Explain what you have done and what you have learned. Please include this list of content: (50 marks)
· Explain the disorder (History, classification, discoveries and the new information)
· What do various Psychologist believe about it- (Behaviorist/humanistic/Freud ect.)
· Testing – (How are these diagnosed?)
· Determine treatment- show evidence of other tests (Some cannot be treated)
· Include a case study
Step #5: The project (Your structure, presentation, video, whatever you decided to do.)- This is a mark based on the quality of the end product. Includes marks on organization, knowledge of content and presentation skills (15 marks)
Step #6: Journal related to your disorder (10 marks)
Step #7:You will get marked on your work ethic. Wasted time means less of a mark. These include improper use of devices and useless web searches. (10 marks)