Mr. Gopee Notes

Teacher Page


Posted: May 25, 2020

Psychology discussion: What are some ways in which we have been “classically conditioned” in our everyday life?

Psychology Assignment #7: Little Albert Worksheet Attached

Law Discussion: How does the Justice system advocate for youth who commit crimes?

Law Assignment #7: Youth Criminal Justic Act assignment Attached.

Posted: May 17, 2020

 Keep up the good work guys. Proud of you.

Law 120: Week 6 Discussion post: Cyber Bullying is common in society. When people are behind a username or a profile, they forget all social norms and feel that they can simply say whatever they want. Do a quick search on the Internet and see if you can find regulations that internet sites, governments and organizations are putting into place in order to stop this behaviour. Discuss these in this week’s post.

Psychology Discussion post: What is “emotional intelligence?” And how can we measure it? (Please support with researched information) (remember you must give new information in this thread and cannot repeat any information another classmate addressed)


Posted: May 10, 2020

Psychology 120 DiscussionWeek #5: The WebQuest introduced you to several key elements in intelligence. You have discovered several ways in which intelligence is measured. Discuss ways in which you think you are smart. How do you know? What do people say about you when they praise your smart ways. She’s really good at… or It is amazing how he can…. Is intelligence simply academic? Make sure to discuss your reply (maybe find an article you can refer to)

Psychology 120 Week #5 Assignment- WEBQUEST is attached

Law 120: Attached

Posted: May 4, 2020

Home learning week 4.

Hey everyone, below are the attached documents for wek 4 Psychology and Law. If you are a bit behind, you can still submit your work a littlle late. So don't worry about that.

Posted: April 26, 2020

Home learning week 3

You will find your assignments attached as well as on teams. Please let me know if you need anything. It is not too late to go for credit- Just let me know and we can get caught up.

Psychology this week- Personality continued

Law 120- Criminal code of Canada- Powerpoint also attached.


Posted: April 20, 2020

Home learning Week 2

Notes: We are interested in finding out whick of our students are looking for credit vs enrolled on their transcripts. Please drops us a line on the teams page to let us know. It is never too late to sign up. just email your teacher.

Secondly- International students- we are having our house party meeting at 3pm today- we will discuss your courses and answer any questions (if I can) that you may have. See you soon.

Attached is the Law and Psychology assignments and discussion posts for this week.

File psychology_assignment_2.docx12.51 KB
File law_assignment_2.docx14.18 KB

Posted: April 13, 2020

Hwy everyone, 

Welcome to home learning. Each week we will do 2 things. 

1.     We will do some type of research, reflection or assignment which will be posted in the assignment part of you team’s page- under general- you will see assignments. (I’ll also post it on the teacher page)  

2.     Respond to my post with your post and comment on one other from another classmate.

You will have the entire week to respond and post assignment and discussion post.

Each Monday you will receive the next assignment and post.




Posted: April 7, 2020

Hey everyone,

So, our plan is to use both teacher page and teams. I would like to make sure I contact everyone before we actually begin classes. So, for now here is what we need to do. On teams I have 3 different channel posts for each class. I'll post information in both places (Here and teams page) First things first try to respond to the teams post so I can find you all.

Psychology: Our plan will be to respond to posts and try to do a weekly assignment. I promise not to overwhelm you, we are going to take this one step at a time. Please respond to the posts by saying hi. 

Reading tutor: Hey guys please try to respond to post. Please choose a novel that you can read. We will host a weekly "book club:" to talk and discuss our books. I would also recommend that you continue along on your scrapbook writings. You should have completed two pages already- Who are you and your family. Next week we will discuss our next page, for now try to find a novel, either in book form or online. Something you can read and discuss. Once you know you can let me know the title and author of the book.

Law 120 students- Guys there is so much going on in terms of law- please respond to post on teams and say hi so I can find you all. Then we will do one discussion post a week and then engage in an assignment.

I look forward to hear from you all.

I do miss our classroom time. I hope I have answers to many of your questions next week.

Posted: February 26, 2020

LAW 120: You currently have the following assignments:


  • Timeline

  • Compare rights documents

  • Charter of Rights paper

  • Human Rights assignment.


Posted: February 11, 2020

Law: students looked at the Charter of Rights today. The assignment is included in the attcahment. Remember you must bring at least one assignment to check in.

Posted: February 6, 2020

Law 120: Assignment #1 Student will draw a timeline of law and a discussion about case law- Follow these prompts to help you build your outline.

  • How did law begin?
  • Names of significant people who helped developed law as we know it today.
  • Cultural influences on law (Think about early civilizations)
  • Include information about case law (A case that changed law)- Tell me about it- what happened? how did it change law? Why is this an important change?


Posted: December 9, 2019

Posted: December 5, 2019

Microsoft Office document icon holocaust_final_project_mr.doc26 KB
