Mr. Gopee Notes

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Posted: November 21, 2012

Digital Sound: Students continue their recordings. Law 120: Students will write their quiz. When finished, students may quietly log on to a computer to address these questions that will be picked up by Mr. Gopee tomorrow. They will look into the lives of a lawyer. Identify three areas of Law: civil, criminal, family ect. describe what they are. Find out about the education of a lawyer who wishes to practice the three areas you have identified. Talk about schools that they should attend, what degrees they must have, averages and tuition of those schools. (consider various options, in Canada) chart the education of a lawyer. Talk about career salary and demand if any. Computer science 120: try to get through you next visual basic assignment.

Posted: November 19, 2012

Digital Sound: Students continue their recordings. By this time students should have submitted in their proposal for their radio show and should have script finished by tomorrow. Also remember to have your sound effects recorded for your Foley project. Law 120: Students have just watched a documentary on Allan Legre. This case documented the first use of DNA in a conviction for Canada. With the information that you have learned, please answer the follow questions: (To be handed in at the end of class) Establish a background of the suspect - (This is your background biography) How was he caught?  What was his crime under the criminal code, identify section. What evidences provided support to the crown's case against Legere? What was his sentence? Please include a work cited page and any questions that you may have about the case at the end of your write up. Computer science 110: Students continue to work on their online study.  
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Posted: November 15, 2012

Digital Sound: Students will work on their two projects. Please follow the checklist to make sure that all your project are according to the outline provided. YOU ARE WORKING ON 2 PROJECTS. Foley sound effects- Remember you are trying to build an effect from another source of sound. So don't record walking up the stairs to have a "walking up the stairs" sound- be creative- what other tool or method could give the same sound effect. (Marks 10) Foley Planning sheet- fill this out to document your 10 effects. sound_effects_planning_sheet.doc  (10 Marks) Foley video- strip all audio and put in your own music and use your "created" sound effects. You may need to include other effects to finish your video. (30 Marks) Second project: Proposal for your radio show: Draft a 1/2 page to tell me what the show is about. Who is the target audience? Why do you feel the show could be successful. (Marks 10)- Due November 15th, 2012 Write a script: make sure you outline in your script where your sounds come fit in. (10 Marks) Radio show- Produce the show. (30 Marks) Tyler Fitzpatrick can run the studio for recordings. Both projects are due on November 23rd, 2012.   LAW 120: Period # 3- Students will watch the History Channel special on Allen legre Computer science: All students should try to have up to quiz 6 completed, by the end of the class. sound_effects_planning_sheet.doc

Posted: November 15, 2012

Digital Sound: Students will work on their two projects. Please follow the checklist to make sure that all your project are according to the outline provided. YOU ARE WORKING ON 2 PROJECTS. Foley sound effects- Remember you are trying to build an effect from another source of sound. So don't record walking up the stairs to have a "walking up the stairs" sound- be creative- what other tool or method could give the same sound effect. (Marks 10) Foley Planning sheet- fill this out to document your 10 effects. sound_effects_planning_sheet.doc  (10 Marks) Foley video- strip all audio and put in your own music and use your "created" sound effects. You may need to include other effects to finish your video. (30 Marks) Second project: Proposal for your radio show: Draft a 1/2 page to tell me what the show is about. Who is the target audience? Why do you feel the show could be successful. (Marks 10)- Due November 15th, 2012 Write a script: make sure you outline in your script where your sounds come fit in. (10 Marks) Radio show- Produce the show. (30 Marks) Both projects are due on November 23rd, 2012.   LAW 120: Students will get their review for their quiz on Tuesday. Teacher will asks students what they know about Allan Legre. The students will then be given the remainder of the class to put together a 1 page information write up on this "monster of Miramichi." Computer science: All students should try to have up to quiz 6 completed, by the end of the class.
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Posted: November 13, 2012

Digital Sound 120- Geoff Cormier is in the Studio with Tyler for sound recording. The other students should work on the two projects that they have to get ready. The radio show and their foley sound projects. By the end of class today students should have a proposal of their radio show. Answer these questions: What is the show about? Who is the target audience? Why is there a need for theis show? Discuss the purpose. What do you plan to do to get listeners? Law 120- Law students will finish presentations. The students will then Finish the definitions found in Chapter 8 from the text. Computer science 110- Students should continue to finish unit 9 and work on unit 10.

Posted: November 8, 2012

Digital Sound- Students should have their silent movie ready and list their sounds as well as fill out their planning sheet. They they will record their sounds. Please remember that these sound effects are recreated, often using different items to make it. Be creative. sound_effects_planning_sheetbalnk.doc Law- Presentations begin today. Computer science- Unit nine background fix. Assign Background Color using Buttons.   Public Class Form1       Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click         Me.BackColor = Color.Red     End Sub       Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click         Me.BackColor = Color.Blue     End Sub End Class

Posted: November 7, 2012

Digital sound 120- Note that students will be working on two different projects at the same time: Each student will choose a piece of video consider a silent film about 3-5 minutes in length. Students will then recreate the audio for the film using foley sound effects. You will need to have at least 10 sounds that can be recorded in the studio. Teacher will allow for 20 minutes for recording for each student. Students who cannot finish their project in that time will use the zoom recorder to complete project. By the end of today's class students should have their group. Pick their video- download to computer. Research how to create their sounds.Fill out their sound planning sheet. You will also need to include music that complements the piece. Recording tin the studio starts tomorrow. Studio schedule as follows: Thursday 8th,November  2012-    Friday 9th, November 2012-Greg Facey/ Vincent Harris Tuesday 13th, November 2012- Geoffrey Cormier/ Wednesday 14th, November 2012- Andre Martin/ Nicholas Ivory/ Thursday 15th November 2012- Brady Barrieau/ Justin Galliah Friday 16th,  November 2012-  Tyler Jenkins/Daniel McEathreon Zoom recorder schedule- Jacob Manuel- Wed/Thursday Yanni/Shelby/Tyler- November 9th- weekend. Celine- Tuesday 13th, November 2012- Ryan- Wednesday 14th November 2012 Nikk/ Jordan November - Thursday November 15th, 2012 project #2- While students are awaiting studio time. Other students will work in pairs to accomplish the following- Build a radio show. You have been given the opportunity to come up with a unique radio show that will appeal to audiences and attract listeners. Develop a radio show and record a taping of it. Include original music material/ copyright free effects and music. The show should be about 3-4 minutes in length. Submit a write up that includes the following: Script with effects/ music Target audience- how will you reach this group. Overview of the purpose of the show.Use original/ copyright free material Both project will be due on Tuesday 20th November 2012 Law120- presentations are due tomorrow. Computer science- Students should try to have a new unit compleated this week.  
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Posted: November 6, 2012

Digital Sound: Yesterday teacher discussed what is Foley sound. Here are some of the links that the teacher used to give studfents a good look at the information. let us take a closer look at Foley sound. and watch the video. Please answer and submit the following questions: 1. What is Foley recording? (2) 2. Who is Jack Foley? (2) 3. When and why would you use Foley? (2) 4. Why is the audio captured live on set not used in film? (2) 5. Describe a typical Foley Sound stage. (3) 6. Explain ADR (automatic dialogue replacement) (2) 7. Who is Ben Burtt? (2)  Extension: Please find a piece of video- silent movie and begin to develop your foley sound effects. (You will need at least 10)     Law120- Students will finish their Forensic projects for tomorrow.

Posted: November 1, 2012

Digital Sound 120- Students are working on soundscapes- these are due on Monday next week. Students should consider the sounds that move pass them, how the sound grows and changes in the blending of these sounds. What remains constant and what changes. if finished try to produce a soundscape of an unfamiliar envionment. For example a battle in space, inside a video game or an unexplored world. Law120- Students are preparing their presentations for Law calss on forensic science. Please ensure that presentations are no shorter that 5 minutes. Make sure to include a class activity and make sure that all students participate in the project. Computer science 110- Students are working on their online course. Units 10-12 does not require any other changes, except for ones already discussed: for example Caption instead of text. Refer to previous posts to get help on your unit.   Alternative software tutorials-  Working with photoshop Use tutorials to build a poster of an event.  

Posted: October 30, 2012

Digital sound 120- Teacher will discuss with students the importance of sound environment. Architect build and consult with sound engineers to create the perfect design. Think of everything from cars to a small room. Sound is all around us. Students will then create an environment of sound.- Think of a place, or a story- then cut a 45 seconds clip from it. What would that sound like? What are the small details that give the picture? What sounds are far away, which are nearer. What sounds scream information about the environment? Specialist in movies build these environments for the entire film. Whether it is fictional or non-fictional. They manipulate the sound to get an environment that supports the visual. – king Kong 2005 academy award winner for sound. Build your own sound scape: ·         Have at least 10 different tracks ·         Augment at least 1 sound. ·         About 45 seconds long ·         Graded on balance, quality, choice of material. Law120-  Students will finish their discussion on the roles of police and form groups in order to prepare a presentation on Forensic science. The Allen Legere case used DNA sampling to tie him to several crimes, it was because of this that prosecutors were able to charge and sentence Legere to 25 years. Students will work in groups to present information about Forensic science and how it is used in the justice system.   Creativity. Group Dynamics Organization Presentation Skills Class mark Activitiy Case discussed   Total -50   Students will have 5 days to complete the task.- Due on Tuesday 6th, November 2012. Computer science 110- Unit 9- Helps   Because the Text1.Font properties are “ReadOnly”, you can not change them. You must instead create your own “New Font”.   [THIS IS THE CODE PROVIDED IN THE ONLINE COURSE. IT WILL NOT WORK] Text1.FontSize = 9 Text1.FontBold = False THIS CODE IS OUT-DATED, AND WILL NOT WORK PROPERLY.  [THIS IS THE UP-TO-DATE CODE, THAT WILL WORK FOR Visual Basic 2008] Text1.Font = New Font(Text1.Font.Size, 9) Text1.Font = New Font(Text1.Font.FontFamily, 9, FontStyle.Bold) THIS CODE WILL WORK IN Visual Basic 2008, AND WILL HAVE THE SAME EFFECTS    

Posted: October 29, 2012

Digital Sound 120- Students will finish papers on Building a studio/business. The students must include education information within the province. All papers are due tomorrow. Soundscaping starts tomorrow. Law120- Teacher will lead a review on the speacial guest we had on Friday. Students will talk about the more interesting aspects of the presentation. The teacher will then start a discussion as to Forensics and crime investigation. Computer Science 110- Students should try to complete the current unit and attempt visual basic. Some of the wording is differnt on your online course. Howeevr we are making a list as we go through. Unit nine list will be coming soon.
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Posted: October 26, 2012

Digital sound 120- Listen to Recordings of advertisements. Students will work on digital sound paper when finished. Students are reminded that we will listen to ads tomorrow. Students (Individual) are to research and write a paper on the journey of sound. Students will research the education required and the job options available for sound technicians. They will they respond to the information by writing about which area appeals to them. (1 Page) Secondly students( In pairs)  will begin to look at their next sound project. Students are to pretend that they are building their own sound company. Discuss what type of company do you wish to have? (recording, movie recording, live production ect.)  What type of equipment will they need? Students will produce a 3 page write up on the equipment needed, with pricing. Include the following: Types of cables Mixer speakers microphones- 10 different ones (You will need to think about the different types of mics you will need and how they receive different sounds.) Snake effects (Equalizers and other effects machines) Amps Instruments Other equipment that relates to your specific company. Law 120 Moira McLaughlin guest speaker for law class.  Computer science 110- Unit 8- Fixes Instruction 1.       Unable to resize textbox- set multiline to true to resize the textbox 2.       No palette use custom to get your purple colour. Assignment 1.       To find your circle for the assignment- look under visual basic powerpacks. 2.       Remember to name forms correctly- ·         eg. Cmd (command buttons) ·          shp (Shapes) ·         txt-text (buttons)

Posted: October 24, 2012

Digital sound 120- Listen to Recordings of advertisements. Students will work on digital sound paper when finished. Students are reminded that we will listen to ads tomorrow. Students (Individual) are to research and write a paper on the journey of sound. Students will research the education required and the job options available for sound technicians. They will they respond to the information by writing about which area appeals to them. (1 Page) Secondly students( In pairs)  will begin to look at their next sound project. Students are to pretend that they are building their own sound company. Discuss what type of company do you wish to have? (recording, movie recording, live production ect.)  What type of equipment will they need? Students will produce a 3 page write up on the equipment needed, with pricing. Include the following: Types of cables Mixer speakers microphones- 10 different ones (You will need to think about the different types of mics you will need and how they receive different sounds.) Snake effects (Equalizers and other effects machines) Amps Instruments Other equipment that relates to your specific company. Law 120  Presentations  Computer science 110- Unit 8- Fixes Instruction 1.       Unable to resize textbox- set multiline to true to resize the textbox 2.       No palette use custom to get your purple colour. Assignment 1.       To find your circle for the assignment- look under visual basic powerpacks. 2.       Remember to name forms correctly- ·         eg. Cmd (command buttons) ·          shp (Shapes) ·         txt-text (buttons)

Posted: October 23, 2012

Digital sound 120- Listen to Recordings of advertisements. Students will work on digital sound paper when finished. Students are reminded that we will listen to ads tomorrow. Students (Individual) are to research and write a paper on the journey of sound. Students will research the education required and the job options available for sound technicians. They will they respond to the information by writing about which area appeals to them. (1 Page) Secondly students( In pairs)  will begin to look at their next sound project. Students are to pretend that they are building their own sound company. Discuss what type of company do you wish to have? (recording, movie recording, live production ect.)  What type of equipment will they need? Students will produce a 3 page write up on the equipment needed, with pricing. Include the following: Types of cables Mixer speakers microphes- 10 different ones (You will need to think about the different types of mics you will need and how they recieve different sounds.) Snake effects (Equalizers and other effects machines) Amps Instruments Other equipment that relates to your specific company. Law 120 Courthouse visit for period #3- Period #4 we are doing presentations.  Computer science 110- Unit 8- Fixes Instruction 1.       Unable to resize textbox- set multiline to true to resize the textbox 2.       No palette use custom to get your purple colour. Assignment 1.       To find your circle for the assignment- look under visual basic powerpacks. 2.       Remember to name forms correctly- ·         eg. Cmd (command buttons) ·          shp (Shapes) ·         txt-text (buttons)

Posted: October 22, 2012

Digital sound 120- Listen to Recordings of advertisments. Recordings will be due on Monday. Students will work on digital sound paper when finished. Students (Individual) are to research and write a paper on the journey of sound. Students will research the education required and the job options available for sound technicians. They will they respond to the information by writing about which area appeals to them. (1 Page) Secondly students( In pairs)  will begin to look at their next sound project. Students are to pretend that they are building their own sound company. Discuss what type of company do you wish to have? (recording, movie recording, live production ect.)  What type of equipment will they need? Students will produce a 3 page write up on the equipment needed, with pricing. Include the following: Types of cables Mixer speakers microphes- 10 different ones (You will need to think about the different types of mics you will need and how they recieve different sounds.) Snake effects (Equalizers and other effects machines) Amps Instruments Other equipment that relates to your specific company. Law 120- Teacher will discuss with students some important court elements/ dress code ect. Teacher will biefly explain the roles of the officers of the court to prepare students for their court visit. The students will then finish their work and practice presentations. Teacher will add one more element to the presentations- evidence. How does evidence play an important part in court argument. Evidence is the proof behind the actus Rea and Mens Rea. provide evidence for your Actus Rea and Mens Rea.  Presentations will be due the following class day.  Computer science 110- Unit 8- Fixes Instruction 1.       Unable to resize textbox- set multiline to true to resize the textbox 2.       No palette use custom to get your purple colour. Assignment 1.       To find your circle for the assignment- look under visual basic powerpacks. 2.       Remember to name forms correctly- ·         eg. Cmd (command buttons) ·          shp (Shapes) ·         txt-text (buttons)  
