Mr. Gopee Notes

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Posted: February 5, 2013

History 112- Look at an event around the world, a revolution happening as identify these specific areas. Teacher will give students a chart. Look for one example around the world, and identify the 4 areas of a revolution. We will then compare a modern revolution to the French Revolution. Please use other credible websites to support your answer. Law 120- Influences on Canadian Law Class discussion on how do these things influence Canadian Law. What factors remain and which are different. (20 Minutes)- Students will break up into groups to explain the following: Read pages 24-30 Feudal Law Common Law Legal Law Aboriginal Law Trials- Ordeal/ Fire/ Oath Rule of Law Habeas Corpus  Students will then work through definitions list for chapter 1 law_unit_1_definitions_assignment.doc   Performance Arts- The objective and picking a monologue.
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Posted: February 4, 2013

History 112- History is happening all around us. Everyday people all over the world are creating History. Change happens and this creates History. “Brainstorm the term revolution- Can you think about revolutions happening around our world today?  Four concepts to discuss: (Notes)            New Ideas           Social conflict          Political Factor       Economic conditions Law 120-   Discuss survival code. Rules vs Laws. rules developed for law class. Importance of rules and laws. Historical Root of law- Hammurabi's code of laws/Napoleonic Code. Activity #2: Historical Roots of Law. historical_roots_of_law.ppt Performance Arts Students will present their Broadway shorts project in the theatre.   Music 10- Students are working through their musical genres workbook. THEATRE ARTS-   History of theatre/ Greek- Roman periods. Groups developed to research and present on the founding fathers of theatre.  

Posted: February 3, 2013

Modern History 112- History is happening all around us. We discussed the issue of “historical significant,” why is this moment in history important and what can we learn from it. Today students will engage in a 2-part research activity to show their understanding of historical significance. (Individual project) Part 1. Research and respond to two historically significant events that are happening around us. The first can be worldwide; the second should be current Canadian information. Research and follow these guidelines to accomplish your task: ·      Summarize the event, news “history” (1-2 paragraphs) ·      Explain in your own words why you picked this topic (why is it historically significant) (1-2 paragraphs) Part 2. Now discuss what you think will be a future historical significant event. (Example world war III- you may not use this one.) Make a logical guess and then explain why it would be historically significant. (1-2 Paragraphs) Due Tuesday 5th, February, 2013. link provided for a better understanding of Historical significance.   Law 120- Work in pairs to make a timeline that reflects how laws started and how they have progressed to today.  Include a brief write up – (paragraph) of what happened in that time period, what it teachers us about laws, and how it is significant to our law system today. Each group should have at least a page. Include a work-cited page. (no particular format) Due Tuesday 5th, February, 2013.  Performance Arts – Students will have this day to work on their project. They are due tomorrow.Due Tuesday 5th, February, 2013.  Music 10- musical genres continued and discussed. The worksheet provided by Mrs. Curtis.   Theatre Arts 120-( 15 minutes) Students will write their quiz. On a blank piece of paper write the first five lines of Shakespeare’s “Seven ages of Life” Students can then trade with other students and correct the work. ½ mark for every mistake. This includes spelling, punctuation, missing words ect. It will be out of 13. The second part of the quiz is to list the seven ages of man- out of 7. – ½ mark per mistake, example out of order, spelling ect. ·      The infant ·      Whining schoolboy ·      Lover ·      Soldier ·      Justice ·      Lean slippered pantaloons or businessman, or career. ·      Second childhood or old age. Then students will then begin their autobiography. Every actor approaches a character based on their “frame of reference” their past experiences and background gives them their ideas of how the character would react. Over the semester students will begin to build an autobiography, include the following: ·      Accomplishments ·      Failures ·      Future goals (where would you like to be in 5 years/10 years/20 years) ·      Likes/dislikes. This Bio will be a work in progress. Tell me about yourself. This is just the beginning.

Posted: February 1, 2013

History 112: The six benchmarks discussed. Students will then look through the last decade and determine what events are considered important according to the benchmarks. They will list five of them and support why they are important. Students were asked to work in pairs to list 5 of the most historically significant events that happened in the last decade. Law 120: Students will look at what is law and why it is needed. The Survival island code is discussed and then Law vs rules discussed. Introduction to Law:  Performance Arts 120: Students will work on their broadway shorts assignments. Music 10- teacher will lead discussion on the musical styles. Analyzing Country and rap. Then students will work together to analyze other genres of music. Theatre Arts 120:Activity#1: The human Knot- (10 minutes) History of theatre/ Greek- Roman periods. Groups developed to research and present on the founding fathers of theatre.

Posted: January 30, 2013

History 112- Students will overview the course outline. Historical thinking concepts outlined. Text book introduced- Students will complete assignment # 1- Text book scavenger hunt. Success in the course will mean that students have a flash drive for backing up their work, as well as a notebook for all class notes and assignments   history_112_outline1.pdf LAW 120-  Course overview discussed. Students brainstormed about their expectations for the class. Activity #1- The Survivor Island Legal Code.        law_120__course_outline.doc   Performance Arts- Students will be given overview of course outline. Teacher will instruct students to look in their packages to determine what musical theatre is represented by the clues provided. The students will then use the rest of time to work on their “Broadway shorts” project. Due on Monday February 4th, 2013. Music 10- Students will make a list of the genres of music that they listen to. The teacher will them go over those genres to see whether they are accurate. Students can support their choices. theatre_arts_120_course_outline.doc Theatre Arts- Course overview and teacher expectations. Shakespeare's seven ages of man discussed. There will a quiz on Monday September 12th- Recite the first five lines and name the seven ages of man.

Posted: January 17, 2013

Law12: answer these questions and attach them to your final copy of your 5 paragraph essay:   1.      What penalties do you feel that each person involved should get? And why?(Actus Rea and Mens Rea) (5 marks)   2.      Pretend that you are the defense. Your client has been charged with this crime under the criminal code of Canada. Write a defense for your client. (5 marks)   3.      You are the crown prosecutor in this case. What will your opening statement be. (Write it out- usually 2-3 paragraphs that outline your case, the causes and the penalty for the charge.) (5 Marks)  
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Posted: January 15, 2013

Digital sound: Below are the rubrics for the recordings. Law 120: remember that the exam for period 3 is Wednesday 23rd January 2013- afternoon 12:15 and period 4 Thursday 24th, January, 2013 at 8:30 am. Computer science- Teacher will mark all assignments this week. Be sure to show your working visual basics project.

Posted: January 14, 2013

Digital Sound: Students are reminded to finish their finals for Friday morning. Please ensure that your project is school appropriate and copyright free. Law: Law students will begin their review today. Students are asked to look at a case and answer some questions about criminal and civil law.see handout. Due tomorrow. Computer science: Students are asked to finish up to unit 11.  
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Posted: January 11, 2013

Digital sound: Students are reminded that this is the week that they produce their final for the course. Bring in all ,materials and show evidence of working in class. Law120: Teacher will finish up with civil law paoerpoint today. Here is an outline for the next week so students can prepare. Monday 14th, 2013- tort law Tuesday 15th, 2013- Youth criminal justice act Wednesday 16th, 2013- Review outline presented Thursday 17th, 2013- Class time - work on the review Friday 18th, 2013- Answers discussion for the review of exam. Computer science: Students are asked to complete up to unit 11 by the end of next week- Teacher will begin to mark the assignments and test your knowledge on the coding behind each assignment.
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Posted: January 9, 2013

Digital Sound 120: Students have about 8 days left in class. The time will be given for students to complete one of the following. The mark on this assignment will be recorded as their exam mark for the course. Students will choose one of the areas and develop an audio project that shows their understanding of the skillset that was practiced in the course. 1.       Produce an original song: (Individual) a.       The song should range about 3-4 minutes in length b.      Original lyrics and melody line c.       The song should contain at least 3 track lines d.      The teacher should be given a hardcopy of the song. e.      Balance/ tempo/voice/ creativeness/ organization/audience 2.       Make an original movie: (Pairs) a.       Movie should be 5-10 minutes in length b.      At least 15 Foley tracks should be incorporated into the film. c.       Foley tracks should be made and recorded- (Fill out Foley planning sheet) d.      Original script submitted with effects and music score e.      Balance/pacing/ editing/ audience/ Plot/ Creativeness 3.       Produce an original 5 minute mystery: (individual) a.       Write an original script outlining the sound effects used b.      Have at least 20 sound effects c.       Use copyright free music or produce your own sound. d.      Create a soundscape for the story. e.      Voice/ characterization/ Plot/ Audience and balance will be key aspects in this production. Note: These projects are due in class on 18th January, 2013. Grading: 1.       Production- 70 % (end product) 2.       Class time used for production- 30% (you must be working on your production during class time)
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Posted: December 4, 2012

Digital sound: Students will continue to work on their jingles. Remember his should be linked to a product as you will build a radio ad with it. The jingle itself is due on Monday. Law120: Students ave he class period to interview their witnesses. Remember hat case 1and2start tomorrow. The crown will bring their witnesses. The rest of the class is writing their papers. Computer science: unit 9 this week.

Posted: December 4, 2012

Digital Sound: Students are working on jingle writing. Jingle writers are often given the tasks to come up with a unique way to sell a product. Students will spend this week writing a jingle and then building a commercial for the product using the original jingle. Students who have completed this task early will be able to achieve bonus marks if they can write a creative jingle for the new JMH store, "the cat shack." Jingles are due on Monday 10th December. Law 120: Law students will begin the trial today. For the next few weeks the students have been given law cases. There are three cases that are being addressed in the class. Lawyers for each trial have been preparing for the case. Students who are not lawyers play witnesses for the different cases. Today students will begin opening statements. Tomorrow students will be given the time to prepare their witnesses for the stand on Thursday. Students who are not involved in the cases are writing their law paper entitled "there ought to be a law against/for..." Remember this paper is in MLA format and must be backed up with at least 3 credible sources. Computer science 110: Students should remember to finish up to unit 9 this week.  

Posted: November 30, 2012

Digital Sound: Students will work to create a jingle in order to sell a product. Jingle writers spend time understanding the product in order to develop a "musical catch-phrase" that will build awareness of the product. After a Jingle is released, marketing companies then develop an entire marketing campaign, using the jingle to popularize the product or company. A good jingle can actually make or break a product. Below are some writing tips for jingles. As you write your jingle make sure it is entirely original. Which means you will write the musical tones, lyrics or any other material that will highlight the product. The jingle writing is step one of the assignment. Step two will be to create a radio commercial using the Jingle that you write. (Make sure all the writing is school appropriate. Law 120: Students will begin their Law Court case today. Lawyers are handed their case files  and the rest of the class is working on their "there ought to be a law against..." paper. Computer science- By the end of the week- students should be on Unit 9 and have up to unit 8 quizzes completed  

Posted: November 26, 2012

Digital Sound: Students will present their audio scavenger hunt recordings. Teacher will then give students until Wednesday to finish projects due to the problems with the server and recording software. All projects due on Wednesday 28th, November 2012. Law120: Students will continue their notes on the Justice system in Canada. We will look at jury duty and the responsibilities of the participants of the court. Computer Science: All students should try to complete Unit 8 this week and take up to Unit 7 quizzes.  

Posted: November 22, 2012

1.     Digital Sound: Students will continue working on their recordings. However the server has been giving trouble. So I have prepared a scavenger hunt in case the system is down. This audio scavenger hunt will challenge students to use creativity to reproduce sounds, just like foley artist. May the best group win. 2.     Law120- Students will look at jury duty today and how the process is carried out. They will understand the role of a jury member as well as the other court officials. 3.     Computer science: All students should finish their lucky seven Visual Basic exercise.  
