Mr. Gopee Notes

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Posted: March 19, 2013

History 112- Students will complete the July Crisis discussion. Students will then answer their last three questions for tomorrow. Law 120- A look at the Criminal code of Canada. Students will start their fairy tale crime project. Project is due in Monday 25th, March 2013. Students should have the following completed by the end of class today. The summary of their story (Fairy tale) The crimes identified- (you need at least 3- I'm hoping you find 5) Actus Rea and Mens Rea- prove the mindset through- knowledge, intent, neglect ect. The section of the criminal code that refers to your crimes. Performance Arts: Apostrophes script casting today. Characterization discussed. Music 10- Students will choose instruments- basic music reading skills. Theatre Arts:    Monday March 18th, 2013- Wednesday March 19th, 2013- Students will bring raw materials to build their sets. Set building should take about 2-3 days. The set and the will be due on Thursday. Thursday March 21st, -Friday March 22nd, 2013- Students will present their building projects of a set, explaining the materials/ cost of building and purpose of the set and how it fits the show requirements.

Posted: March 14, 2013

History 112- Students will engage in the July Crisis conference. Countries are about to go to War. Can you stop them? See your link below for your country. Outline as follows: ·         March 14th, 2013- Research- make a flag of your country/ decorate your tables. ·         March 15th, 2013- tables arranged for conference- decorated and negotiations start. ·         March 18th, 2013- conclusion of negotiations ·         March 19- hand in individual assignments Law 120- Students will begin their study on crime. Students will then discuss with teacher the elements of a crime and what areas a person would be found guilty. The students will then look at the criminal code of Canada. Criminal Code- Performing Arts- Cast will complete the reading of “apostrophes” Discuss casting and assigning of roles. Students may also work on their song choices for the next music selection on March 23rd, 2013. Music 10- Students will have their quiz today. Remember that the quiz is based on your knowledge of the musical instruments. Theatre Arts- Schedule to set and design component of the course. ·         Thursday March 14th, 2013- Students will choose a show and prepare a synopsis of the show outlining all variations needed for the set. Then students will brainstorm and develop their stage through a drawing. ·         Friday March 15th, 2013- Students will complete their drawing of their set which will be due on Monday. ·         Monday March 18th, 2013- Wednesday March 19th, 2013- Students will bring raw materials to build their sets. Set building should take about 2-3 days. The set and the will be due on Thursday. ·         Thursday March 21st, -Friday March 22nd, 2013- Students will present their building projects of a set, explaining the materials/ cost of building and purpose of the set and how it fits the show requirements.
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Posted: March 13, 2013

History 112- Students will engage in the July Crisis conference. Countries are about to go to War. Can you stop them? See your link below for your country. Outline as follows: ·         March 13th, 2013- research ·         March 14th, 2013- Research- make a flag of your country/ decorate your tables. ·         March 15th, 2013- tables arranged for conference- decorated and negotiations start. ·         March 18th, 2013- conclusion of negotiations ·         March 19th, 2013- hand in individual assignments LAW 120-  Complete discussion on human rights. Cases discussed. Performing Arts- Yesterday we talked about how casting is done. Take some time to cast the play. Why did you choose the actors for the parts? Characterization explored. Music 10- Yesterday students worked on musical scavenger hunt. Today students have time to study for quiz. Theatre Arts- Set designing- types of stages discussed. Purpose of a set design/ cost/ materials. human_rights.ppt

Posted: March 11, 2013

History 112- Students will work on the following questions to get them ready for World war 1 and the July Crisis. 1.      What was the trigger that set WW1 in motion? 2.      What countries were involved in the war? 3.      What were the needs of each of the countries? 4.      How did technology play in important part in WW1? 5.      What is the July crisis Students are reminded that the teacher will pick up and mark the following tomorrow. ·         The revolutions worksheet ·         The two French revolutions worksheets ·         Industrial revolution one page write up. LAW 120- We have just looked at the Charter of rights and Freedoms. Teacher will discuss the rights and freedoms of all groups and bring the discussion to the human rights Act. Performing Arts- Students will finish all their musical presentations. History of musical theatre begins this week. Music 10- Students have finished their projects on creating a music group and music styles through the mixcraft software. Today we start the project on musical instruments. Theatre Arts- Final presentations on Persuasive Broadway Musicals.
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Posted: March 1, 2013

History 112-   Special speaker today- Mrs. Ryder- she will be discussing some key issues on the Industrial revolution. Law120- Today students will look at the "other side of the coin" in terms of the Ashley Smith Case. Students will research and right a one page paper in response to the following questions. Discuss a summary of the Ashley Smith Case Present the CBC side of the Story- You may want to see if she was mentally ill and if so, what are the rights for the mentally ill. Search and discover the other side of the story- What about the prison officer's side of the story. According to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms- do you feel that Ashely Smith's rights were violated.-Support your answer using websites and journals  Performance Arts- song performance Music 10- Presentations of music and materials. THEATRE ARTS- Presentation- Presentations are put off until after the break because of an important assembly today.

Posted: February 26, 2013

History 112-   Students can work in groups of 2-3 and choose one of the projects to present on Thursday October 4th, 2013. They will be given time in class over the next 3 days to put together their presentation or paper. A presentation can have groups of 3, however a paper can be individual, or with one partner. Please see the attachment to choose your topic. Law120- Students will research information on the Ashley Smith trial. Who was Ashley Smith? Why was she sentenced? Summarize her experience. How was her behavior in the detention facility? What are your thoughts on the "fifth estate's presentation?" What biases did this media presentation of the Ashley Smith case present? Some say that there were violations of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in this case, defend your thoughts.  Performance Arts- Workshops. Mr Gopee in the theatre with monologues and Mr. Curtis the music room. workshops continued.  Music 10- Timeline worksheet due today. Rock band assignment- mixcraft demo.  THEATRE ARTS- Presentation- how to conduct a good presentation. Students will work on a persuasive presentation on the next school musical. See rubric for information. Also see the sites below for help choosing your musical. Due on Tuesday February 26th, 2013  

Posted: February 24, 2013

  History 112-   Students can work in groups of 2-3 and choose one of the projects to present on Thursday October 4th, 2013. They will be given time in class over the next 3 days to put together their presentation or paper. A presentation can have groups of 3, however a paper can be individual, or with one partner. Please see the attachment to choose your topic.  Law 120-  Canadian rights. What rights do we have as Canadians? What do we do if they are violated? Who can we talk to? Search and tell me 3 interesting things about the charter of rights and Freedoms. The need for the Charter of Rights/ Notwithstanding Clause.   Charter of rights- You will write a paper on the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in MLA format. Please use an ebco source. username- nbed \password: bigchalk     paper1_canadian_charter_of_rights_and_freedoms.doc  research_report_rubric2_0.doc Teacher will edit papers over the next two days. Paper is due on Tuesday February 26th, 2013 Performance Arts- Workshops. Mr Gopee in the theatre with monologues and Mr. Curtis the music room.workshops continued. Music 10- Timeline worksheet due today. Rock band assignment- mixcraft demo.  THEATRE ARTS- Presentation- how to conduct a good presentation. Students will work on a persuasive presentation on the next school musical. See rubric for information. Also see the sites below for help choosing your musical. Due on Tuesday February 26th, 2013  oral_presentation_rubric.doc  effective_presentations.doc  choose_a_musical.doc    

Posted: February 21, 2013

 History 112-   Discussion of theindustrial revolution. Powerpoint slides highlight and compare the industrial revolution with the French Revolution. Discussion as to the historical relevance. Remember the industrial revolution brought us labour laws. Law 120-  Canadian rights. What rights do we have as Canadians? What do we do if they are violated? Who can we talk to? Search and tell me 3 interesting things about the charter of rights and Freedoms. The need for the Charter of Rights/ Notwithstanding Clause.  Charter of rights- will write a paper on the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in MLA format. Please use an ebco source. username- nbed \password: bigchalk    paper1_canadian_charter_of_rights_and_freedoms.doc research_report_rubric2_0.docTeacher will edit papers over the next two days.Paper is due on Tuesday February 26th, 2013Performance Arts- Workshops. Mr Gopee in the theatre with monologues and Mr. Curtis the music room.workshops continued. 10- Timeline worksheet due today. Rock band assignment- mixcraft demo. THEATRE ARTS- Presentation- how to conduct a good presentation. Students will work on a persuasive presentation on the next school musical. See rubric for information. Also see the sites below for help choosing your musical. Due on Thursday February 21st, 2013 oral_presentation_rubric.doc effective_presentations.doc choose_a_musical.doc causesoffrenchrev2.pdf 

Posted: February 19, 2013

History 112-   Students will be given the first 10-15 minutes to review their notes and worksheets. Then they will have a test on the French revolution. Here are the questions: Name the four factors of the revolution: New Ideas, social conflict, political factors, economic conditions. Tell me the story of the French revolution highlighting 10 points in chronological order. Discuss why we need to study the French revolution? Why is this historical relevant for today.  Law 120-  Canadian rights. What rights do we have as Canadians? What do we do if they are violated? Who can we talk to? Search and tell me 3 interesting things about the charter of rights and Freedoms. The need for the Charter of Rights/ Notwithstanding Clause. Top 10 human rights cases website Charter of rights- You will write a paper on the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in MLA format. Please use an ebco source. username- nbed \password: bigchalk paper1_canadian_charter_of_rights_and_freedoms.doc research_report_rubric2_0.doc Performance Arts- Workshops. Mr Gopee in the theatre with monologues and Mr. Curtis the music room. Music 10- Timeline worksheet due today. Rock band assignment- mixcraft demo. THEATRE ARTS- Presentation- how to conduct a good presentation. Students will work on a persuasive presentation on the next school musical. See rubric for information. Also see the sites below for help choosing your musical. Due on Thursday February 21st, 2013 oral_presentation_rubric.doc effective_presentations.doc choose_a_musical.doc causesoffrenchrev2.pdf

Posted: February 15, 2013

History 112-   French revolution worksheet #2 Law120- Discussion of ethics and how it relates to Law. The Alligator Story discussed.How does the Law balance fairness and justice? Find out 5 important things about the charter of rights. Why is it important to have rights? How can we decide what rights are fair and just? List the rights a person should have? Performance Arts- Workshops. Mr Gopee in the theatre with monologues and Mr. Curtis the music room. Music 10- Timeline worksheet due today. Rock band assignment- mixcraft demo. THEATRE ARTS- Presentation- how to conduct a good presentation. Students will work on a persuasive presentation on the next school musical. See rubric for information. Also see the sites below for help choosing your musical.

Posted: February 13, 2013

History 112-   French revolution worksheet #1 Law120- Students will complete their controversial case study. The students must be able to convey their thoughts backed up by credible sources. Please follow the outline provided. This is due at the end of class. Performance Arts- Workshops. Mr Gopee in the theatre with monologues and Mr. Curtis the music room. Music 10- Timeline worksheet due today. Rock band assignment- mixcraft demo. THEATRE ARTS- Presentation- how to conduct a good presentation. Students will work on a persuasive presentation on the next school musical. See rubric for information. Also see the sites below for help choosing your musical.   Due date : Next week Wednesday 20 Feb, 2013

Posted: February 13, 2013

History 112-   French Revolution Video. Students will look at the History Channel documentary on the French revolution in order to get the story. Students should fill in the four causes of the French revolution on their worksheet. Law120- Students will complete their controversial case study. The students must be able to convey their thoughts backed up by credible sources. Please follow the outline provided. This is due at the end of class. Performance Arts- monologue- choose one for your audition as well as a song. Today is the day to finalize your choices for your auditions. Music 10- Students have begun their timeline worksheet. To be completed for Thursday, February 14th, 2013.  THEATRE ARTS- Start of Improv. Purpose of the stage.
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Posted: February 11, 2013

History 112-   Socratic Circle: Continued-Revolutions Tell me what you now know about the French Revolution? Who are the players involved? What happened? 1.      Are revolution ever justified? When do you think that this I allowed? 2.      How much violence is allowed in order to achieve your goals? If you have to use terror did you have the support that you thought. 3. The rights of men discussed. 4.      When is the state allow to use force, can they violate the rights of man in order revolution? 5.      Terrorism vs revolution? Law 120-  Today teacher will finish the unit on Government and law. How did does Canada have the power to make laws. Quiz is Tuesday Feb 12, 2013. Performance Arts- monologue- choose one for your audition as well as a song. Rubric discussed. Music 10-  Quiz on musical genres.  THEATRE ARTS- presentations. Due on Today. 1-government_and_statute_law.ppt
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Posted: February 7, 2013

History 112-   Socratic Circle: Revolutions 1.      Are revolution ever justified? When do you think that this I allowed? 2.      How much violence is allowed in order to achieve your goals? If you have to use terror did you have the support that you thought. 3.      When is the state allow to use force, can they violate the rights of man in order revolution? 4.      Terrorism vs revolution? Law 120-  Quiz is Tuesday Feb 12, 2013. Performance Arts- monologue- choose one for your audition as well as a song. Music 10-  Quiz on musical genres next week.  THEATRE ARTS- presentations. Due on Monday.
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Posted: February 7, 2013

History 112-   Introduction to the French Revolution. Law 120- Students are given today to work on the definitions of Law. Teacher will introduce the BNA act, Canadian Charter, residual powers and federal and provincial jurisdictions. Quiz is Tuesday Feb 12, 2013. Performance Arts- Guest dance team. Please bring comfortable clothes. Music 10-  Finish Genre worksheet/ music Bingo.   THEATRE ARTS- Presentations for the founding Fathers of Theatre. Last day to prepare for presentations. Due on Monday.
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