Mr. Gopee Notes

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Posted: May 15, 2012

Students have just had a guest speaker, Adam Lordon. Adam explained how television seeks to alter to viewers interest. Over the last weeks students will have a couple of presentations to get ready in order to finish up the year. These projects will take into consideration all of the tech and writing skills taught throughout the year. Today teacher will lead a discussion on television and its role in Media. Students will break into groups to achieve the following: The will develop a pitch for a segment, a television show or a movie. The pitch should include information as to support the purpose of the film, the target audience and a marketing strategy. The marking will go as follow- The write up should include all the information to support the need- statistics that help support the desire for this piece (10 marks) It will also include a write up as to what you plan to do listing the responsibilities of each member of your group, list materials and other essentials needed. (10 marks) Peer evaluation will ask students to grade each other on their contribution.(5 marks)- Due on Thursday May 17th, 2012.  The students will then make use of their different filming skills and prepare a 2-3 minute promo, advertisement or even film the segment. Finally students will use Photoshop to build a piece of advertising.  History 112: Students will brainstorm with teacher about the Holocaust.  Teacher will give basic thoughts to help students in a quest for understanding. The Holocaust introduction assignment will help students understand how these events have taught us about history. Students will have until Thursday to complete the assignment. LAW 120:  Teacher will discuss with the students about the Youth Criminal Justice Act. act replaced the young Offenders Act. Students will research and build a table that helps them discover the difference between the two Acts. They should be able to answer the following questions as well: Why was there a need to change the Young Offenders Act? Does the new Act empower an equal non bias justice system? (support your answer) Do you feel that there should be amendments to the new act? (If so what are there? If not what makes the Act such a comprehensive document.)   Broadcast Journalism:
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Posted: May 9, 2012

History 112  -We will be finishing up projects. Reflection due by the end of class. And please find Notes attached below. 
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Posted: May 8, 2012

Broadcast Journalism: Papers due Monday History 112: Finish propjects Law 120: Each student will choose one concept of Law discussed in the course and writer a paper that explains their understanding of the Canadian Law. That paper should have the following: 1.       Explanation of Law concept- For example topics may include: History of Law, Forensic science, criminal code, judicial procedure, youth justice act, Or simply discuss the need of a legal system ect. 2.       Use outside text sources to better explain your understanding of the material. 3.       Choose a case study that shows the use and practice of the research. 4.       You paper will follow MLA format/ 12 font/ double space and be about 3 pages. 5.       Due on Monday May 14th, 2012  

Posted: May 6, 2012

Boradcast Journalism:- Students will submit and present their two-fold project on photojournalism. The students will show their creative display of their projects and submit their "national inquirer" image and story. Students will then begin to prepare a research paper on a journalism topic of their choice. The topics may include reporters, journalism concepts such as blogging, or any other concepts approved by the teacher. The paper will follow the following paramaters: 4-5 pages in length Double spaced 12 font MLA format Cited with credible sources Paper will be due on Monday May 14th, 2012.   HISTORY 112 Today we will be starting a project on WWII.  Description: Students will be given two class periods to work on this project. On the Third class day students will start presenting their projects. Students will work individually or in groups of two to prepare a presentation on one of the following topics. The goal is for students to be able to teach the rest of the class about the topic that they have chosen.  For each topic students will be able to answer the following questions .What is their topic? Who was involved? Where did it take place?  When did it take place? (Be more specific then during the Second World War) Why did it take place?  What is the historical significance of their topic?  Note:  During the presentation stage each student should be taking notes about each presentation. At the end of the presentations students will be asked to hand in a sheet with one piece of information that they learned about each of the topics. They will also be asked to write a short reflection about which topic they enjoyed the most and why. This reflection will be given a mark out of 5 based on how well students follow instructions. The main point of this reflection is to insure students pay attention to each other’s presentations.  Concepts and Outcomes: The questions will help students focus on ‘historical significance’ and ‘cause and consequence’.By the end of this lesson students will have a better understanding of the events and consequences of the Second World War and will be one step closer to being able to compare the consequences of the First World War and the Second World War. (Outcome 5.2.3)I   Topics D-Day (the Normandy Invasion) The Eastern Front The Battle of Stalingrad The North Africa Campaign The Battle of the North Atlantic Canada at War The Nazi Invasion of Norway, Denmark and Holland Battle of Dunkirk The Battle of Britain Pearl Harbor Hiroshima/Nagasaki Propaganda Weapons of W.W.II Operation Barbarossa Yalta Conference Women at War Internment Camps Hitler  Mussolini Stalin Canada in Holland Codes/Code Breakers The Fall of Paris The Surrender of  France The Warsaw Ghetto Hitler Snubs the Treaty of Versailles You may also come up with a topic of your own but you must get it approved by me before starting.  

Posted: May 1, 2012

Today we will be finishing up our notes on Total War and if time permits start a timeline activity on the second world war.Please find the PDF of the notes below :)    
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Posted: April 26, 2012

Broadcast Journalism: Students are working on a two fold project about the power of photos. First of all they are to choose a theme, and take at least 15 pictures to tell a story or theme. The pictures need to follow the 3 important rules of photography that were discussed in class. They will choose a creative medium of display and present them on Monday May 7th, 2012. Secondly students will open photoshop and manipulate a picture. Have at least 5 layers to your picture. The students will then write a creative "national inquirer" piece to go along with their picture. This is due on the Friday of May 4th, 2012.History112- Students are working on Appeasement project.Law 120- We have just discussed the process of jury selection. On Thursday and Friday of this week, students will watch the movie "runaway jury." The film focuses the importance of ethics in jury selection and the role of a jury. This will be discussed on Monday.

Posted: April 22, 2012

 Histroy 112 -    Students will present their projects on Life in Nazi Germany today. Today is the last day to hand in their assingments on appeasement. Today we will start our next assignment on European goverments. Found below.  Define the following terms in the context of 20th century Europe. (Between World War One and World War Two ) And answer the questions below.   1.       Communism 2.       Stalinism 3.       Fascism 4.       National Socialism 5.       Democracy 6.       Totalitarianism   What do all these terms have in common? What are some differences between them? Which European countries are associated with each term? Why did some of these European governments fail before the Second World War? (Think and talk specifically about the Weimar Republic.)Also define appeasement and write a paragraph on who was involved with the appeasement of germany and wheather you agree or dissagree with the poilcy of appeasement.  

Posted: April 18, 2012

Broadcast Journalism: Students are working on a photojournalism piece. This is an individual assignment unless teacher directed. Students will complete at least 15 pictures that displays a story. They will also be graded on the creative aspect of the presentation of the photojournalism assignment. Due on Tuesday next week.History 112-   Students are finishing their projects on Life in Nazi Germany. They are to be presented on Monday to the class. Monday is the last day to hand in their assignmnets on appeasement. Law 120: Jury selection: Answer the following questions about Jury selection:At what age can one become a participant in jury selection? 2.     How are prospective jury members summoned? 3.     What happens if one ignores a summons for jury duty? 4.     List reasons why someone could be excused from jury selection. 5.     What are the duties of the jury members Follow the link to find out about jury selection about the Stafford trial. And complete the following: 1.     Search the web to find out more about the trial and write a summary about the crime. (Include the crime, find out what the charge is under what section of the criminal code of Canada/ and name the victims and accused. – essentially try to tell the story of the crime) 2.     Develop a profile of the type of juror you will be looking for as Defense and Prosecutor.   Due on Monday 23rd April 2012  

Posted: April 10, 2012

Broadcast Journalism: Students will review documentaries. Students will also begin the introduction of photo journalism. Have students answer the following questions: Prepare a 2-3 minute presentation to explain the following: (You may work in pairs) What is photojournalism? How is it used in the media today? Reasearch the 3 rules of taking a picture- Rule of thirds/ Leading lines and Framing, use your phones, or cameras to take a picture example of each. Follow the link to a year in pictures. Look through the pictures and choose three that follow the rules of photography (One for each and explain why you choose these pictures. What is the story behind the picture? What does it mean and how does it speak to you? History 112: Students will work on presentations. They are due on Thursday April 12th, 2012. Students should be organized and clearly identify that they have a good understanding as to their countries’ position after WWI. Law 120 : Wath the case study-  Students are also reminded that there will be a quiz on Friday April 13th, 2012. The quiz will cover information presented in the powerpoint lesson about policework. Please be able to answer the first 4 questions on page 211 of text. As well as roles of the four types of police in canada. Students should also know what a police officer does at the arrival of the scene and the types and roles of each of the officers on a crime scene.

Posted: April 10, 2012

  Broadcast Journalism: Students will complete all documentaries and hand it into teacher at the beginning of class tomorrow. Remember to hand in all storyboard information, with copyright free music aqnd sound effects. History 112: Students have been divided into countries to present information about their countries’ role after WWI. Please see the attached file. And follow the links to get more information.   Law 120 : Students will first email their Law papers to the following address:,  Students will finish the work started on Friday and solve the crime. Then students will watch the video that is about the case. Students will discuss the roles of the officers and finish their charts and prepare for a quiz on the definitions on Friday 13th, April 2012.    

Posted: April 3, 2012

Broadcast Journalism- Students will be filming over the next two day in order to complete their video documentaries which we will watch on Tuesday. History 112- Watch Passendale part 2. Law 120- Law court house reflection sheet. Students will discuss their court visit and their case. Teacher will also dicuss the roles and responsibilities of police officer.

Posted: April 2, 2012

Broadcast Journalism- Students need to complete and hand in their Storyboards- incluyding all audio, script and questions as well as their writeup for background research. They may only record if they have organized a time for recording with teachers and students. Cameras are available but tapes need to be supplied by students. The documentary is due on Thursday of this week. History 112- Students will complete their presentations. Watch Passendale. Law 120- Students will begin discussion and lesson on chapter 8 of the textbook. Discussion on the variouos types of police and roles of police in crime investigation.
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Posted: March 28, 2012

Broadcast Journalism- Students will finish up their storyboard. Students will have the next two days to complete their journalism competition piece. to be submitted to Mr. Gopee end of class tomorrow. I will do editing tom orrow and we will submit all piece to be judged by the St. Thomas Univeristy Journalism panel. History 112- Students will complete their 3 questions as well as start their presentation projects on the wars of WWI. Conclusion- Due tomorrow. Answer the following three questions individually. 1. Europe has often been described as a powder keg" in 1914 and the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the "spark" which touched off the explosion. In your opinion, was World War I inevitable? 2. The Versailles Treaty ( held Germany responsible for the war, what do you think? 3. Find out how your country fared after the war ( Do you think that these countries would have been more amenable to compromise if they had known the consequences?   LAW 120- Students should have rough copies of their Law assignment ready for editing by the end of class today.  

Posted: March 26, 2012

Broadcast Journalism- Students will work on their storyboarding. Storyboards should be completed by tomorrow. Teacher will meet with each student to determine the quality of the ideas and to see whether they are ready for recording. Students are reminded that they need to bring their own tape (mini dv) for their recording. Recording begins on Wednesday. Students are also reminded that by now they should have the following: 1.      Proposal- outlining the main idea, ideas for interviews, footage and purpose of the documentary. 2.      Write-up- a one page explanation of the details of the documentary- show me that you have thought out the entire piece, as well as prove that all background information and research have been completed. 3.      Storyboards- visual details of what the camera will see- draw it as you will see in the frame of the camera. Include audio and script. 4.      Schedule of recording times- what you will record, where and at what time. Also if you need to film during class make sure you have confirmed with teachers and students. - Journalism Competition link History 112- Students have completed their research on their country and the negotiations begin today. Students will have 10 minutes to get ready. 1-2 minutes to express the following information: What does m y country want? How do we feel about the war? And any feelings that we have towards other countries involved. HINT: Be diplomatic. Then 10 minutes for negotiations./ 5 minutes regrouping (2 sessions)- the last few minutes they will begin to draft ideas and then tomorrow we will have day 2 of negotiations and develop a contract. LAW 120-  Every year the Canadian Bar Association New Brunswick Branch holds a variety of activities in honor of Law Day. Law Day is an annual event coordinated across Canada to raise awareness of the law and the judicial system in our nation’s young people. This year Law Day will be held on April 14th, 2012. The winner of the essay contest will be awarded $50 and their essay will be published in a local newspaper.

Posted: March 22, 2012

Broadcast Journalism- Students will work on storyboarding for their documentary. Teacher will explain Storyboard process. Students will then complete a professional storyboard mock-up. Remember: 1.       A storyboard is a visual representation of the camera view. 2.       Include all audio used for the presentation. (copyright free material) 3.       Include script used for the documentary. 4.       Draw as best as you can to show the angles and cuts of the camera Here are some websites to give some insights into storyboarding: History 112- Today students will explain their ideas on the Peace Treaty to their teacher. The teacher will test their knowledge as to the Historical background of the country, needs and wants and purpose for war. Students should also be able to give an explanation as to what they are willing to give up for Peace and who their enemies and alliances are. LAW 120- Students will be given a topic for debate. The students will then have 15 minutes to research and then present their arguments. Teacher will go over the rules for debate.
