Mr. Carter Notes

High School Math


Posted: September 24, 2013

Pre-Calculus 12A - Finish Chapter 1 and 10 Review questions and study for test.Pre-Calculus 12B - Finish Permutations worksheet.

Posted: September 23, 2013

Pre-Calculus 12A - Finish #1-10 (omit 6) from page 507Pre-Calculus 12B - Finish worksheet

Posted: September 23, 2013

Pre-Calculus 12A - Finish #1-9 on page 496

Posted: September 19, 2013

Pre-Calculus 12A - Attempt Example #2 from homework slides posted below.Pre-Calculus 12B - Finish "Series & Sequence Review" and study for test.

Posted: September 18, 2013

Pre-Calculus 12A - Finish #1-11 on page 483-484Pre-Calculus 12B - Finish Exercise 1.7 #1 and 2

Posted: September 17, 2013

Pre-Calculus 12A - Finish Homework Assignment (to be handed in Thursday)Pre-Calculus 12B - Finish #1-4 from Exercise 10.17

Posted: September 16, 2013

Pre-Calculus 12A - Attempt questions #2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 15, 18, 20, 21 from page 51-55.Pre-Calculus 12B - Finish "Sigma Notation" worksheet.

Posted: September 13, 2013

Pre-Calculus 12A - Copy notes on Inverse Relations and attempt Example 1.Pre-Calculus 12B - Finish worksheet.
PDF icon day_8_-_inverse_functions.pdf304.11 KB
PDF icon day_7_-_applications.pdf324.79 KB

Posted: September 12, 2013

Pre-Calculus 12A - Study for Quiz.  If you have comleted #1-11 from page 38 you may work on #1-12 from page 56.
PDF icon day_7_-_review_transformations.pdf1.38 MB

Posted: September 11, 2013

Pre-Calculus 12A - Finish #3-10 on page 39.Pre-Calculus 12B - Finish Review sheet and study for quiz!

Posted: September 10, 2013

Pre-Calculus 12A - Finish #2-6 on Page 38.Pre-Calculus 12B - Finish #1-8 (Omit 4) from Exercise 10.9

Posted: September 9, 2013

Pre-Calculus 12A - Finish #2, 5, 6, 7 on page 28.Pre-Calculus 12B - Finish #1-8 on Exercise 10.7

Posted: September 6, 2013

Pre-Calculus 12A - Finish #1 and 3 on page 28.Pre-Calculus 12B - Finish #1-6 from exercise 10.4

Posted: September 5, 2013

Pre-Calculus 12A - Finish Questions #1, 2, 4, 8 on page 12.Pre-Calculus 12B - Finish Questions #1, 2, 3, 6, 9 from Exercise 10.2

Posted: September 4, 2013

Pre-Calculus 12A - Review "Catalog of Essential Functions."Pre-Calculus 12B - Finish Questions #1, 2, 3 and 9 from exercise 10.2
