Mr. MacDonald

Here you can find all course content such as digital files, weblinks, videos and more.

Posted: October 3, 2018

PDF icon physics_112_acceleration_notes.pdf988.48 KB

Posted: October 3, 2018

PDF icon unit_1_position_and_velocity.pdf1.68 MB

Posted: October 3, 2018

Chemistry 112 Periods 1 & 3

  • Discussed and looked at examples of determining electron configurations for elements (Chapter 5.2).  We will conclude the unit tomorrow or Wednesday and I will have course notes posted then.
  • Review Questions for Orbitals and Electrong Configurations: Page 149 #s 22, 23, 26 - 34, 36, 37, 39.
  • Our second test about the Underlying Structure of Matter will be Wednesday, October 10th.
  • chem_112_chapter_5_guided_reading.pdf
  • chem_112_chapter_5_guided_reading_answers.pdf

Physical Science Period 4

Physics 112


PDF icon physics_112_position_time_graphs.pdf1.87 MB

Posted: October 2, 2018

Chemistry 112 Periods 1 & 3

Physical Science Period 4

  • Begin designing and planning your roller coaster.  More materials will be available tomorrow to begin construction.

Physics 112

Posted: September 30, 2018

Physical Science 10: Introduction to Roller Coasters

A video to introduce the concepts involved with creating a roller coaster, which will be our project of the next few days.

Posted: September 28, 2018

Chemistry 112 Periods 1 & 3

Physical Science Period 4

  • Motion Test.

Physics 112

Posted: September 27, 2018

Chemistry 112 Periods 1 & 3

  • Students spent time reading sections 5.1 and 5.2 about electron energy levels and orbits.
  • See relavent files below.

Physical Science Period 4

  • Motion review of postion and velocity graphs.
  • Test is Moved until Friday, September 28.

Physics 112

Posted: September 26, 2018

Chemistry 112 Periods 1 & 3

Physical Science Period 4

  • Motion review.
  • Test is Moved until Friday, September 28.

Physics 112

  • Solving for position of accelerating objects (file is below)


Posted: September 25, 2018

Chemistry 112 Periods 1 & 3

  • Reviewed materials related to atomic structure (Chapter 4)
  • See the attached files below to help review the material.

Physical Science Period 4

  • Velocity - time quiz.
  • Motion Unit test is Thursday, September 27.

Physics 112

  • Work period for acceleration problems with changing direction.  (See attached file below).
  • Acceleration problems quiz is scheduled for Friday, Sept. 28.


Image Galleries


Added: Wed, Dec 18 2019


Chemistry 112: Compound Names and Formulas Notes
Physics 112: Force of Friction Concept Questions
Physical Science 10: Ionic Compounds Worksheet
Chemistry 112 Chapter 7 (Pg 207) Answers