Mr. MacDonald

Here you can find all course content such as digital files, weblinks, videos and more.

Posted: March 28, 2019

Physics 112

  • We have begun our unit of kinematics after completing refraction.
  • The learning target guide will be handed out next week.

Chemistry 112

  • We have concluded the unit, Underlying Structure of Matter.
  • Monday, April 1 is a class dedicated for completing any retests.
  • Tuesday April 2 will be the test for the latest learning target, USMLT3.

Physics 122

  • We have began the unit on conservation of momentum.
  • The focus in on 1-D collisions and by the end of next week we will be investigating 2-D collisions.

Science 10

  • We have finished with work time for the class project.  A due date for the final project will be announced early next week.
  • Starting in April we will begin our chemistry unit.

Physics 112

  • Refraction unit is complete.  Test is Tuesday, March 26.

Chemistry 112

  • USMLT3 test is set for Monday, March 25

Physics 122

  • Projectile motion test is scheduled for Monday, March 25.

Science 10

  • Dedicated project work time for the rest of this week and next week.
  • Starting in April we will begin our chemistry unit.

Posted: March 20, 2019

PDF icon physics_112_refraction_llt3_notes.pdf453.08 KB

This is the rubric (see attached file below) I will be referring to for the semester to evaluate the science and engineering practices we are learning and exploring in class.  The rubric was adapted from a version created by the Conjo Valley Unified School District (

PDF icon science_10_sep_evaluation_rubric.pdf566.16 KB

Physics 112

  • We have started out next unit on the electromagnetic spectrum.
  • Notes are below.
  • Please read to page 11 in the following: em_spectrum_tour_nasa.pdf
  • We will quickly review the EM spectrum but then proceed in to our next section on refraction.

Chemistry 112

  • We have started the next unit, The Underlying Structure of Matter.
  • Test on isotopes will be Tuesday, March 12.
  • The first dedicated re-test day will be Monday, March 18.

Physics 122

  • We have begun working through projectile motion problems.
  • Work through page 1 of the practice problems (below).

Science 10

  • Last week students were designing egg capsules, but before using an egg they tested their design with accelerometers.
  • The worksheet they were using is below and videos will be uploaded within a few days.
  • This week we will review science and engineering practices and do some project planning.

Posted: March 6, 2019

A booklet put together by NASA detailing the electromagnetic spectrum.

PDF icon em_spectrum_tour_nasa.pdf6.71 MB

Posted: February 19, 2019

Physics 112

  • Waves unit is complete and there will be a test Thursday, February 21.
  • The complete unit notes and review sheet are below.

Chemistry 112

  • The second test on mixtures and the periodic table is scheduled for Friday, February 22.
  • Completed notes will be posted tomorrow.

Physics 122

  • We have been working on the mathematical solving of vectors. 
  • The test is scheduled for Monday, February 25 and the practice worksheet is below.

Science 10

  • Last Thursday and Friday saw students focusing on asking questions and documenting redesigns in creating a cushion out of simple materials to lessen the impact of a crash between a toy car and the floor.
  • This week students will focus on developing and planning their Science 10 project and an activity on Friday with a focus on making informed decisions from data.

Physics 112

  • Waves: Focus on explaining a mechanical wave, frequency and period.
  • Unit learning target guide and the notes are below.
  • First learning target assessment will likely be Tuesday or Wednesday next week.

Chemistry 112

  • Working on the classification of matter.
  • Notes are below.
  • First learning target assessment is this Friday.

Physics 122

  • We have been working on scale diagrams of vectors in 2-dimensions.
  • Worksheet is below.

Science 10

  • This week students will be choosing a project to meet course learning targets.  More details still to come, but essentially, students will work through a project (or two or three) to demonstrate their understanding of science and engineering practices (file below).


Image Galleries


Added: Wed, Dec 18 2019


Physics 122: Torque Worksheet Solutions
Physical Science 10: Chemistry Unit 2 May 7th
Physics 112 Acceleration Notes
Chemistry 112: Chemical Bonding Learning Targets