Mr. Gopee Notes

Teacher Page


Posted: December 2, 2013

History112: Students will begin working on WW2project. They will choose a topic from the list and then present the information. The presentations should be between 7-10 minutes.- Due on Thursday December 5th, 2013. The students are advised to take notes during presentations as well as be the expert in their area so that they can answer questions from the class. Ancient History: Students are finishing up their Alexander the Great paper. remember the Rubric and format is on the board. the students chose their topics and designed their rubric.Papers are due on Thursday December 5th, 2013 Law 120: Students will look at the Canadian court system today. How does it work as well as the different divisions of court.

Posted: November 28, 2013

History: review history

Posted: November 25, 2013

History 112: Teach led discussion on How Hitler became a dictator. Students will then have the rest of class time to write an essay about the life of Hitler. This will demonstrate their understanding of the discussion and background information. Ancient History: Pericles and the Peloponnesian war. Students will look at theis general and look at the power of the spoken word. This Greek general used words to motivate and inspire Athenians. Page 147.(benchmark moment.) There are a number of people in history that inspired others with speech. Search the web to prepare a 1-2 page write up on a person who has used words to inspire a nation. Analyze the speech- what are they saying? Why did they say that? What was the result. Please keep the bio of the person short. Focus on the speech itself. Law: Students will begin their Law Court case today. Lawyers are handed their case files and the rest of the class is working on their "there ought to be a law against..." paper.
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Posted: November 18, 2013

History 112: Students will look at the rise of dictators prior to WW2. Stalin and Hitler what were their similarities and how did that bridge them together? The students were given a worksheet to fill out as we discuss the information.  Ancient History- Students will examine the Minoan and Mycenaean culture. Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding as to how these two civilizations have influenced how we live today. Pages 131-135 in text. Law 120- review for quiz.

Posted: November 12, 2013

History 112: Students will work on the Passchendaele questions. The students have just completed a look at the muddiest war during WWI. This war gives students a good understandi9ng as to the reality of war that Canadians experienced. The students then answer questions that are related to the 6 benchmarks of history. Ancient History: Students completed their test for the Egypt Unit. Students will take one last journey through Egypt. Mr Gopee will share his pictures of Egypt. Through these pictures we will discuss the significance of the monuments and artwork. We will discuss how these are lessons that Egyptians have applied to real life. Mr Gopee will tie into the historical; benchmarks as we look at Egypt today. Law: Students will reflect on their presentation from the police on Thursday. The students will then begin their presentations on forensic science.

Posted: November 6, 2013

History 112: Students will work through their worksheets. The worksheets are provided.- Please check November 5th posting. Ancient History 10: Students will work on the Egypt review in this period. You will need this to study for your test. The test will take place on Friday November 8th, 2013. Law 120: Students are reminded that tomorrow period 5-6 they will go to Room 809 for a guest speaker. The students will need to finish their project work today. If finished log into the following website to experience forensic detective work.
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Posted: November 5, 2013

History 112: Students have just completed the July Crisis. The students negotiated for a peace treaty. The teacher then explained how in reality this peace treaty failed and WWI was inevitable. The teacher then introduced the students to the life of a WWI soldier. The students will then learn about the reality of War and see how propaganda was used in order to recruit soldiers. The worksheets provided will help the students over the next couple of days understand the reality of warfare. Extension learning question: How does this reality of war affect recruitment today? Ancient History: Teacher will instruct students in the religious and rituals of the mummification process. The view of death and the afterlife of Ancient Egyptians governed the way they lived. Does this ring true today? Remember there is a unit test on Friday of this week. Law 120: Students are working on their forensics presentations. These are due next Tuesday. This Thursday students are reminded that we will have a guest speaker from the police department. Students will be pulled out of periods 5-6 and are to check in with their teachers.

Posted: October 30, 2013

History 112: Students are working on information for the July crisis peace treaty. Tomorrow students will be able to stand up in front of the class and give the delegates background information and the demands of their assigned country. The students will then have time to research for the negotiations that will begin on Monday. Our goal is to achieve peace and stop WWI Ancient History: Students are working on their tic/tac/toe and these are due on Monday. Law students begin their research on forensic science. The outline is provided.
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Posted: October 28, 2013

History 112: students are working on the July crisis. In 1914 delegates from around the world met together to prevent war. You are those delegates. Research your country. Find out the needs and wants of your country. negotiate to prevent a world war. All links are provided for you. Follow your assigned couontry and prepare for the peace conference.Ancient History: Students are working in pairs to complete a tic-tac-toe. This will demonstrate their knowledge of Egyptian culture.Law 120: Students are reminded that tomorrow we go to the courthouse. Please dress up for this activity. You will need some money for lunch. All other expenses are looked after. Today we will look at the the court system and prep students for their courthouse visit.

Posted: October 23, 2013

History 112: Students begin a new chapter in History today, WWI. The students discuss with the teacher about the M.A.I.N. causes of the war. Students are reminded that their revolutions chart is due today. Ancient History: Students are doing presentations on Egypt. Each group of students has produced a song or poem to help us remember the main points of social life in Egypt. Law 120: Students are reminded that we finish the presentations on a fairy tale crime and that we begin looking at the roles of police officers.

Posted: October 9, 2013

History 112: students will finish their research test. This test is designed to do two things: 1.       First of all to test students on their abilities to research and get information that they do not know. 2.       Secondly this test will also encourage students to read and comprehend material that is unfamiliar to them. Both of these skills are essential in becoming a life –long learner. After test students are writing a “Historical Article” Students will find an event in history that is current (Last 5 years) They will then summarize the event. Then use 2 of the six benchmarks to support why they think that it should be included in world history. (The article is about 1 page in length- double spaced) Ancient History: We began our study in Egypt today. Students should have notes on the geography of Egypt. Law 120: students continued to work on their fairy tale crime this week. Students are reminded to follow the rubric

Posted: October 7, 2013

History 112: Students continue to work on their research test. This should be finished tomorrow. Ancient History: Students will take a journey to Egypt today. The teacher will brainstorm with students as to what they know about Egypt. Then students will watch the time/life documentary on Egypt as to give them a background about the nation. Law 120: The Law students will complete their discussion on the elements of a crime. They will look at the criminal code of Canada. Teacher will pair them off and introduce them to a “Fairy tale crime”   
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Posted: October 4, 2013

History 112: students are engaged in a research test about the industrial revolution. The students will use 2 class periods to research and gain information on the industrial revolution. It will be due at the end of class on Monday/Tuesday of next week. Ancient History: Students finished presentations today. The students were then given a quiz to test what information they have retained. On Monday Students will begin their journey through Egypt. Law 120: The students tested their detective abilities by looking to see how perceptive they can be. The teacher gave them pictures and they sort out the differences. The students were then given a 5 minute mystery to determine the actus Rea and Mens Rea of the crime. And the intent and motive. Students then argue for their choice. (The Solution Case) The Teacher then discusses with the students Actus Rea and Mens Rea.
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Posted: October 1, 2013

History 112: Students have just finished the worksheet on #1 and #2 causes of the revolution. Students will need to have all worksheets submitted by Wednesday October 2nd, 2013. In doing so they will get the full credit for trying the worksheets. The students will have a discussion today on what are their rights. The teacher will lead the discussion and students will brainstorm a list of their rights. Where does this come from? Teacher will then introduce the Declaration of rights of men that was developed in 1789 during the French Revolution. The students will then examine these documents along with others to see the similarities and differences of these documents. Worksheet is attached (2 days) They will draft a survivor island code and compare their results to the charter of rights and freedoms. Ancient History 10- Students had a mock test yesterday. This was done so students are aware of the importance of study and to teach them a study habit. The test will held today. Tomorrow they begin their presentations on Mesopotamia. Law 120: Law students began an assignment on the value of Human Rights. We have just finished our Ashley Smith case study. Students we examining whether or not Ashley Smith’s rights were violated. No they examine rights in terms of human rights. Tomorrow there will be a guest speaker in class- Nick Hardy will present the other side of the story in terms of Ashley Smith. In doing so the teacher will then lead a discussion in the power of media and its influence on law.

Posted: September 27, 2013

History 112: Students have just watched the history channel presentation on the French Revolution. If you miss something, you can view this on youtube: Students should try to use the information presented in class and posted on the teach page about the causes of a revolution to fill in the chart poster on this webpage. They would have already filled in the Arab Springs portion of the chart. See noted on Tuesday 24th, 2013. Finally students we given a worksheet: posted today to complete to show their understanding of the French revolution story. Ancient History: Students have grouped themselves together to work on presentations about Mesopotamia. The students were given a day to research. They were shown the rubric that they are graded on and they met with the teacher to go over their presentation. The rubric is posted. The students are reminded about their quiz today and that their presentations will begin on Monday September 30th, 2013. Students are reminded that absentees of their group will mean that the presentations still happens but the group member who is absent will have to write a report to show their understanding to make up for the mark. Law120: Students discussed the Ashley Smith case and whether her rights were violated or not. The students then learned about human rights and their responsibility in regards to discrimination. Worksheet on human rights handed out in class to test the students understanding as to the discussion.
